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Introduction to Architectural Project


Briccola R.


Aguiar C.


Ghilotti M.


Russo R.



The first-year course is a large workshop in which works are produced by individual groups as well as by all the students together. The two semesters envisage work in the studio divided into four groups led by the architects Mia Hägg, Nicola Baserga, Roberto Briccola and Paolo Canevascini, aided by assistants – these are usually termed “vertical studios” – and other activities in which all the students are involved on the same exercise, termed as “horizontal studios”. Attendance at both is compulsory. The vertical studios aim to provide an introduction to architecture through exercises and the first experiences of project work. Depending on the professor and the approach each adopts, they deal with large spatial relationships, graphic and three-dimensional expressive instruments, the techniques and meanings of the form-function relationship... This course also begins the exercise of the “critiques”, a system of intermediate verification of the work and the final assessment, which wi
