Faculty of Economics
Journal Article (37)
- Wezel F. C., Ruef M. (2017) Agents with Principles: The Control of Labor in the Dutch East India Company, 1700 to 1796, American Sociological Review:1009-1036
- Mensi A. (2017) Appellate Body Report, European Union – Anti‐Dumping Measures on Imports of Certain Fatty Alcohols from Indonesia (DS442)", The Italian yearbook of international law (2017), n. 27:20-25
- Cassese G. (2017) Asset pricing in an imperfect world, Economic Theory:539-570
- Da Costa N. d. B. O. L., Cotta Fontainha T., Leiras A. (2017) Brazilian Air Force operations in disaster response - a process analysis, Disaster Prevention and Management:479-498
- Beretta E. (2017) Cash restrictions, alias the EU’s brake on growth: new analytical and empirical evidence, Currency News, 15 (7):7-7
- Martignoni D., Siggelkow N., Menon A. (2017) Consequences of misspecified mental models: Contrasting effects and the role of cognitive fit, Strategic Management Journal:1-20
- Rua Gomez C. C., Arango-Aramburo S., Larsen E. R. (2017) Construction of a Chilean energy matrix portraying energy source substitution: A system dynamics approach, Journal of Cleaner Production:903-913
- Redonda A. (2017) Corporate flat tax reforms and businesses’ investment decisions: evidence from Switzerland, International Tax and Public Finance:1-35
- Boogen N., Souvik D., Filippini M. (2017) Demand-side management by electric utilities in Switzerland: Analysing its impact on residential electricity demand, Energy Economics, 64:402-414
- Boogen N., Souvik D., Filippini M. (2017) Dynamic models of residential electricity demand: Evidence from Switzerland, Energy Strategy Reviews, 18:85-92
- Blasch J., Boogen N., Filippini M., Kumar N. (2017) Explaining electricity demand and the role of energy and investment literacy on end-use efficiency of Swiss households, Energy Economics, 68:89-102. ISSN 0140-9883
- Moshtari M., Gonçalves P. (2017) Factors Influencing Collaboration among Humanitarian Organizations: A Conceptual Framework, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations:1673-1694
- Mollona E. (2017) How visible is the visible hand of top management in strategic renewals? Guided evolution and the intra-organizazional ecology model of adaptation., Industrial and Corporate Change:689-708
- Filippini M., de Miguel C. (2017) Informing the Transitions towards Low-carbon Societies, Energy Economics, 68:1-3
- Coibion O., Gorodnichenko Y., Kueng L., Silvia J. (2017) Innocent Bystanders? Monetary policy and inequality, Journal of Monetary Economics, 88:70-89
- (2017) Law enforcement, municipal budgets and spillover effects: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Italy, Journal of Urban Economics:90-105
- Vatiero M. (2017) Learning from the Swiss Corporate Governance Exception, Kyklos, 70 (2):330-343
- Peluso S., Mira A., Muliere P. (2017) Learning vs Earning Trade-Off with Missing or Censored Observations: the Two-Armed Bayesian Nonparametric Beta-Stacy Bandit Problem, Electronic Journal of Statistic:3368-3406
- Mazzonna F., Bucher-Koenen T., Antonova L. (2017) Macroeconomic crunches during working years and health outcomes later in life, Social Science and Medicine:accepted-for publication
- Hoskisson R., Chirico F., Zyung J., Gambeta E. (2017) Managerial risk taking: A multi-theoretical review and future research agenda, Journal of Management:1-67
- Vatiero M. (2017) On the (political) origin of 'corporate governance' species, Journal of Economic Surveys (31(2)):393-409
- Miller K., Martignoni D. (2017) Organizational learning with forgetting: Reconsidering the exploration–exploitation tradeoff, Strategic Organization:43-67
- Criaco G., Philipp S., Karl W., Chirico F., Tommaso M. (2017) Parents’ Performance in Entrepreneurship as a “Double-Edged Sword” for the Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics:1-30
- Pittino D., Ascensión B., Chirico F., Sanguino R. (2017) Psychological ownership, knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: The moderating role of governance heterogeneity, Journal of Business Research-30
- Cotta Fontainha T., Leiras A., Bandeira R. A. d. M., Scavarda L. F. (2017) Public-Private-People Relationship Stakeholder Model for disaster and humanitarian operations, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction:371-386
- Henry P., De Rossa F. (2017) Réflexions critiques sur l'adoption par la Suisse des normes du GAFI en matière de transparence des sociétés: du bricolage législatif à l'abolition des actions au porteur?, Revue Suisse du Droit des Affaires et du marché financier (RSDA/SZWR) 2017/III:322-335
- Beretta E. (2017) Reforming Europe: "EU shares" as an own resource, International Business Research, 10 (2):43-52
- Mira A., Peluso S., Muliere P. (2017) Robust Identification of Highly Persistent Interest Rate Regimes, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning:102-117
- Hardkopf R., Gonçalves P., Linderman K., Bendoly E. (2017) Short-term Bias and Strategic Misalignment in Operational Solutions: Perceptions, Tendencies, and Traps, European Journal of Operations Research:1004-1021
- Mazzonna F., Giuntella O., Han W. (2017) Sleep Deprivation, Cognitive Skills, and Mental Health: Evidence From an Unsleeping Giant., Demography, 52 (5):1715-1742
- Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2017) Spatial Planning and Policy Evaluation in an Urban Conurbation: a Regional Agent-Based Economic Model, Economy of Region, 13 (1):261-275. ISSN 2072-6414
- Bettinazzi E., Zollo M. (2017) Stakeholder Orientation and Acquisition Performance, Strategic Management Journal, 38 (7):2465-2485
- Naguib C. (2017) The Relationship between Inequality and Growth: Evidence from New Data, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics:183-225
- Gentili E., Masiero G., Mazzonna F. (2017) The role of Culture in Long-term Care, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 143 (C):186-200. ISSN 0167-2681
- Blasch J., Boogen N., Filippini M. (2017) The role of energy and investment literacy for residential electricity demand and end-use efficiency., Energy Economics:(forthcoming)--
- Villa S., Gonçalves P., Villy T. (2017) Understanding the Contribution of Effective Communication Strategies to Program Performance in Humanitarian Organizations, Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management:126-151
- Mazzonna F., Peracchi F. (2017) Unhealthy retirement?, Journal of Human Resources, 52 (1):128-151