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Introduction to Load-Bearing Structures in Architecture 1-2


Monotti M.


Gozzi V. F.


Hämmerli B. R.


Leggeri R.


Pini L. R.



The first semester introduces the basic concepts of statics: the mechanical properties of materials, forces, rules of equilibrium, sizing criteria, stability criteria, and load flow rules in structures. Forces are graphically analysed and the material expounded finds its applications in the study of cables and arches. The course in Structures 2 is focused on the study and classification of the typologies of plane structures. In a logical connection intended to control form, discrete structures are obtained through the combination of funicular structures. In turn, continuous structures result from the superimposition of discrete structures. In the order of exposition, the course studies funicular structures with compensated thrust, lattices, the beam and the frame. Exercises with the material expounded are practised in analytical and practical forms with models and the observation of existing buildings.
