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Organization Design and Human Resource Management


Guerci M.

Course director



The course provides students with basic knowledge about two interconnected topics. First, the course covers the main elements of organizational design, such as: basic organization theories; strategy, organization, and effectiveness; fundamentals of organization structure; organization size, life-cycle, and decline. Second, the course covers the main elements of human resource management, such as: HRM strategy; HRM main processes (recruitment, development, compensation). By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

  • recognize the key organizational features and major HRM practices of a firm;
  • identify the explicit or implicit HRM/organization strategy adopted by an organization;
  • evaluate the alignment between business and HRM/organization strategy.


Evaluation and grading

The grading is based on

  • 20% on two team-based activities;
  • 80% on final written exam.



Daft, R.L. (2016). Organization Theory and Design (12th edition), Cengage
