Immune disorders
This module encompasses contents of three different medical specialties: Rheumatology, Allergology-Immunology and Dermatology, consequently, the acronym RAID has been applied. In these specialties, patients with miscellaneous disorders are treated. However, there is often an overlap of symptoms e.g. diseases affecting skin and joints, or in systemic disorders in which several organs are affected, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach.
Every week is focused on a main topic: 1) Skin and mucosa, 2) Bones, joints and back, 3) Hypersensitivities and 4) Systemic immune disorders.
In multidisciplinary lessons, you will become familiar with general themes addressing aspects on diagnostic procedures and therapeutic modalities. For the clinical days, we have established a rotating system, that all students get an insight into the specialties. On one day you will be in General Internal Medicine in groups of two. On the other day, in small groups, you will follow a day each in Dermatology and Allergology, and a day each in Rheumatology / Immunology and in a diagnostic Immunology lab.
During the campus days, there are frontal lectures, complemented by two practical courses on skin and joints, as well as structured case seminars. In the latter, preparation in advance by the students is crucial. A particular case will be presented beforehand on iCorsi3, which will then be discussed in three groups guided by tutors. At the end, the groups will present their case solution to each other. At the end of each week a “Weekly Review” includes a wrap-up of the week’s topics, asking and answering questions or deepen particular issues of the elapsed week. We wish you an interesting and challenging experience!
List of Courses
- Case 01-1: Hair loss/Nail changes, Beltraminelli H., Iorizzo M., Pelloni L.
- Case 01-2: Acute exanthem, Bergmann M., Terrani I.
- Case 01-3: Diagnostic approaches in rheumatology, Keller N., Marcoli N., Masina N., Zanisi L.
- Case 01-4: Hemorrhagic skin lesions, Beltraminelli H., Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Case 02-1: Pigmented lesions, Gadaldi K., Mangas De Arriba C.
- Case 02-2: Acute swelling, Bergmann M., Bircher A., Terrani I.
- Case 02-3: Swollen painful knee, Kyburz D., Marcoli N., Zanisi L.
- Case 02-4: The various faces of lupus erythematodes, Beltraminelli H., Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Introduction day Dermatology and allergology, Beltraminelli H., Bergmann M., Bircher A.
- Multidiscipl. 01-10: Systemic immune modulatory therapy, Limongelli V.
- Multidiscipl. 01-11: Imaging in Rheumatology, Del Grande F.
- Multidiscipl. 01-12: (Skin) problems in immune deficiency, Bernasconi E., Mangas De Arriba C.
- Multidiscipl. 01-9: Classification of pigmented lesions, Beltraminelli H.
- Multidiscipl. 02-10: Immunosuppressive therapy, Limongelli V.
- Multidiscipl. 02-11: Imaging in autoimmune disorders, Del Grande F.
- Multidiscipl. 02-12: Biological drugs and JAK-inhibitors in dermatology, Pelloni L.
- Multidiscipl. 02-9: Topical skin therapy, Terrani I.
- Optional - Immune reactions, Bircher A.
- Test 1: Week review skin & mucosa, Mangas De Arriba C.
- Test 2: Week review hypersensitivities, Bergmann M., Bircher A.
- Test 3: Weekly review bones & joints, Kyburz D.
- Test 4: Week review systemic immune disorders, Beltraminelli H., Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Theory 01-1: Skin infections / parasites (vesicles, pustules/crusts), Terrani I.
- Theory 01-2: Drug hypersensitivity, Bircher A.
- Theory 01-3: Ethical issues, Fadda M., Mangas De Arriba C.
- Theory 01-4: Autoimmune skin disorders, Beltraminelli H.
- Theory 02-1: Eczematous disorders (papulovesicles, squames), Terrani I.
- Theory 02-2: Severe bullous exanthems, Bircher A.
- Theory 02-3: Basic concepts in rheumatology, Kyburz D.
- Theory 02-4: Systemic small vessel vasculitis, Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Theory 03-1: Papulopustular dermatoses, Terrani I.
- Theory 03-2: Papulosquamous disorders, Bircher A.
- Theory 03-3: Degenerative back pain, Kyburz D.
- Theory 03-4: Systemic large vessel vasculitis, Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Theory 04-1: Pigment disturbances, Mangas De Arriba C.
- Theory 04-2: Granulomatous and nodular disorders, Bircher A.
- Theory 04-3: Inflammatory back pain, Kyburz D.
- Theory 04-4: Pain and weakness of the musculoskeletal system, Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Theory 05-1: Pruritus, Beltraminelli H.
- Theory 05-2: Respiratory allergy, Bergmann M.
- Theory 05-3: Degenerative joint disorders, Kyburz D.
- Theory 05-4: Systemic autoimmune disorders with skin and mucosal involvement, Beltraminelli H., Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Theory 06-2: Gastrointestinal allergy, Bergmann M.
- Theory 06-3: Inflammatory joint disorders, Kyburz D.
- Theory 06-4: Sjögren syndrome, Daikeler T., Walker U.
- Master of Medicine, Core course, 1st year