Digital Publishing
Course director
• Publisher’s strategies
• Digital tools
• Marketing strategies
• New business models
• Publishers, Content creators, Artificial intelligence.
• The new age of Attention economy
Over the last 10 years, the information industry has been experiencing a new stage of deep transformation. The role of the publisher changed dramatically: before, during and after the digital transition. A role that is still evolving, in search of effective business models.
We will see the various steps of this evolution. We will also see, thanks to digital technology, the emergence of new professional skills, halfway between the publisher and the journalist: the content creator.
In a few years we have all become content producers, the audience of connected online travels to 5 billion users.
The core of Digital Publishing is the economic value of new contents. The old metrics are not always valid, while the new ones are in the process of experimentation. We’ll see. In this regard it is necessary now to be familiar with artificial intelligence (AI). AI is by far the most powerful tool that humanity has equipped itself with, since the time of the invention of writing. Artificial intelligence is now also part of our life and so of the digital publishing industry.
The course deals with the current media situation.
The following topics will be addressed: 1) the traditional media crisis. 2) the development trend of online publishing companies 3) the most innovative business models 4) the innovations introduced in recent years 5) the role of social media.
Teaching mode
In presence
Learning methods
The tools we’ll use:
- several case histories,
- economic and historical data,
- an innovative approach to media management (the economy of attention).
Class attendance is requested: 80% of in-presence hours
Examination information
Final written exam (2 hours final exams) 100%
- Master of Science in Communication in Media Management, Lecture, 1st year