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Kevin Mulligan


Professor in Philosophy at USI. He occupied the chair of analytic philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Geneva from 1986 to 2016.

He founded the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP) and thumos, and co-founded eidos – the Geneva-Lugano centre for metaphysics - and Inbegriff - the Geneva Seminar for Austro-German philosophy, and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters and of the Academia Europaea.

He has taught philosophy in Aix, Barcelona, Constance, Dublin, Florence, Freiburg, Hamburg, Innsbruck, Irvine, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Paris, Pennsylvania, Rome, Santiago de Compostela, Sydney, Venice, Trento, Umea and Zurich. He has also supervised the PhD theses of 30 students, many of whom now hold positions in philosophy in several different countries.

He has published extensively on analytic metaphysics, the philosophy of mind and Austrian thought from Bolzano to Musil, in particular on ascent, attitudes, certainty, colours, connectives, correctness, dependence, emotions, foolishness, grounds, indexicality, interest, irony, knowledge, meaning something, meanings, norms, properties, perception, poetry, processes, promises, reasons, relations, states of affairs, tropes, truth, truthmakers, wholes and value.


2020 - 2022

Functions, Relations and Types

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director : K. Mulligan (USI & FT, Lugano)

Budget: CHF 168´315

Collaborator: Dr. J. Plate



Identity in Cognitive Science, Quantum Mechanics, and Metaphysics

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland 

Director: Kevin Mulligan (USI, Lugano)

Budget: CHF 264'775

Collaborators: Dr. R. Michels, Dr. J. Waechter.



Connectives, Predicates and Priority

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director : Kevin Mulligan (USI, Lugano)

Budget: 230 421 CHF

Collaborator: Dr. J. Plate.




Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director : K. Mulligan (USI, Lugano), Deputy-Directors: O. Massin (Zuerich), Chr. Wüthrich (Geneva)                                                                                                  

Budget : 224 397 CHF,                                                      

Collaborators : Dr. C. Calosi, Dr. D. Costa.



Indeterminacy and Formal Concepts

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland,

Director : K. Mulligan (Geneva) 

Budget : 320 510  CHF,

Collaborator : Dr. R. Michels.



Signification et intentionnalité chez Anton Marty. Aux confins de la philosophie du langage et de l’esprit

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director : K. Mulligan, Deputy-Director : L. Cesalli.

Budget : 525 083 CHF



Programme doctoral CUS: la philosophie contemporaine

K. Mulligan & Ph. Blum

Budget : CHF 96'289



The Nature of Existence : Neglected Questions at the Heart of Ontology, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland,

Director : Prof. F. Correia (Newcastle), Deputy-Director: Prof. K. Mulligan. 

Budget : 482 555 CHF, 

Collaborators : Dr. A. Frischhut, Dr. S. Richard, Dr. A. Skiles.



Perspectival Thoughts and Facts

ERC Marie-Curie European International Training Network/ITN (Seventh Framework Programme) - PETAF

Barcelona, Geneva, St Andrews, EHESS, London, Stockholm, Budapest.

Budget: EUR 1 679 948; Genevese budget: CHF 317 374

January 2010 - December 2014



Perspectival Thoughts and Facts

Co-Directors: F. Correia, K. Mulligan

Budget: CHF 450 000

= one of three sub-projects of the  SINERGIA/FNS project,

Intentionality as a Mark of the Mental. Metaphysical Perspectives on Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, Director : F. Correia

October 2009-September 2013.



Essentialism and the Mind

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : CHF 317 040

Director: Prof. Kevin Mulligan



Contemporary issues of ontological commitment: fictionalism and fundamentality

Ecole doctorale, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Co-Directors : Profs. F. Correia, G. Soldati, Dr. G. Guigon
Budget : CHF 25 000



Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR)

in Affective Science

 Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director : Klaus Scherer, Deputy-Director: Kevin Mulligan.

Budget 2009-2013 : CHF 10'000'000


Sub-project (10): Emotion, Feeling & Value

Director Prof. Kevin Mulligan

Budget : CHF 400 000

Collaborators: O. Bruun, O. Massin, F. Lauria, A. Pé-Curto, Drs. J. Deonna, F. Teroni.




Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director: K. Mulligan
Budget: CHF 331 177

Collaborateur: Dr. Ph. Keller.



The Metaphysics of Time
Ecole doctorale, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget: 25 000 CHF



Modalities: essence, necessity, and other adverbial modifiers

Ecole doctorale, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : 25 000 CHF


Properties and Relations

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : CHF 458'854

Director: Prof. Kevin Mulligan

Collaborators: Drs. Ph. Keller, F. Dorsch, V. Lam, St. Leuenberger, G-A. Töndury, Ch.Wüthrich


2008-2011 PRO*DOC

Les Frontières du Moi/The Boundaries of the Self

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : CHF 310 749

Director: Prof. Kevin Mulligan

Collaborators: Otto Bruun, Olivier Massin, Dr. Fabrice Teroni


2007-2010 PRO*DOC

         Properties and Relations

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : CHF 304'670

Director: Prof. Kevin Mulligan

Collaborateurs: Akiko Frischhut, Johannes Stern



The Formal Ontology of Properties and Relations

Fondation Boninchi

Budget: 136’000 CHF

Director: Prof. Kevin Mulligan

Collaborators: Dr. Pierre Grenon, Ghislain Guigon, Dr. Luc Schneider



Properties and Relations

Ecole doctorale, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : 25 000 CHF



e-learning project "e-philosophie”

Université de Genève

Budget: 72 000 CHF



Mind and Metaphysics

Ecole doctorale, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : 25 000 CHF



Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR)

in Affective Science

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Director : Klaus Scherer, Deputy-Directors : Martial van der Linden,

Kevin Mulligan,

Budget 2005-2009 : CHF 10'000'000


Sub-projet (10): Emotions, Values and Norms

Director Prof. Kevin Mulligan

Budget : 470 000 CHF

Collaborators: O. Bruun, O. Massin, Drs. J. Deonna, F. Teroni, R. Rodogno



Abstract Entities

Ecole doctorale, Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : 25 000 CHF


Formal Concepts - Philosophy and History of Logic

IRIS - Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, Ecole polytechnique fédérale, Lausanne

Budget: CHF 280 000

Representative publication: Correia, F. & Keller, Ph. 2004 “Formal Concepts”, special number of Dialectica



Austrian Philosophy from Bolzano to Tarski and Wittgenstein

Fonds national de recherche scientifique, Switzerland

Budget : 304 276 CHF

Representative publication: J.-P. Cometti & K. Mulligan (eds.) 2001

La Philosophie autrichienne de Bolzano à Musil. Histoire et Actualité, Paris: Vrin



Distributive Justice

Programme Plurifacultaire, University of Geneva

Representative publication: ed. B. Baertschi, 2002 "Domaines de la justice distributive", special number, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale,

M. Hunyadi & M. Giugni, (eds.)  2003 Les sphères de l'exclusion, Paris: L'Harmattan.



Multiculturalism and Nationalism

Programme plurifacultaire, University of Geneva

Representative publication:

Baertschi, B & Mulligan, K. (eds.) 2001 Les nationalismes, Paris: PUF


Competence areas