Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society
Journal Article (1104)
Scorici G., Schultz M. D., Seele P. (forthcoming)
Anthropomorphization and beyond: conceptualizing humanwashing of AI-enabled machines , AI & Society:1-7
Castro Mallamaci S. (forthcoming)
Battaglie per il riconoscimento dei diritti e rappresentazioni femminili tra la Rivoluzione francese e lo scoppio della Grande Guerra , Didactica Historia:15-15
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (forthcoming)
"Firsties”—Where it all began: A qualitative analysis of photographs in couple relationship initiation , Visual Communication Quarterly
Drzewiecka J. , Greco S. , Hernandez G. L. (forthcoming)
FortressEurope integrating through division: an actantial narrative analysis , Journal of Contemporary European Studies:1-20
Seele P. (forthcoming)
Framing Sustainability in Public Procurement by typologizing Sustainability Indicators – The Case of Switzerland , Journal of Public Procurement:1-12
"Il cielo sopra Berlino": conquista del cielo e nostalgia dell’umano , Arabeschi. Rivista internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità
Lomelí Hernández J. A. (forthcoming)
Journalists’ moves in political press conferences and their implications for accountability , Journal of Argumentation in Context:1-25
Nievo e le ‘traduzioni’ del canone: una «diversa famiglia di letterati» , Romanticismi. La rivista del C.R.I.E.R.:1-14
Raimondo C. , Bajo E., Bigelli M. (forthcoming)
Ownership Ties, Conflict of Interest, and the Tone of News , European Financial Management:1-19
Hofstetter R., Aryobsei S., Herrmann A. (forthcoming)
Should You Really Produce What Consumers Like Online? Empirical Evidence from an Online Innovation Community. , Journal of Product Innovation Management
Hofstetter R., Zhang Z. J., Herrmann A. (forthcoming)
Successive Open Innovation Contests and Incentives: Winner-Take-All or Multiple Prizes? , Journal of Product Innovation Management
Levante A., Petrocchi S. , Lecciso F. (forthcoming)
Systematic review protocol of measures for the early detection of risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders in toddlers , Life Span & Disabilities:22-1
Wegahtabrhan K. S. , Drzewiecka J. (forthcoming)
"Techniques to be respected as a human being!": moving beyond the binary of strategies and tactics , Ethnic and Racial Studies:1-20
Zhang Z. (forthcoming)
Technology and Geopolitics: the Social Construction of Huawei’s 5G Controversy in Europe , Global Media and Communication:00-00
Hofstetter R., Rüppell R., John L. K. (forthcoming)
Temporary sharing prompts unrestrained disclosures that leave lasting negative impressions , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Weiss M., Hoegl M. (forthcoming)
The influence of material resources in innovation projects: the role of resource elasticity , R&D Management
Schultz M. D., Seele P. (forthcoming)
Towards AI ethics’ institutionalization: knowledge bridges from business ethics to advance organizational AI ethics , AI and Ethics:1-13
Vargha Z. (forthcoming)
Why no-one saw the foreign currency crisis coming? How narratives and mandates shape organizational visions , Replika (Critical Management Studies special issue):x-x
Trissino L. (2024)
Andante con variazioni. Il Prometeo alato nel Cinquecento veneto , «Arabeschi. Rivista internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità», 23
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F. , Adam L. (2024)
Communication following the SACCIA framework weakens the relationship between dark triad and academic misconduct , Communication Reports
Paternoster A. (2024)
Discernment2 and Discernment1: Does Historical Politeness need Another Binary? , Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture:59-86
Roshankish S. , Fornara N. (2024)
How to Formalize Different Types of Norms in Multi-agent Systems: A Methodology Focused on the T-Norm Model , SN Computer Science, 5 (749)
Tescari V. (2024)
"Il cielo sopra Berlino": conquista del cielo e nostalgia dell’umano , Arabeschi. Rivista internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità (23)
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. , Lucchesi F. (2024)
Image types revisited. A texto-material approach for creating image types , Studies in Communication Sciences, 24(1):103-121
Meier K., Grassl M., García-Avilés J. A., Mondejar D. ., Kaltenbrunner A., Lugschitz R. ., Porlezza C. , Mazzoni P. , Wyss V., Saner M. (2024)
Innovations in Journalism as Complex Interplay: Supportive and Obstructive Factors in International Comparison. Media and Communication, 12, Article 7443. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.7443 , Media and Communication:Article-7443
Butera L. , Cini A. , Ferrante A. , Alippi C. (2024)
Object-Centric Relational Representations for Image Generation , Transactions on Machine Learning Research. ISSN 2835-8856
Bettoni M. (2024)
Paese così: lingua e stile nella poesia di Plinio Martini , Il Cantonetto, 6, 2024, N. 1:31-39
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F. , Adam L. (2024)
SACCIA communication, attitudes towards cheating and academic misconduct , Journal of Academic Ethics
Hannawa A. F. (2024)
Shared decision-making in an era of silo-based care (- or what it takes to tango) , Journal of Patient Safety & Risk Management
Cauzzi C. (2024)
Strategie e scelte rappresentative di una mostra bibliografica: "Il mito di Prometeo, dagli antichi ai moderni" , Arabeschi - Rivista internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità:1-15
Lambrechts A. , Cavallaro M., Lepori B. (2024)
The European Universities initiative: between status hierarchies and inclusion. , Higher Education:ahead-of-print-ahead-of-print
Pellandini-Simányi L. , Barnhart M. (2024)
The Market Dynamics of Collective Ignorance and Spiraling Risk , Journal of Consumer Research:x-x
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2024)
Theorizing failure in digital media. Four eclectic theses , Annals of the International Communication Association:1-14
Lucchesi F. , Lobinger K. (2024)
Visual-related conflicts in close relationships , Visual Communication, (Online First):1-27
Almeida de Oliveira R., De Ascaniis S. , Baracho R. M., Canela Salgado H., Cantoni L. (2023)
A Proposal to Categorize Cultural Sustainability Elements for the Management of World Cultural Heritage Sites , Academica Turistica:9-22
Conti L. G. , Seele P. (2023)
Acquistare la biodiversità? Una panoramica sulla compensazione , Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali:19-25. ISSN 0379-1254
Pellandini-Simányi L. (2023)
Algorithmic classifications in credit marketing: How marketing shapes inequalities , Marketing Theory:x-x
Greco S. , Mercuri C. , De Cock B., Schaer R. (2023)
Arguing through best practice: The role of argumentation from example in activists’ social media posts on sustainable fashion , Discourse Studies:1-19
Cauzzi C. (2023)
Carlo Dionisotti e il legame con il Ticino: dediche e annotazioni sui libri moderni , Archivio Storico Ticinese:108-115
Mercuri C. (2023)
Characterization Frames Constructing Endoxa in Activists’ Discourse About the Public Controversy Surrounding Fashion Sustainability , Topoi:1-16
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Battaglia E. , Geddo C. (2023)
Costruzioni evidenziali intersoggettive basate su verbi riferiti al destinatario. Il caso di «vedi»/«vede»/«vedete»+«che» , Studia linguistica romanica, 9:88-118
Trissino L. (2023)
«Due letture»? Il Williams di Cristina Campo e Vittorio Sereni , «Versants. Rivista svizzera delle letterature romanze», 70/2 (Numero monografico «Co-creare. Forme della collaborazione letteraria e interartistica», a cura di G. Cordibella e S. Garau):59-79
Rosani I., Gravari-Barbas M., De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2023)
eLearning Courses for Tourism and Heritage during a Pandemic: The Case of ‘Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Vol. 3)’ , Academica Turistica, 16 (1):35-47
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Jacquin J. (2023)
Epistemic and evidential markers in contexts of disagreement , Journal of Pragmatics, 213 (August 2023):4-11
Märcz L., Gibbert M. (2023)
Fear of the Wolf: Are Human-Wildlife Conflicts Actually Human-Human Feuds? , Society & Animals:1-20
Maggi M. (2023)
Felicita e Aldonza. Una prefigura cervantina tra Gozzano e Soffici , Quaderni del PENS, 6:21-28. ISBN 9788883051999. ISSN 2611-903X
Costa D. , Calosi C. , Cecconi A. (2023)
Fine's Monster Objection Defanged , The Philosophical Quarterly:435-451
Massafra S. (2023)
Forme di resistenza “obliqua” nei segnali ecosemiotici. Cinema naturale di Gianni Celati , Narrativa:n. 45/-2023
Fomasi M. , Barcella D. , Benecchi E. , Balbi G. (2023)
Genealogy of an archive. The birth, construction, and development of the World Wide Web collection at CERN , Internet Historie:1-18
Zamparini A. , Gualtieri G. , Lurati F. (2023)
Iconic buildings in the making of city identity: The role of aspirational identity artefacts , Urban Studies:1-22
Cauzzi C. (2023)
Il passaggio alle regole RDA (Resource description and access): l'esempio dei libri antichi del Fondo Dionisotti , Fogli 44/2023:81-88
kadar d. Z., held g., Paternoster A. (2023)
Introduction: Politeness in and across Historical Europe , Journal of Historical Pragmatics:x
Sermini S. (2023)
La "forma poetica" dopo Eliot e Pound: Amelia Rosselli e gli spazi metrici , Il verri, n.82:86-99
Cauzzi C. (2023)
L’infezione delle idee e le misure di contenimento: l’esempio dell’inventario del 1841 del Convento dei Frati Cappuccini di Lugano , Altre modernità: rivista di studi letterari e culturali:127-141
Mutangala M. M., Cantoni L. (2023)
Managing Digital Media During the Lockdown: The Case of Sanctuaries in Lazio, Italy , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 11 (6):Article 6-Article 6
Balbi G. , Hagedoorn B., Haydari N., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2023)
Media persistence: Theories, approaches, categorization , Studies in Communication Sciences, 23 (3):299-310
Merlo F., Falvo I. , Caiata Zufferey M., Schulz P. J. , Milani G. P., Simonetti G. , Bianchetti M. , Fadda M. (2023)
New insights into fever phobia: A pilot qualitative study with caregivers and their healthcare providers , European Journal of Pediatrics:1-10
Paternoster A. (2023)
Per carità: da formula di preghiera a espressione di disaccordo , SILTA, LII/1:143-157
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2023)
Personalisation (In)effectiveness in email marketing , Digital Business, 3 (2):100058-100068
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2023)
Pour une théorie de l’échec dans le domaine des médias numériques , Communication, 40 (1):1-23
Maggi M. (2023)
Prefazione , Altre modernità:IV-V
Paternoster A. (2023)
The Codification of Nineteenth-Century Etiquette: On Politeness, Morality, Rituals and Discernment , The Journal of Historical Pragmatics:x
Conti L. G. , Seele P. (2023)
The contested role of AI ethics boards in smart societies: a step towards improvement based on board composition by sortition , Ethics and Information Technology, 25 (51):1-15
Tardini S. (2023)
The digital educational offer of museums in Switzerland: a preliminary survey / L’offerta didattica digitale dei musei in Svizzera: un’indagine preliminare , Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 3 (1 suppl.). ISSN 2785-5104
Bizzotto N. , Marciano L., de Bruijn G. J., Schulz P. J. (2023)
The Empowering Role of Web-Based Help Seeking on Depressive Symptoms: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis , Journal of Medical Internet Research:1-17
Serafis D., Zappettini F., Assimakopoulos S. (2023)
The Institutionalization of Hatred Politics in the Mediterranean: Studying Corpora of Online News Portals During the European 'Refugee Crisis , Topoi:---
Bizzotto N. , Schulz P. J. , de Bruijn G. J. (2023)
The “Loci” of Misinformation and Its Correction in Peer- and Expert-Led Online Communities for Mental Health: Content Analysis , Journal of Medical Internet Research:1-9
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F. (2023)
Toward French and Italian Language Validations of the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (CMS). , Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences
Massafra S. (2023)
Tra obbedienza e oltraggio: il latino nelle IX Ecloghe di Andrea Zanzotto , Rationes Rerum:n. 22/-2023
Bettoni M. (2023)
Una navicella di poesia: attraverso Tremalume di Fabio Pusterla , Cenobio (I):65-78
Cavallaro M. (2023)
Universities of Applied Sciences’ EU research project participation through the lens of differentiation , Science and Public Policy
Stojanov A., Hannawa A. F. (2023)
Validating a German version of the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (CMS). , Journal of Personality Assessment:1-11
Petani F. J. , Zaoui I., Kovalev S., Montagnon P. (2023)
What will (and should) sustainable digital maturity look like in business ecosystems? A Delphi study on the best practices, barriers and regulation of digital transformation , International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business:87-122
Bory P., Lüthi E., Balbi G. (2022)
«A story of friendship and misunderstandings»: the origins of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre 1985–1992 , Itinera (Special Issue "Digital Federalism: Early Digital Infrastructures, 1960–2000"), 49:141-173
Tescari V. (2022)
"Antica polvere, dappertutto" , Immagine & Parola (III):139-150. ISSN 2723-9756
Hannawa A. F. (2022)
Beziehungen pflegen: Die Kunst einer „SACCIA“-sicheren Kommunikation. , Psychiatrische Pflege.
Sermini S. (2022)
«Che fare?» Narrazione dei margini e margini di narrazione nella scrittura delle donne, , Narrativa:63-81
Hannawa A. F. , Stojanov A. (2022)
“Compliant Supporters,” “Anxious Skeptics,” and “Defiant Deniers”: A Latent Profile Analysis of People’s Responses to Covid-19 Communications. , Health Communication
Zhang Z. (2022)
Contesting Legitimacy in China’s Crisis Communication: a framing analysis of reported social actors engaging in SARS and COVID-19 , Chinese Journal of Communication:182-204
Coffin J., Eichert C., Bettany S., Lindridge A., Oakenfull G., Ostberg J., Peñaloza L., Rinallo D., Rowe D. ., Santana J. . ., Visconti L. M. , Walther L. (2022)
Crossing Wires: Short-Circuiting (A)sexual Hierarchies of Knowledge in Marketing Theory , Marketing Theory:275-292
Knebel S., Schultz M. D., Seele P. (2022)
Cyberattacks as “state of exception” reconceptualizing cybersecurity from prevention to surviving and accommodating , Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 20 (01):91-109
Salahshour N. ., Serafis D. (2022)
(De-)Constructing New Zealand PM Jacinda Adern’s initiative to wear the hijab after the Christchurch terrorist attack: Critical perspectives on newspapers’ discourse and argumentation , Journal of Argumentation in Context 11 (2):157-179
Salahshour N. ., Serafis D. (2022)
(De-)Constructing New Zealand PM Jacinda Adern’s initiative to wear the hijab after the Christchurch terrorist attack: Critical perspectives on newspapers’ discourse and argumentation , Journal of Argumentation in Context 11 (2):157-179
Salahshour N. . (2022)
(De-)Constructing New Zealand PM Jacinda Adern’s initiative to wear the hijab after the Christchurch terrorist attack: Critical perspectives on newspapers’ discourse and argumentation , Journal of Argumentation in Context 11 (2):157-179
Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2022)
Duration, frequency, and time distortion: Which is the best predictor of problematic smartphone use in adolescents? A trace data study , PlosOne:e0263815
Marciano L., Driver C. C., Schulz P. J. , Camerini A. L. (2022)
Dynamics of adolescents’ smartphone use and well-being are positive but ephemeral , Scientific Reports:1316
Dernbach R., Bernhard F. A. (2022)
Exploring narrative strategy: the role of narratives in the strategic positioning of organizational change , Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research:1-11
Silchenko K. , Visconti L. M. (2022)
Facemask: from pandemic to marketplace iconicity , Consumption Markets & Culture:287-310
Seele P. , Schultz M. D. (2022)
From Greenwashing to Machinewashing: A Model and Future Directions Derived from Reasoning by Analogy , Journal of Business Ethics:01-27
Messina A. , Amati R. , Albanese E. , Fiordelli M. (2022)
Help-Seeking in Informal Family Caregivers of People with Dementia: A Qualitative Study with iSupport as a Case in Point , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:7504-7522
Petani F. J. , Chabanet D., Richard D. (2022)
How (Im)Mobile Are Coworkers in Mid-Sized Cities? Comparing the Spatial Mobility Trajectories of Coworking Communities in Lille, Lyon and Rouen , Management international-Mi, 26 (2):177-199
Lee K., Ham J., Cantoni L. , Koo C. (2022)
Identifying the nature of authentic and fake reviews in restaurant context , Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 39 (3):353-369
Sermini S. (2022)
Il concetto di ‘ruralità’ (e le sue traduzioni) nel Cristo si è fermato a Eboli di Carlo Levi , Altre modernità. Rivista di studi letterari e culturali:454-470
Galli F. (2022)
Il Dialogus e la Summula Monaldina del francescano Servasanto da Faenza (XIII sec.). Due scritti ritrovati , Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, 76/2:429-443
Massafra S. (2022)
Il linguaggio come materialità combinatoria nello spazio poetico: dall’Oulipo all’Ubuweb , «Configurazioni», n.1:131-151
Di Salvo P. (2022)
Information security and journalism: Mapping a nascent research field , Sociology Compass:1-13
Pedalino F., Camerini A. L. (2022)
Instagram use and body dissatisfaction: The mediating role of upward social comparison with peers and influencers among young females , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:19,1543
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2022)
Italian 'non vedo/non si vede' + indirect wh-interrogative clause (‘I don't see why/what/how...’) as a marker of disagreement , Journal of Pragmatics, 197:11-26
Pietrandrea P., Battaglia E. (2022)
"Migrants and the EU". The diachronic construction of ad hoc categories in French far–right discourse , Journal of Pragmatics 192:139-157
Bizzotto N. , Morlino S., Schulz P. J. (2022)
Misinformation in Italian Online Mental Health Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protocol for a Content Analysis Study , JMIR Research Protocols, 11 (5):1-11
Marciano L., Camerini A. L. , Schulz P. J. (2022)
Neuroticism and internet addiction: What is next? A systematic conceptual review , Personality and Individual differences:111260-111270
Brown K. S., Farwell T. M., Bender S., Martinez-Suarez A. A., Boutelier S., Lambrechts A. , Leonowicz-Bukała I., Larasatie P. (2022)
“Part of Something Larger than Myself”: Lessons Learned From a Multidisciplinary, Multicultural, and Multilingual International Research Team of Academic Women , International Journal of Qualitative Methods:1-15
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Personalization and customization in fashion: searching for a definition , Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management:1-18
Palmieri R., Mercuri C. , Mazzali Lurati S. (2022)
Persuasive reasons in crowdfunding campaigns: Comparing argumentative strategies in successful and unsuccessful projects on Kickstarter , Journal of Strategic Communication:332-355
Pierre E. J. D. (2022)
Quién es quién? Análisis de corpus de los procesos de desfocalización del agente en español y en francés en dos géneros digitales , ELUA:165-185
Anesa M., Spee P., Gillespie N., Petani F. J. (2022)
Reassessing the moral legitimacy of institutionalized practices in times of instability , Journal of Management Studies:1-31
Maggi M. (2022)
Rianimare il mito. Un simulacro di Fedra in Guido Gozzano , Between, XII (24):313-335
Maggi M. (2022)
Ritorno del fantastico. Nota su religiosità e visione in "Klara and the Sun" di Kazuo Ishiguro , SigMa, 6:92-101
Serafis D., Kitis E. D., Assimakopoulos S. (2022)
Sailing to Ithaka: The transmutation of Greek left-populism in discourses about the European Union , Journal of Language and Politics 21(2):344-369
Way L., Serafis D. (2022)
Scroll culture and authoritarian populism: how Turkish and Greek online news aggravate ‘refugee crisis’ tensions , Critical Discourse Studies:---
Brown K. S., Bender S., Lambrechts A. , Boutelier S., Farwell T. M., Martinez-Suarez A. A., Larasatie P. (2022)
“Set Your Soul on Fire”: A Feminist-Informed Co-Constructed Autoethnography of Sixteen Multidiscipline, Multicultural, and Multilingual Globally Located Academic Women Exploring Gendered Academic Productivity During COVID-19 , American Journal of Qualitative Research, 6 (2):242-264
Ornati M., Marazza S. , Picco Schwendener A. (2022)
Sizing up the body: Virtual fit platforms in fashion e-commerce , International Journal of Fashion Studies, 9 (1):199-218
Schultz M. D., Seele P. (2022)
"Some of my Customers […] Take off Their Rolex Prior to a Client Meeting" Luxury Display at Work and the Social (Re)Construction of the Organizational Image , Luxury - History, Culture, Consumption:1-30
Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. (2022)
Sparse Quadratic Approximation for Graph Learning , Technology Research:1-12
Hannawa A. F. , Wu A., Kolyada A., Potemkina A., Donaldson L. (2022)
The aspects of healthcare quality that are important to health professionals and patients: A qualitative study. , Patient Education & Counseling
Lokhtina I. A., Castelló M., Lambrechts A. , Löfström E., McGinn M. K., Skakni I., van der Weijden I. (2022)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early career researcher activity, development, career, and well-being: the state of the art , Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education:245-265
Zhang Z. (2022)
The Mediated Engagement of Switzerland with BRI: A Transnational Comparative Framing Analysis , Journal of Transcultural Communication:01-20
Greco S. , Cigada S., Jermini C. (2022)
The naming of emotions in dispute mediators’ strategic manoeuvring: A case study using a French language corpus. , Text & Talk:1-22
Almeida de Oliveira R., Baracho R., Cantoni L. (2022)
The perception of UNESCO World Heritage Sites' managers about concepts and elements of cultural sustainability in tourism , Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development:1-20
Mendini M. , Peter P. , Maione S. (2022)
The potential positive effects of time spent on Instagram on consumers’ gratitude, altruism, and willingness to donate , Journal of Business Research, 143:16-26
Hannawa A. F. (2022)
The quality of public communication during COVID-19: Symptoms of a wider malaise , Swiss Medical Weekly:x
Krasselt J., Robin D., Fadda M. , Geutjes A., Bubenhofer N., Suggs L. S. , Dratva J. (2022)
Tick-Talk: Parental Online Discourse about TBE Vaccination , Vaccine:1-9
Lepori B. (2022)
Toward a Data-driven Classification of European Higher Education Institutions , International Higher Education, 109:39-40
Greco S. (2022)
Twitter activists’ argumentation through subdiscussions: Theory, method and illustration of the controversy surrounding sustainable fashion. , Argumentation:1-23
Serafis D. (2022)
Unveiling the rationale of soft hate speech in multimodal artefacts: A critical framework. , Journal of Language and Discrimination 6 (2):261-288
Bory P., Di Salvo P. (2022)
Weak Systems. Unveiling the Vulnerabilities of Digitization , Tecnoscienza – Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 12 (2):79-87
Nobile T. H. , Noris A. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2021)
A review of digital fashion research: before and beyond communication and marketing , International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education:1-9
Paternoster A. (2021)
Amor Proprio: Self-love And Politeness In Nineteenth-century Italian Conduct Books , Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata (SILTA) 2021/3, Special issue ed. by Chiara Ghezzi, Piera Molinelli, Luis Unceta Gómez.:667-684
Dagnino G. (2021)
Amorevoli, intuitive, pazienti? Questioni di genere nella professione di casting director , Arabeschi, Vol. 18 (2021):www.arabeschi.it/25-amorevoli-intuitive-pazienti-questioni-di-genere-nella-professione-casting-director/--
Serafis D., Raimondo C. , Assimakopoulos S., Greco S. , Rocci A. (2021)
Argumentative dynamics in representations of migrants and refugees: Evidence from the Italian press during the ‘refugee crisis’ , Discourse & Communication 15(5):559-581
Greco S. , De Cock B. (2021)
Argumentative misalignments in the controversy surrounding fashion sustainability , Journal of Pragmatics:55-67
Pizzetti M. , Javornik A., Marder B., Warlop L. (2021)
Augmented self: The effects of smart mirrors on consumers’ self-concept , Journal of Business Research:170-187
Di Salvo P. (2021)
Challenging Black Box Technology Power Imbalances by Exposing Them: “Persuasive System” as a Prism for Decomposing Contemporary Surveillance , Surveillance & Society, 19 (4):511-517
Castro Mallamaci S. (2021)
Consapevolezza e responsabilità. Le vite dei Giusti tra storia, memoria e didattica, , Archivio storico ticinese, 169:113-124
Pellandini-Simányi L. , Conte L. (2021)
Consumer de-responsibilization: changing notions of consumer subjects and market moralities after the 2008–9 financial crisis , Consumption Markets & Culture, 24 (3):280-305
Maggi M. , Tescari V. (2021)
"Credo che esista solo la letteratura". Conversazione con Olivo Barbieri , Versants. Revista suiza de literaturas románicas, 2 (68)
Maggi M. (2021)
Da Napoli al "kraal". Zone di confine nella città "meridionale" di Walter Benjamin , Filigrane,, II (1):89-98
Zardi A., Carlotti E. G. ., Pontremoli P., Morese R. (2021)
Dancing in Your Head: An Interdisciplinary Review , Frontiers in Psychology:1-18
Vargha Z., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2021)
Debt trails: following relations of debt across borrowers, organizations, and states , Journal of Cultural Economy:127-138
Hannawa A. F. (2021)
Definitely Defining: How Pressing the “Pause” Button Empowers the Force of the “In-Between“ , Health Communication
«Deplatforming», l’attacco a Capitol Hill e la nuova sfera pubblica privatizzata , Studi Culturali (3/2021):449-458
Di Salvo P. (2021)
«Deplatforming», l’attacco a Capitol Hill e la nuova sfera pubblica privatizzata , Studi Culturali (3/2021):449-458
Heide M. , Villeneuve J. P. (2021)
Framing National Security Secrecy: A Conceptual Review , International Journal:1-19
Heide M. (2021)
From Threat to Risk: Changing Rationales and Practices of Secrecy , Public Integrity:n.d.-n.d.
Gatti L., Pizzetti M. , Seele P. (2021)
Green lies and their effect on intention to invest , Journal of Business Research:228-240
Marciano L., Schulz P. J. , Camerini A. L. (2021)
How Smartphone Use Becomes Problematic: Application of the ALT-SR Model to Study the Predicting Role of Personality Traits. , Computers in Human Behavior
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Detergent pod-related eye injuries among preschool-age children. , JAMA Ophthalmology:(in press)-(in press)
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Digitally Unified Reporting: How XBRL-based real-time transparency helps in combining integrated sustainability reporting and performance control , Journal of Cleaner Production, online first:01-31
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Economic-financial journalists as argumentative intermediaries , Journal of Argumentation in Context, 5 (1):88-111. ISSN 2211–4742
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Editorial : Information and Communication Technologies in Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 4 (3):Article 2-Article 2
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Envisioning the Digital Sustainability Panopticon: A Thought Experiment how Big Data may help advancing Sustainability in the Digital Age (accepted) , Sustainability Science, 11 (5):845-854
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Epidemiology of sports-related eye injuries in the United States. , JAMA Ophthalmology:(in press)-(in press)
Adukaite A., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2016)
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Pilgrims in the Digital Age: a research manifesto , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 4 (3):Article 3-Article 3
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Predictive Sustainability Control: A review assessing the potential to transfer big data driven 'predictive policing' to corporate sustainability management , Journal of Cleaner Production:1-22
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Raising awareness and promoting informal learning on World Heritage in Southern Africa: The case of WHACY, a gamified ICT-enhanced tool , International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 12 (2):50-67
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Strategies of Circulation Restriction in Whistleblowing. The Pentagon Papers, WikiLeaks and Snowden Cases , Tecnoscienza. Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 7 (1):67-86. ISSN 2038-3460
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Studium Sustainale: Proposal of a foundational, extracurricular context-study course bringing together Business Ethics and Sustainability (accepted) , Journal of Business Ethics Education:1-20
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Studying Italian para-industry: the case of Boris , Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, Vol.4, N.2, February 2016:231-247
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Book (262)
Gatti L., Conti L. G. , Seele P. (forthcoming)
A Comprehensive Guide to Greenwashing Phenomena, Contexts, and Trends: The Mean, Lean Washing Machine . Edgar Elgar
Volpe G. (forthcoming)
Il carteggio fra Benedetto Croce e i socialisti italiani . Il Mulino
Bleiklie I., Enders J., Lepori B. (forthcoming)
Managing Universities. Policy and Organizational Change from a Western European Comparative Perspective . Palgrave MacMillan
Balbi G. , Leggero R. (2024)
Communication Maintenance in Longue Durée . Routledge
Ferrari A., Carlevaro A. , Evangelista D., Lala L., Marengo T., Pecorari F., Piantanida G., Tonani G. (2024)
La comunicazione istituzionale durante la pandemia in Ticino, con uno sguardo ai Grigioni . Casagrande
Corengia M., Serra D. (2024)
Ripensare il paradigma del bisogno . Palliative Marketing Press
Maggi M. , Gozzano G. (2023)
Anacronismi e didascalie. Prose varie (1903-1916) . Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. Temi e Testi
Maeusli T. (2023)
Audiovisuelle Medienarchive; Kulturgut in der digitalen Transformation . Chronos
Serafis D. (2023)
Authoritarianism on the Front Page: Multimodal discourse and argumentation in times of multiple crises in Greece . John Benjamins
Garau S. , Cordibella G. (2023)
Co-creare. Forme della collaborazione letteraria e interartistica . "Versants. Rivista svizzera delle letterature romanze", 70/2 (numero monografico)
Fornara N. , Cheriyan . J. ., Mertzani A. . (2023)
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XVI 27th International Workshop, COINE 2023, London, UK, May 29, 2023, Revised Selected Papers . Springer, Cham.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Mengis J. , Scholz C. ., Petani F. J. (2023)
Embodied microhistories on the move: Materializing microhistories through walking to include the affective memories of everyday life. In Decker, S., Foster, W. & Giovannoni, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Historical Methods for Management (pp. 374-395). . Edward Elgar Publishing
Jacquin J., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2023)
Epistemic and evidential markers in contexts of disagreement. Virtual Special Issue of Journal of Pragmatics . Elsevier
Balbi G. , Ortoleva P. (2023)
La comunicazione imperfetta. Ostacoli, equivoci, adattamenti . Torino: Einaudi. ISBN 9788806259303
Balbi G. (2023)
The Digital Revolution. A Short History of an Ideology . Oxford University Press
van Eemeren F. H., Garssen B., Greco S. , van Haaften T., Labrie N., Leal F., Wu P. (2022)
Argumentative Style: A pragma-dialectical study of functional variety in argumentative discourse. . John Benjamins
Noris A. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Digital Fashion Communication: An (Inter)cultural Perspective . Brill
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media . Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781788970075
Paternoster A. (2022)
Historical Etiquette. Etiquette Books in Nineteenth-Century Western Cultures . Palgrave-Macmillan, Londra
Baranzini L. , Casoni M., Christopher S. (2022)
Linguisti in contatto 3 - Ricerche di linguistica italiana in Svizzera e sulla Svizzera . OLSI, Bellinzona
Balbi G. (2022)
L’ultima ideologia. Breve storia della rivoluzione digitale . Roma-Bari: Laterza.
Rubinelli S., Diviani N., Fiordelli M. , Zanini C. (2022)
Salute: il valore della scienza. Prontuario contro la disinformazione . Carocci
Oswald S., Lewiński M., Greco S. , Villata S. (2022)
The pandemic of argumentation . Springer
Walter Benjamin e la cultura italiana . Leo S. Olschki. Istituto di studi italiani. ISBN 9788822268082
Baranzini L. , de Saussure L. (2021)
Aspects of tenses, modality and evidentiality . Brill
Ioannides M., Fink E., Cantoni L. , Champion E. (2021)
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection . Springer
Balbi G. , Ribeiro N. ., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2021)
(Eds.) Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age . Berlin: De Gruyter
Balbi G. , Ribeiro N. ., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2021)
(Eds.) Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age . Berlin: De Gruyter
Sadaba T. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. , Cominelli F., Torregrossa M. (2021)
Fashion Communication. Proceedings of the FACTUM 21 Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2021. . Springer, Cham
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Perspective-taking, Self-awareness and Social Cognition in Neurodegenerative Disorders, cerebral abnormalities and Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI): A Neurocognitive Approach. . Frontiers Media SA. ISBN 9782889663897
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Perspective-taking, Self-awareness and Social Cognition in Neurodegenerative Disorders, cerebral abnormalities and Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI): A Neurocognitive Approach. . Frontiers Media SA. ISBN 9782889663897
Baranzini L. , de Saussure L. (2021)
Recherches actuelles sur le temps et l’aspect . Brill
Silchenko K. (2021)
Salutismo e marketing alimentare . Aracne. ISBN 9791259942098
De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2021)
Tourism management at UNESCO world heritage sites: Vol. 2 . Università della Svizzera italiana. ISBN 9788861010215
Oswald S., Greco S. , Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020)
Argumentation and Meaning . Special issue of Journal of Argumentation in Context (JAIC)
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Branded Entertainment and Cinema. The Marketisation of Italian Film. . Routledge
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Digital Whistleblowing Platofrms in Journalism. Encrypting Leaks . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030385057
Economia del film. Industria, politiche, mercati . Carocci, Roma
Balbi G. , Fickers A. (2020)
(Eds.) History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational techno-diplomacy from the telegraph to the Internet . Berlin: De Gruyter
Brantner C., Götzenbrucker G., Lobinger K. , Schreiber M. (2020)
(Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien . Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag
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Gender After Gender in Consumer Culture . Routledge
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Il Santo Natale. Nella novena di Alfonso Maria de' Liguori e nei presepi di Antonio Maria Esposito. Ediz. illustrata . Leo S. Olschki
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Italian Elitism and the Reshaping of Democracy in the United States . Routledge
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Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinisierung des Menschen . Von Halem
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Luigi Fallacara e gli ermetismi. Lingua, stile e metrica . Verona, QuiEdit
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Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective - 2nd edition . Routledge
Cantoni L. , De Ascaniis S. , Elgin-Nijhuis K. (2020)
“Preceedings” of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference – HTHIC2020: “Living Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” . USI – Università della Svizzera italiana
«Selbstdenken» . Nino Aragno Editore. ISBN 9788893800686
Morese R. , Palermo S., Raffaella F. (2020)
Social Isolation - An Interdisciplinary View . IntechOpen. ISBN 9781789847598
Calamandrei P., Bobbio N., Gisondi M. (2020)
Un «Ponte» per la democrazia . Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. Epistolari Carteggi Testimonianze. ISBN 9788893594325
Quadri L. (2020)
Una fabula mystica nel Seicento italiano: Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi e le Estasi (1609-1611) . Leo S. Olschki
Caproni G., Sereni V., Di Febo G. (2019)
Carteggio 1947-1983 . Leo S. Olschki. Officina - Istituto di studi italiani - Università della Svizzera italiana
Garau S. , Puliafito A. L. (2019)
Dari vari fondi. Lavori negli archivi svizzeri . "Versants. Rivista svizzera delle letterature romanze", 66/2
Sermini S. (2019)
«E se paesani / zoppicanti sono questi versi». Povertà e follia nell'opera di Amelia Rosselli . Olschki
Balbi G. , Jiang F., Richeri G. (2019)
(Eds.) China and the Global Media Landscape. Remapping and Remapped . Newcastle Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
Bory P., Negro G., Balbi G. (2019)
(Eds) Computer Network Histories: Emerging Streams from the Internet Past . Chronos
Lobinger K. (2019)
Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung . Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien
Rigotti E. , Greco S. (2019)
Inference in argumentation: A topics-based approach to argument schemes . Cham: Springer (Argumentation Library)
Cauzzi C. , Razzolini C. (2019)
Le cinquecentine della Biblioteca del Convento della Verna . Olschki. Istituto di Studi Italiani. Università della Svizzera Italiana. Biblioteca, vol. 4. ISBN 9788822265944
De Cesare Greenwald A. M. (2019)
Le parti invariabili del discorso. Roma, Carocci [Bussola serie Grammatica tradizionale e linguistica moderna . Carocci
Di Salvo P. (2019)
Leaks. Whistleblowing e hacking nell'età senza segreti . LUISS University Press. ISBN 9788861053564
Riesmeyer C., Naab T., Camerini A. L. , Festl R., Dallmann C. (2019)
Media literacy as intergenerational project: skills, norms, and mediation . MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung
Ruspini P. (2019)
Migrants Unbound . London: Transnational Press London
Maggi M. (2019)
Modernità visuale nei Promessi Sposi . Bruno Mondadori. ISBN 9788867742233
Paternoster A. , Fitzmaurice S. (2019)
Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe . John Benjamins, Amsterdam-Philadelphia
Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Greco S. , Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2019)
Rhetoric and Language: Emotions and Style in Argumentative Discourse . (= Informal Logic,39:4)
Morese R. , Palermo S. (2019)
The New Forms of Social Exclusion . IntechOpen. ISBN 9781838806095
Volpe G. (2019)
We, the Elite. Storia dell’elitismo negli Stati Uniti dal 1920 al 1956 . FedOA Press – Federico II University Press
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2018)
A History of Digital Media. An Intermedia and Global Perspective. . Milton: Routledge. ISBN 9781138630222
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2018)
A History of Digital Media. An Intermedia and Global Perspective. . Milton: Routledge. ISBN 9781138630222
Guldin R. (2018)
Best of Flusser Studies 2005-2017 ( together with Gustavo Bernardo) . Annablume editora Sao Paulo
Pham J. (2018)
Communication and Patient Safety . Mouton deGruyter
Paternoster A. , Saltamacchia F., saltini l. (2018)
"Costumi soavi, dolci maniere". Galatei e manuali di etichetta nel Ticino dell'Ottocento . Biblioteca cantonale di Lugano, Lugano
Benecchi E. (2018)
Di chi è questa storia? Autori nella rete tra sfide e opportunità . Bompiani
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2018)
(Eds.). Fallimenti digitali. Per un’archeologia dei nuovi media. . Milano: Unicopli
Grittmann E., Lobinger K. , Neverla I., Pater M. (2018)
(Eds.). Körperbilder – Körperpraktiken. Visualisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung von Körpern in Medienkulturen . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Costa D. (2018)
Esistenza e Persistenza . Mimesis
Fondo Lea Ritter Santini . Fondazione Centro studi storico-letterari Natalino Sapegno. ISBN 9788831943024
Maggi M. (2018)
Fondo Lea Ritter Santini. Affioramenti . Centro Studi storico-letterari Natalino Sapegno onlus
Volpe G. (2018)
Il carteggio fra Roberto Michels e i sindacalisti rivoluzionari . FedOAPress – Federico II University Press
Villeneuve J. P. , Pasquier M. (2018)
International Sport Betting . Routledge
Paternoster A. , Saltamacchia F. (2018)
Le leggi della cortesia. Galateo ed etichetta di fine Ottocento: un'antologia . Interlinea, Novara
Paternoster A. (2018)
Le leggi della cortesia. Galateo ed etichetta di fine Ottocento: un’antologia . Interlinea, Novara
Villeneuve J. P. , Pasquier M. (2018)
Marketing management and communication in the public sector . Routledge. 2nd edition
De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2018)
Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites . Università della Svizzera italiana. ISBN 9788861010185
De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2018)
Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Vol. I . Università della Svizzera italiana. ISBN 9788861010185
Ornati M., Buttle F. (2017)
Customer Relationship Management. Teorie e tecnologie . Franco Angeli. Management. 2nd ed.
Seele P. , Zapf L. (2017)
"Der Markt" existiert nicht - Aufklärung gegen die Marktvergötterung . Springer. ISBN 9783662539408
Seele P. , Zapf L., Cottier B. (2017)
Die Rückseite der Cloud - Eine Theorie des Privaten ohne Geheimnis. . Springer Nature
Sparviero S., Peil C., Balbi G. (2017)
(Eds.). Media Convergence and Deconvergence . London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Manzoli G. (2017)
Il cinema di Stato. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo (a cura di) . Il Mulino, Bologna
Christopher S., Moretti B., Pandolfi E. M., Casoni M. (2017)
Linguisti in Contatto 2. Ricerche di linguistica italiana in Svizzera e sulla Svizzera. Atti del Convegno, Bellinzona 19-21 novembre 2015. . Osservatorio Linguistico della Svizzera Italiana
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Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria (1st 2017 edition, hardcover: August 2, 2016) . New York: Springer
Rocci A. (2017)
Modality in Argumentation . Springer. Argumentation Library, vol. 29. 1a. ISBN 9789402410617
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Neue Wege für die Patientensicherheit: Sichere Kommunikation -- Evidenzbasierte Kernkompetenzen mit Fallbeispielen aus der medizinischen Praxis . DeGruyter
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New horizons for patient safety: Safe communication -- Evidence-based core competencies with case studies for nursing practice . De Gruyter
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New horizons for patient safety: Safe communication -- Evidence-based core competencies with case studies for nursing practice . De Gruyter
Hannawa A. F. , Juhasz R., Wu A. (2017)
New horizons for patient safety: Understanding communication . De Gruyter
Guldin R. (2017)
O homem sem chão: a biografia de Vilém Flusser (together with Gustavo Bernardo) . Annablume editora Sao Paulo
Wilczek B. (2017)
Reduktion von Komplexität und Unsicherheit. Eine organisationsökonomische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Newsroom-Konvergenz . Springer VS
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Studies on Language Norms in Context . Peter Lang. Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture. ISBN 9783631670361
Negro G. (2017)
The Internet in China From Infrastructure to a Nascent Civil Society . Palgrave Macmillan
Guldin R. (2017)
Vilém Flusser (1920-1991). Ein Leben in der Bodenlosigkeit. Biographie ( together with Gustavo Bernardo) . Bielefeld transcript Verlag
Maggi M. (2017)
Walter Benjamin e Dante . Donzelli. Saggine. ISBN 9788868436087
Danesi M., Greco S. (2016)
Case studies in Discourse Analysis . Munich: Lincom
Geise S., Birkner T., Arnold K., Löblich M., Lobinger K. (2016)
(Eds.), Historische Perspektiven auf den Iconic Turn. Die Entwicklung der öffentlichen visuellen Kommunikation . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Castro Mallamaci S. (2016)
Egidio Reale-Guglielmo Canevascini, Al di sopra di ogni frontiera. Carteggio 1927-1957 . Giampiero Casagrande
Villeneuve J. P. (2016)
State and Citizens. A new convergence? . SarreBrucke
Guldin R. (2016)
Translation as Metaphor . Routledge New York and London
Rocci A. , de Saussure L. (2016)
Verbal Communication . De Gruyter Mouton. Handbooks of Communication Science [HoCS] 3. 1a. ISBN 9783110255454
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Commentaire de la loi sur la radio et la télévision . Stämpfli
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Communication and Technology . De Gruyter Mouton. 5th volume of the Handbook of Communication Science, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin
Paternoster A. (2015)
Cortesi e scortesi. Percorsi di pragmatica storica da Castiglione a Collodi . Carocci, Roma
Lobinger K. , Geise S. (2015)
(Eds.), Visualisierung – Mediatisierung. Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Gómez R., Vannini S. (2015)
Fotohistorias: Participatory Photography and the Experience of Migration. . CreateSpace Independent Publishing
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Handbook of Communication Competence . Mouton deGruyter
Christopher S. (2015)
I flussi comunicativi in un contesto istituzionale universitario plurilingue . Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana
Pfleiderer G., Seele P. , Matern H. (2015)
Kapitalismus - eine Religion in der Krise II - Aspekte von Risiko, Vertrauen, Schuld . TVZ. RWP. ISBN 9783848706983
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Region, Religion und Rücküberweisung . Metropolis
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Strategic Innovation. The definitive guide to outlier strategies . The Financial Times Press
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Text and discourse analysis in financial communication. . Thematic issue of Studies in Communication Sciences. in press
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The formative years of the Telegraph Union. . Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing
Gisondi M. (2015)
Una fede filosofica. Antonio Banfi negli anni della sua formazione . Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
Christopher S., Pandolfi E. M., , Somenzi B. (2014)
Capito? Comprendere l’italiano in Svizzera . Osservatorio Linguistico della Svizzera Italiana
Cantoni L. , Cortesi M., Di Maio M., Faré M. (2014)
Comunicazione. Un manuale per la scuola media superiore . Società Editrice Dante Alighieri
Villeneuve J. P. , Savard J. F. (2014)
Confronter les idées : le fonctionnement réel de l’administration publique au XXIe siècle . Presses de l'Univesité du Québec
Pellandini-Simányi L. (2014)
Consumption norms and everyday ethics . New York; Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
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Corporate argumentation in takeover bids . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.. Argumentation in context. ISBN 9789027211255
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Die religiöse Arbeit der Marktwirtschaft. Ein religionsökonomischer Vergleich . Nomos. Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik. ISBN 9783848716593
Fengler S., Eberwein T., Mazzoleni G., Porlezza C. (2014)
Journalists and Media Accountability: An International Study of News People in the Digital Age . Peter Lang
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Journalists and Media Accountability: An International Study of News People in the Digital Age . Peter Lang
La trama dei media: Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell'informazione (a cura di) . Carocci, Roma
Mario Praz, Studi sul concettismo . Milano, Abscondita
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Balbi G. , Fari S., Richeri G. , Calvo S. (2014)
Network Neutrality. Switzerland’s role in the genesis of the Telegraph Union, 1855-1875 . Peter Lang: Bern.
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Nuovi media nella comunicazione turistica . Dante Alighieri
Guldin R. (2014)
Politische Landschaften. Zum Verhältnis von Raum und nationaler Identität . transcript, Bielefeld
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2014)
Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità . Laterza: Roma-Bari. Laterza. ISBN 9788858116272
Oriol M., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2014)
The role of e-learning applications within the tourism sector . ELC Research Paper Series
Balbi G. , Winterhalter C. (2013)
(a cura di) Antiche novità. Una guida transdisciplinare per interpretare il vecchio e il nuovo . Napoli: Orthotes
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Dante e l'Oriente. Le fonti islamiche nella storiografia novecentesca . Carocci
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(Eds.), Visual Framing. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Acquati E., Masiero R., Mavilia R., Sala S. (2013)
ICT4MED: Innovation and Competitiveness in the Mediterranean . Rubbettino Editore
Richeri G. (2013)
Il mercato delle location cinematografiche . Marsilio, Venezia
Russ-Mohl S. (2013)
Jornalismus . Akademija Ukrajinskoji Pressy (Akademie der Ukrainischen Presse)/Zentr Wilnoji Pressy (Zentrum für freie Presse)
Russ-Mohl S. , Nienstedt H. W., Wilczek B. (2013)
Journalism and Media Convergence ( = Media Convergence/Medienkonvergenz, Band 5) . Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter
Seele P. , Pfleiderer G. (2013)
Kapitalismus - eine Religion in der Krise I. Grundprobleme von Risiko, Vertrauen, Schuld. . TVZ
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La ricerca empirica nelle scienze della comunicazione. Fondamenti, metodi e strumenti . Roma: Carocci.
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Redeeming The Prince: The Meaning of Machiavelli’s Masterpiece . Princeton University Press. Princeton, Princeton University press
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Theories and Models of Communication. . Berlin: DeGruyter & Mouton. Vol I in the Series "Handbooks of Communication Science (HOCS)", eds. Peter J. Schulz & P. Cobley
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2012)
(Eds.), Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten. Analysen zu einem Spannungsfeld Visueller Kommunikationsforschung . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Haas H., Lobinger K. (2012)
(Eds.), Qualitäten der Werbung – Qualitäten der Werbeforschung . Köln: Herbert von Halem
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Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012 . (Proceedings of the International Conference in Helsingborg, Sweden, January 24-27, 2012), Springer, Wien – New York 2012
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Le parole del cittadino . Laterza
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Oltre il CRM. La customer experience nell'era digitale. Strategie, best practices, scenari del settore moda e lusso . Franco Angeli. Campud della Moda. ISBN 9788856838176
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Sapere le lingue: percorsi formativi, socio-professionali, identitari e culturali . Dante Alighieri, Roma
Mandelli A. , Accoto C. (2012)
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Cantoni L. , Rega I. (2012)
Special issue “Rethinking Education in the Knowledge Society” . «J.UCS – Journal of Universal Computer Science», 18/3 (2012)
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Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung. Medienbilder als Herausforderung für die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft . Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
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Wirtschaftsethik kontrovers . TVZ. TVZ Pano Verlag Zürich
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Copyright in Education - Handbook . USI / Université de Genève
Castro Mallamaci S. (2011)
Egidio Reale tra Italia, Svizzera e Europa . Franco Angeli
Russ-Mohl S. , Splendore S., Dillena G., Fioretti N. (2011)
Fare giornalismo . Il Mulino
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Gazetaria . Albanische Auflage
Savard J. F., Villeneuve J. P. (2011)
Les défis de la gouvernance multi-niveaux . Presses de l’Université du Québec
Gisondi M. (2011)
Lessico civico. Teorie e pratiche della cittadinanza . Diabasis. ISBN 9788881037797
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Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective . Routledge
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Proceedings of the Red-Conference: Rethinking Education in the Knowledge Society . [Ascona, Switzerland, 7-10 March 2011], Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland 2011
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Lo scrittore di ricami . Diabasis
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Un tesoro emergente. Le medie imprese italiane dell'era globale . Franco Angeli, Milano
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Vilém Flusser (together with Anke Finger and Gustavo Bernardo) . W. Fink UTB, Paderborn. Annablume, São Paulo
Maeusli T. , Balbi G. (2009)
Voce e Specchio. Storia della Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana . Dadò, Locarno
Guldin R. (2009)
„Wolkenformationen […] aus dem Dunst der Möglichkeiten. Zur nubigenen Einbildungskraft, Flusser Lecture. . König Verlag Colognia
Russ-Mohl S. (2009)
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Le forme della mente. Percorsi multidisciplinari fra modularismo e connessionismo . Il Mulino, Bologna
Zhang Z. (2008)
Mathematics Olympia Development in China . Kaiming Publisher, Beijing, China
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Vilém Flusser. Uma Introdução (together with Anke Finger and Gustavo Bernardo), . Annablume editora Sao Paulo
Maggi M. , Tesauro E. (2008)
Vocabulario italiano . Leo S. Olschki. ISBN 9788822258274
Visconti L. M. (2007)
Diversity Management e Lavoratori Migranti: Linee Guida per la Gestione del Caso Italia . Egea
Russ-Mohl S. , Chylinski M. (2007)
Dziennikarstwo . Polska Press
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Gehört-Gesehen/Heard-Seen. Das audiovisuelle Erbe und die Wissenschaft/The Uses of Digitised Archives for the Sciences . Baden, HIER+JETZT.
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Letteratura europea e Medioevo volgare . "Collezione di testi e di studi"
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Le traitement de problèmes lexicaux lors de discussions scientifiques en situation plurilingue. Procédés interactionnels et effets sur le développement du savoir . Peter Lang
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Shipwreck with Spectator. Claudio Parmiggiani’s Oeuvre as a Journey through Time, Space and Ruins . Water and Sea in Word and Image / L’Eau et la mer dans les textes et les images. Brill. Series: Word and Image Interactions, Volume: 11, 213-229. ISBN 9789004541269
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Wo ist eigentlich die Kritik an Selfies geblieben? Zum ‚Coming of age‘ eines oft problematisierten Genres visueller Kommunikation . In A.K. Steimer, C. Paganini & A. Filipović (Eds.), Das Selbst Im Blick. Nomos, 97-116
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Anime fandom in-between: A qualitative study of fan practices connected to anime and manga consumption in Italy . The Palgrave Handbook of Anime and Manga in Europe. Palgrave-Macmillan
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Co-creating on-the-road ICT solutions to promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 242-253
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Connect: Digital media can connect residents, visitors and heritage . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 191-209
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Corporate Citizenship (Dirk Matten, Andrew Crane und Jeremy Moon) . In Aßländer, M.S. (eds) Handbuch Wirtschaftsethik. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart, 447-455
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Datenvielfalt in der qualitativen Multimethodenforschung: Überlegungen zur Integration verbaler und visueller Daten . In C. Lohmeier & T. Wiedemann (Eds.), Datenvielfalt in kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschungskontexten. Potenziale und Herausforderungen. Springer, 39-60
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e-Government and Tourism . Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, n.d-n.d
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Ethics and Sharing Economy Platforms: A Pathway to Data-Driven and Peer-to-Peer Platform CSR . New Economies for Sustainability: Limits and Potentials for Possible Futures. Ethical Economy (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy). Springer, Cham., 139-152
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Fashion Etiquette and Fashion Ethics: Rules and Values in Italian Turn-of-the-Century Etiquette Books . The Routledge Companion to Fashion Studies. Routledge, 283-291
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Granting access to information is not enough. Towards an integrated concept of health information acquisition. . Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine. Springer Nature, 501-510
Schwarzenegger C., Wagner A., Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2022)
Hitler, Stalin, LOL? Geschichte als Ressource „grenzwertiger Komik“ in Memes linker und rechter Aktivist*innen in Social Media . In C. Schwarzenegger, E. Koenen, C. Pentzold, T. Birkner & C. Katzenbach (Eds.), Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte: Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder. Digital Communication Research, 317-341
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Lea Ritter Santini (1928-2008) . La critica viva. Lettura collettiva di una generazione 1920-1940. Quodlibet, 95-99. ISBN 9788822908544
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2022)
"Niemand muss diese Videos zeigen!" Der medienethische Diskurs über die visuelle Berichterstattung zum Terroranschlag 2020 in Wien . In U. Autenrieth & C. Brantner (Eds.), It's all about video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder. Herbert von Halem, 253-277
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Resonances . In PPPP - Pier Paolo Pasolini Philosopher. Milano-Udine, Mimesis International. Philosophy, 153-166. ISBN 9788869773921
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The presence of Swiss and Italian World Heritage Sites on Facebook . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 254-271
Lobinger K. , Mele E. (2022)
Visual Methods and Visual Analysis in Tourism Research . In Z. Xiang, M. Fuchs, U. Gretzel & W. Höpken (Eds.), Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, 865-892
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Networks. Infrastructures, Materiality, and Communities from Ancient Rome to Social Media . G. Balbi, N. Ribeiro, V. Schafer, & C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.), Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age. Berlin: De Gruyter, 19-39
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Russ-Mohl S. , Wilczek B., Nienstedt H. (2013)
Journalism and Media Convergence. An Introduction . In: Russ-Mohl, Stephan, Nienstedt, Heinz-Werner, Wilczek, Bartosz (eds.), Journalism and Media Convergence ( = Media Convergence/Medienkonvergenz, Band 5). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 4-17
Russ-Mohl S. (2013)
Journalism’s neglected self-inspection. Final remarks . in: Heinz-Werner Nienstedt et al. (eds.), Media Convergence and Journalism, Dokumentation des Workshops am Forschungsschwerpunkt Medienkonvergenz in Mainz. De Gruyter, 151-155
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La transparence au crible de la jurisprudence des tribunaux fédéraux et cantonaux, ainsi que des recommandations du Préposé fédéral à la transparence et à la protection des données . Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde, Lausanne. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 37-55
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La transparence de la transparence. Une étude exploratoire appliquée à l’administration fédérale . Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde. EPFL Press, 57-68
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Faré M. (2013)
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Toraldo M. L., Mangia G., Mercurio R., Consiglio S. (2013)
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User Requirements con LEGO Serious Play . In A. Inversini, L. Cantoni, Nuovi media nella comunicazione turistica. Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, Roma, 276-289
Russ-Mohl S. (2013)
Vielfalt trotz Konvergenz? Ein skeptischer Zwischenruf zum Versuch, Public Value bestimmen zu wollen . In: Gonser, Nicole (Hrsg.), Die multimediale Zukunft des Qualitätsjournalismus. Public Value und die Aufgaben von Medien. Springer VS Verlag, 119-138
Lobinger K. (2013)
Visuelle Kommunikation . In M. Karmasin, M. Rath, & B. Thomaß (Eds.), Kommunikationswissenschaft als Integrationsdisziplin. Zum Stand der Debatte. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 299-316
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A Closer Glance at the Notion of Boundaries in Acculturation Studies: Typologies, Intergenerational Divergences, and Consumer Agency . Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald, 195-213
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2012)
Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten: Zur visuellen Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeit . In S. Geise, & K. Lobinger (Eds.), Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 309-333
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Russ-Mohl S. (2012)
Emil Dovifat – Grenzgänger zwischen Journalismus und Zeitungswissenschaft . in: Fengler, Susanne et al. (Hrsg.), Theoretisch praktisch? Anwendungsoptionen und gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung. UVK, 278-282
Zapf L., Hoppe H. (2012)
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Identità cristiana e nuovi media . In José Maria La Porte e Bruno Mastroianni (eds.), Comunicazione della Chiesa. Identità e Dialogo, Edizioni Sabinae, Roma, 65-77
Maggi M. (2012)
Il "Teatro delle descrizioni" di Alessandro Consedenti. Oratoria sacra e arte del descrivere nel Seicento . Visibile teologia. Il libro sacro figurato in Italia tra Cinque e Seicento, a cura di E. Ardissino e E. Selmi, introduzione di G. Mazzotta, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2012, pp. 251-260.. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 251-260
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La Consommation Intergénérationnelle : Formes, Significations et Négociations . L’Ethnicité, Fabrique Marketing ?. Edition EMS, 257-286
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L'argumentation dans la presse économique et financière italienne . In: L. Gautier (ed.) Les discours de la bourse et de la finance. (= Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung). Berlin: Frank und Timme, 65-83
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Les divers modèles d’indépendance des autorités nationales de protection des données . L'indépendance des autorités de surveillance et autres questions actuelles en droit de la protection des données. Schulthess, 31-45
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Les divers modèles d'indépendance des autorités nationales de protection des données . L'indépendance des autorités de surveillance et autres questions actuelles en droit de la protection des données. Schulthess, 31-44
Pucciarelli M., Cantoni L. (2012)
Mobile Access to Knowledge . Mobile Science & Learning. E. Canessa & M. Zennaro (Eds.), 71-77
Russ-Mohl S. (2012)
Opfer der Medienkonvergenz? Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissenschaftsjournalismus im Internet-Zeitalter . in: Füssel, Stephan (Hrsg.), Medienkonvergenz - transdisziplinär, hrausgegeben im Auftrag des Forschungsschwerpunkts Medienkonvergenz der Universität. de Gruyter, 81-108
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Priesthood and the Internet: the International Research PICTURE . In José Maria La Porte e Bruno Mastroianni (eds.), Comunicazione della Chiesa. Identità e Dialogo. Roma: Edizioni Sabinae, 227-246
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Tourists and Destination Management Organizations facing Social Media and eWord-of-Mouth. A Research in Italy . in Uday S Karmarkar, Vandana Mangal, UCLA Anderson Business and Information Technologies (Bit) Project: A Global Study of Business Practice (2012), World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore 2012, pp. 225-248 (doi: 10.1142/9789814390880_0011)
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Un Garbuglio di coincidenze: casualità e causalità ne “La cognizione del dolore” . Delle coincidenze. Opificio di letteratura reale/1. Ad est dell’equatore, 161-168
Russ-Mohl S. (2012)
Wissenschaft für die Medienpraxis. Das European Journalism Observatory als Dienstleister und Ausbildungs-Projekt . in: Dernbach, B. & Loosen, W. (Hrsg.), Didaktik der Journalistik. Konzepte, Methoden und Beispiele aus der Journalistenausbildung. Springer VS Verlag, 335-347
Lobinger K. , Geise S. (2012)
Zur Analyse von Bildern, Kulturen und Identitäten: Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . In S. Geise, & K. Lobinger (Eds.), Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 9-33
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Poglia E. (2011)
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Criteria for designing and evaluating argument diagramming tools from the point of view of argumentation theory . In Pinkwart, N. and McLaren, B. (Eds), Educational Technologies for Teaching Argumentation Skills, Bentham Science (eBook).
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Die doppelte Schwachstelle: Fehlerhäufigkeit und Corrections-Management . In: fög - Forschungsbereich Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft (ed.), Jahrbuch 2011 Qualität der Medien: Schweiz. Schwabe, 452-467
Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2011)
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Fehler über Fehler… Berichterstattungs-Irrtümer und Corrections Management in Tageszeitungen im internationalen Vergleich . In: J. Wolling, A. Will, C. Schumann (eds.), Medieninnovationen: Wie Medienentwicklungen die Kommunikation in der Gesellschaft verändern. UVK, 83-100
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Formazione, ‘new management’, Amministrazione Pubblica . In Renata Viganò & Cristina Lisimberti (Eds.), Politiche pubbliche e formazione. Processi decisionali e strategie, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2011, 39-47
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I Modelli di Migrant Banking: Ieri, Oggi e Domani . Welcome Bank: Migranti, Banche e Marketing. Egea, 189-218
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Les défis de la transparence administrative, réactions et dynamiques organisationnelles . L’éthique et le management public: chantiers, défis et enjeux. Liber Editions
Maggi M. (2011)
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Medien, Medienforschung und Kritik . Jahrbuch 2011. Qualität der Medien. Schweiz – Suisse – Svizzera. fög – Forschungsinstitut Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft, 25-33
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Quantitative Bildinhaltsanalyse . In T. Petersen, & C. Schwender (Eds.), Die Entschlüsselung der Bilder – Methoden zur Erforschung visueller Kommunikation. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 145-162
Borghini S., Visconti L. M. (2011)
Ricerche Qualitative di Marketing . M@rketing Management: Progettare e Generare Valore per il Cliente. Egea, 239-260
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Rück- und Ausblick. Medien, Medienforschung und Kritik . In: fög - Forschungsbereich Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch 2011 Qualität der Medien: Schweiz. Schwabe, 25-33
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Segmentation and Targeting Revisited . Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. Routledge, 295-314
Villeneuve J. P. (2011)
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Russ-Mohl S. (2011)
Wie der Journalismus im Bermuda-Dreieck verschwindet – die Zeitungszukunft in den USA nach der Finanz- und Medienkrise . in: Michael Schröder/Axel Schwanebeck (Hrsg.): Qualität unter Druck. Journalismus im Internet-Zeitalter. Nomos Edition Fischer, 85-98
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Visconti L. M. (2010)
Authentic Brand Narratives: Co-Constructed Mediterraneaness for l’Occitane Brand . Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald, 231-260
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Gli operai: i lavoratori italiani in Svizzera nel secondo dopoguerra (1945-1979) . Costruttori del futuro. Biblioteca cantonale Lugano, 47-64
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La pluralité des opinions politiques et les concentrations des médias . Rapports suisses présentés au XVIIIe Congrès international de droit comparé. Schulthess, 239-258
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L’opera storiografica di Botta nel Novecento. Lineamenti della fortuna critica . Il giacobino pentito. Carlo Botta fra Napoleone e Washington. Laterza, 214-219
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Bazzanella C., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2009)
Central/peripheral functions of allora and 'overall pragmatic configuration . in Mosegaard Hansen, M.-B., Visconti, J. (eds.), Current Trends in Diachronic Semantics and Pragmatics (pp. 107-121). Oxford, Emerald, 107-121
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Hungerbühler Savary R. (2009)
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Ruspini P. (2009)
Estonia . in M. Baldwin-Edwards, A. Kraler (eds) REGINE: Regularisations in Europe. Pallas Publications, Amsterdam: European Commission and Amsterdam University Press, 223-227
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R. (2009)
Experten und Laien in Wissenschaftssendungen: Rollen, Autorität und Legitimation. In Oliver Stenchschke/Sigurd Wichter (Hrsg.) . Wisssenstransfer und Diskurs. Reihe Transferwissenschaften, Bd.6, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 335-346.
Grossenbacher R., Hungerbühler Savary R., Amey P. (2009)
Gruppendiskussionen zur Ermittlung qualitätssrechtlicher Konzessionsvorgaben. In: Grossenbacher, René und Trebbe, Joachim: Qualität in Radio und Fernsehen. Die inhaltsanalytische Messung konzessionsrechtlicher Vorgaben für die Radio- und Fernsehprogramme der SRG SSR idée Suisse . Zürich, Seismo.
Visconti L. M. (2009)
I Consumi della Cross Generation: Forme, Significati e Negoziazioni . Cross Generation Marketing. Egea, 73-110
Cauduro A., Di Nicola A., Fonio C., Nuvoloni A., Ruspini P. (2009)
Innocent When You Dream. Clients and Trafficked Women in Italy . in A. Di Nicola, A. Cauduro, M. Lombardi and P. Ruspini (eds) Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Focus on Clients. New York: Springer, 31-66
Cauduro A., Di Nicola A., Lombardi M., Ruspini P. (2009)
Introduction . in A. Di Nicola, A. Cauduro, M. Lombardi and P. Ruspini (eds) Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Focus on Clients. New York: Springer, 3-4
Ruspini P. (2009)
Italy . in M. Baldwin-Edwards, A. Kraler (eds) REGINE: Regularisations in Europe. Pallas Publications, Amsterdam: European Commission and Amsterdam University Press, 351-369
Ruspini P. (2009)
Latvia . in M. Baldwin-Edwards, A. Kraler (eds) REGINE: Regularisations in Europe. Pallas Publications, Amsterdam: European Commission and Amsterdam University Press, 371-377
Brigandì O. (2009)
Le libertà guidate. I diversi rapporti fra testo dantesco e lettore . Leggere e rileggere la “Commedia” dantesca. Unicopli, 103-121
Cottier B. (2009)
Le TAF face aux enjeux d'une communication judiciaire moderne: des activités transparentes, une jurisprudenceacessible et des égards pour la presse . Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht: Stellung und Aufgaben. Institut für Rechtwissenschaft, Sankt Gallen, 373-402
Ruspini P. (2009)
Learning from Clients . in A. Di Nicola, A. Cauduro, M. Lombardi and P. Ruspini (eds) Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Focus on Clients. New York: Springer, 227-231
Maggi M. (2009)
L’"ut pictura poesis": il dialogo tra le arti . La cultura italiana, vol. VII: La cultura. Una vocazione umanistica. UTET, 553-569
Di Nicola A., Ruspini P. (2009)
Objectives and Methodology of the Research . in A. Di Nicola, A. Cauduro, M. Lombardi and P. Ruspini (eds) Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Focus on Clients. New York: Springer, 23-27
Ruspini P. (2009)
Switzerland . in M. Baldwin-Edwards, A. Kraler (eds) REGINE: Regularisations in Europe. Pallas Publications, Amsterdam: European Commission and Amsterdam University Press, 463-473
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2009)
Tratti attenuativi e rafforzativi del condizionale italiano con i verbi performativi . In: Gili Fivela, B. e Bazzanella, C. (a cura di), Fenomeni di intensità nell'italiano parlato (pp. 115-126). Firenze, Franco Cesati, 115-126
Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2009)
Un Eccesso di Cultura . Cross Generation Marketing. Egea, XI-XVII
Lobinger K. (2009)
Visuelle Stereotype. Resultate besonderer Bild-Text-Interaktionen . In T. Petersen, & C. Schwender, (Eds.), Visuelle Stereotype. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 109-122
Castro Mallamaci S. (2008)
28. Alla ricerca di un nuovo ordine giuridico internazionale: il problema della pace europea nelle riflessioni di Egidio Reale . Europa in progress, Europa vicina e lontana. Idee e percorsi dell’integrazione europea. Centro editoriale toscano, 27-37
Podestà S., Visconti L. M. (2008)
Consumers Participation in Market Co-Creation: How Gays Impact Marketing Strategies through Consumer Society . Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 389-411
Mandelli A. , La Rocca A. (2008)
Destination Networks in Heritage Tourism: The Albergo Diffuso Formula . In Karmarkar, U. and Vandal, M. (Eds.): UCLA Anderson BusinessInformation Technology (BIT) Project, A Global Study of Business Practice World ScientificPublishing
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Devouring the Other: cannibalism, translation and the construction of cultural identity . In: Paschalis Nikolau / Maria-Venetia Kyritsi, Translating Selves. Experience and Identity Between Languages and Literatures, Continuum,London, 109-122
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Die Umstellung des Medizinstudiums auf die Bachelor-Master-Struktur: Das Beispiel der Schweiz . in: Benz, Winfried, Kohler, Jürgen, Landfried, Klaus. Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre. Berlin: Raabe. Beitrag E 8.13, 1-22
Visconti L. M. (2008)
La (De)costruzione dell’Identità Gay tra Mercato e Società . Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi. McGraw-Hill, 205-207
Ingrosso M. (2008)
La salute comunicata. Ricerche e valutazioni nei media e nei servizi sanitari . Editore Franco Angeli
Corsaro D., Tunisini A., Brancaccio F. (2008)
L'analisi della Customer Satisfaction e del Customer Value nei business markets, Tunisini (a cura di), Teorie e applicazioni di business marketing. Comprendere i processi di mercato e modellare l'azione di management . Franco Angeli
Cottier B. (2008)
Les concepts juridiques indéterminés: un oreiller de paresse pour le législateur? . Notions-cadre, concepts indéterminés et standards juridiques en droit interne, international et comparé. Schulthess, 3-20
Boje D., Musacchio Adorisio A. L. (2008)
Living between myths: Experiences at Wells Fargo Bank . in Mythical Inspirations for Organizational Realities edited by Monika Kostera, Palgrave, London
Bazzanella C., Bosco C., Gili Fivela B., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Tini Brunozzi F. (2008)
Segnali discorsivi e tipi di testo: il caso di allora . In: Cristina Bosisio, Bona Cambiagli, Emanuela Piemontese, Francesca Santulli, Aspetti linguistici della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale (239-265). Perugia, Guerra, 239-265
Ruspini P. (2008)
The Post-Enlargement Migration Space . in G. Silasi, O. L. Simina (eds) Migration, Mobility and Human Rights at the Eastern Border of the European Union - Space of Freedom and Security. Timisoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 11-26
Cottier B. , Rudloff J. (2007)
Abusive advertising on the Internet: Spam and other intrusive marketing techniques . Regulating Internet Abuses Invasion of Privacy. Kluwer, 155-176
Visconti L. M. , Napolitano E. M. ., Fiorio C. (2007)
Conclusioni . Stili Migranti. Etnica, 227-242
Corsaro D., Fiocca R., Tunisimi A. (2007)
Dal portafoglio clienti al portafoglio relazioni/risorse, in Rileggere l'impresa . Etas
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Experience Sampling Method e lo studio dell'esperienza quotidiana: implicazioni per l'intervento La condivisione del benessere, il contributo della Psicologia Positiva . Franco Angeli
Visconti L. M. , La Rocca G., Fontana Sabatini L., Scialpi S., Mosca E. (2007)
I figli delle Migrazioni: G2 Marketing . Stili Migranti. Etnica, 107-153
Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2007)
I Target Migranti . Stili Migranti. Etnica, 1-36
Cottier B. (2007)
Le droit de la publicité en ligne pour les services financiers: règles traditionnelles, règles nouvelles et règles en devenir . E-banking et e-trading. Les activités bancaires en ligne et le commerce des valeurs mobilières sur le Net. CEDIDAC, 47-73
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2007)
Modality and conversational structure in French . In Berlin, L. (ed.), Theoretical Approaches to Dialogue Analysis. Selected Papers from the IADA Chicago 2004 Conference (pp. 49-60). Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 49-60
Castro Mallamaci S. (2007)
Pietro Pavesi: il libero pensatore e l’uomo politico . Animali dal mondo. La raccolta zoologica di Pietro Pavesi. Greppi, 185-194
Candeloro J. P., Richeri G. (2007)
Procesos de integración europea y política de comunicación: el caso de la televisión . In D. Loreti, G. Mastrini e M. Baranchuk (eds.). Participación y democracia en la Sociedad de la Información. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Editorial
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Bazzanella C. (2007)
The attenuating conditional: context, appropriateness and interaction . In Fetzer, A. (ed.), Context and appropriateness: micro meets macro (pp. 203-233). Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 203-233
Ruspini P. (2006)
Allargamento europeo e identità europea” (EU Enlargement and European Identity) . in Fondazione ISMU, Undicesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2005 (Eleventh Report on Migration 2005). Milan: Franco Angeli, 389-399
Garau S. (2006)
Dediche di Vincenzo Monti, in Vincenzo Monti nella cultura italiana . Monti nella Milano napoleonica e post-napoleonica. Barbarisi, Gennaro; Spaggiari, William. Milano, Cisalpino, 263-282
Rigotti F. (2006)
Elements . in The Classical Tradition edited by Anthony Grafton, Glenn Most, and Salvatore Settis, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press
Maeusli T. , Tanner J., Linke A. (2006)
Europa ist anders. Volksradio als Antwort auf einen amerikanischen Hörfunk der ,Massen . Attraktion und Abwehr. die Amerikanisierung der Alltagskultur in Europa. Böhlau, Köln, 97-116
Ruspini P. (2006)
Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space . in R. King, T. Muravska (eds) European Union Enlargement of 2004 and Beyond: Responding to the Political, Legal and Socio-Economic Challenges. Riga: University of Latvia, 319-334
Rigotti F. (2006)
I fondamenti filosofici del multiculturalismo . in Carlo Galli (ed.), Multiculturalismo. Ideologie e sfide, Bologna, il Mulino, 2006 (tr. spagnola: Multiculturalismo. Ideologías y desafíos, Buenos Aires, Nueva Visìon
Visconti L. M. (2006)
Identità e Mediterraneità: L’alternanza Culturale come Terza Via tra Anoressia e Bulimia Identitaria . Marketing Mediterraneo: Tra Metafora e Territorio. Egea, 147-178
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2006)
La collaboration interdisciplinaire: gestion de perspectives divergentes et construction d'un espace de travail commun . In Keller, Th. & Raphaël, F. (Hrsg.), Lebensgeschichten, Exil, Migration. Récits de vie, exil, migration (pp. 127-146). Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 127-146
Visconti L. M. (2006)
Percorsi di Empowerment Socio-economico e Sub-ottimalità delle Scelte . Imprese di Migranti. Etnica, 121-128
Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L. (2006)
Soziologische Betrachtungen zur Wahrnehmung nächtlicher Landschaften/Osservazioni sociologiche sulla percezione dei paesaggi notturni, in: Zumthor, Peter/Beer, Ivan/Mathieu, Jon: Wieviel Licht braucht der Mensch, um leben zu können, und wieviel Dunkelheit?/Di quanta luce ha bisogno l'uomo per vivere e di quanta ocurità? . Zürich, vdf Hochschulverlag/bologna, editrice compositori.
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2006)
The lexicographical representation of gender in the Microsoft Word Thesaurus: Polish . In E-M. Thüne, S. Leonardi & C. Bazzanella (eds.), Gender, Language and New Literacy: a Multilingual Analysis (pp. 123-138). London, Continuum, 123-138
Poglia E. (2005)
Cinque sfide per la scuola di oggi o forse di domani . in Il piacere del sapere, CDC, Bellinzona
Ruspini P. (2005)
Da dieci a venticinque: il nuovo spazio europeo (From 10 to 25: the New European Space) . in Fondazione ISMU, Decimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2004. Dieci anni di immigrazione in Italia (Tenth Report on Migration 2004. Ten Years of Immigration in Italy). Milan: Franco Angeli, 317-330
Candeloro J. P. (2005)
eBook . In F. Colombo (ed.). Atlante della comunicazione. Milano: Hoepli
Ruspini P. (2005)
Il quadro attuale dell’Unione europea. Immigrazione, integrazione, occupazione (The EU Current State of Play. Immigration, Integration, Employment) . in M. Lombardi (ed) Percorsi di integrazione degli immigrati e politiche attive del lavoro (Paths of Immigrant Integration and Active Labour Policies). Milano: Franco Angeli, 15-26
Cottier B. (2005)
Le secret rédactionnel: un secret vraiment garanti? . Media Vision. Stämpfli. in: Media Vision, Berne 2005, p. 49ss., 49-55
Candeloro J. P. (2005)
Libro . In F. Colombo (ed.). Atlante della comunicazione. Milano: Hoepli
Visconti L. M. (2005)
L’individualisme Postmoderne et la Pensée Méditerranéenne: Oxymore et Réconciliation par une Approche de Cultural-Crossing . Marketing Méditerranée et Postmodernité. Edition Euromed Marseille, 121-148
Ruspini P. (2004)
A Mirror Image? The Emerging United States of Europe . in B. Henry, A. Loretoni (eds) The Emerging European Union: Identity, Citizenship, Rights. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 189-204
Rigotti F. (2004)
Cara Mantova . in Cara Mantova. Impressioni e ricordi di ieri e di oggi, (con Giovanni Paolo II, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Ettore Albertoni, Franco Amadei, Vittorino Andreoli et al., )Mantova, Tre Lune
Colombetti M. , Schiaffonati V. (2004)
Computo ergo sum: Un'introduzione ai modelli computazionali della coscienza . In Galati, D., Tinti, C. (a cura), Prospettive sulla coscienza, Carocci, Roma, 159-183
Garau S. (2004)
Dedicatorie dell’Italia napoleonica (1796–1814). Continuazione e rottura degli schemi della dedica . I margini del libro. Indagine teorica e storica sui testi di dedica, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Basilea, 21-23 novembre 2002. Terzoli, Maria Antonietta. Roma-Padova, Antenore, 291-316
Visconti L. M. (2004)
Diversity Management e Lavoro Straniero: Vantaggio Competitivo o Cerimonia? . Diversity Management e Società Multiculturale. FrancoAngeli, 11-30
Ruspini P., Górny A. (2004)
Forging a Common Immigration Policy for the Enlarging European Union: for Diversity of Harmonization . in A. Górny, P. Ruspini (eds) Migration in the New Europe: East-West Revisited. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 247-277
Visconti L. M. (2004)
I Servizi a Utenza Multiculturale: Una Lettura Aziendale dei Modelli di Risposta . I colori del Welfare. Servizi alla Persona di fronte all'Utenza che Cambia. FrancoAngeli, 47-77
Gorny A., Ruspini P. (2004)
Introduction . in A. Górny, P. Ruspini (eds) Migration in the New Europe: East-West Revisited. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 1-22
Ruspini P. (2004)
Lo spazio migratorio della Ue allargata: Russia e repubbliche ex-sovietiche. Nuovi confini migratori (The Enlarged EU Migration Space: Russia and the Former Soviet Republics. New Migration Borders) . in Fondazione ISMU, Nono Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2003 (Ninth Report on Migration 2003). Milan: Franco Angeli, 331-341
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2004)
Sprachbiographische Interviews im Vergleich: Anfangspunkte des Erwerbs von Zweitsprachen . In Franceschini, R., Miecznikowski, J. (Hrsg./éds.). Leben mit mehreren Sprachen. Sprachbiographien / Vivre avec plusieurs langues. Sprachbiographien / Biographies langagières (pp. 187-209). Bern, Peter Lang, 187-209
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Franceschini R. (2004)
Wie bin ich zu meinen verschiedenen Sprachen gekommen? Ein Vorwort . In Franceschini, R., Miecznikowski, J. (Hrsg./éds.). Leben mit mehreren Sprachen. Sprachbiographien / Vivre avec plusieurs langues. Sprachbiographien / Biographies langagières (pp. VII-XXI). Bern, Peter Lang, VII-XXI
Tanzi E., Visconti L. M. (2003)
Immigrazioni nel Territorio Milanese: Le Aziende Non Profit tra Affiancamento e Innovazione nel Sistema del Welfare Sanitario . Problematiche di Gestione nelle Aziende Non Profit. Edizioni 31, 211-248
Ruspini P. (2003)
L’area dell’Unione europea (The European Union Area) . in Fondazione ISMU, Ottavo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2002 (Eighth Report on Migration 2002). Milan: Franco Angeli, 269-277
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Pepin N. (2003)
L'intégration des forums via internet dans l'enseignement universitaire: un regard réflexif . In L. Mondada, S. Pekarek Doehler (eds.), Plurilinguisme – Mehrsprachigkeit – plurilingualism. Enjeux identitaires, socio-culturels et éducatifs. Festschrift pour Georges Lüdi. Tübingen, Francke, 197-208
Ruspini P. (2003)
Migratory Flows and Policies in the New European Space . in S. Giusti, L. Tajoli, (eds) Convergence in the Enlarged European Union. Milan: Egea-ISPI, 221-241
Maggi M. (2003)
Roland Barthes . Semiotica II. Configurazione disciplinare e questioni contemporanee. La Scuola, 51-86
Crespi Reghizzi S., Braitenberg V. (2003)
"Towards a brain compatible theory of syntax based on local testability" in C. Martin-Vide and V. Mitrana (eds), Grammars and Automata for String Processing: from Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology, and Back . Taylor and Francis, Topics in Computer Mathematics 9, London, 2003, p. 17-32.
Maeusli T. (2002)
La radio svizzera . La radio. Percorsi e teritori di un medium moble e interattivo. Bologna, x-x
Ruspini P. (2002)
L’area dell’Unione europea (The European Union Area) . in Fondazione ISMU, Settimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2001 (Seventh Report on Migration 2001). Milan: Franco Angeli, 263-270
Poncini G., Satzger A. (2002)
Perspectives on Business Communication: From Past Approaches to Future Trends . Frankfurt: Peter Lang
Hungerbühler Savary R. (2002)
Sprachregionale Segmentierung und Integration: Politische Berichterstattung am Schweizer Radio. In: Kurt Imhof,Otfried Jarren,Roger Blum (Hrsg.): Integration und Medien, Mediensymposium Luzern Bd.7 . Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen
Maeusli T. , Kater M., Riethmüller A. (2002)
The Swiss Music Scene in the 1930s. A Mirror of European Conditions? . Music and Nazism. Laaber, München, 258-269
Maggi M. (2002)
"Virtuosi stati a Roma et che anco non vi sono stati". Cassiano e gli illustri Piemontesi del suo tempo . Le straordinarie raccolte di Cassiano Dal Pozzo (1588-1657), Catalogo della mostra (Museo del Territorio Biellese, Biella, 16 dicembre 2001 – 16 marzo 2002). De Luca, 21-28
Maeusli T. (2001)
Die Archive der Service Public Medien: Ein Fundus für neuere Kulturgeschichte . Archive und Geschichtsschreibung; Studien und Quellen. Schweizer Bundesarchiv, 285-300
Ruspini P. (2001)
I paesi dell’Unione europea (The European Union Member States) . in Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, Sesto Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 2000 (Sixth Report on Migration 2000). Milan: Franco Angeli, 225-233
Maeusli T. (2001)
Il servizio pubblico radiofonico elvetico e il suo ruolo culturale . La politica allo specchio. Istituzioni, partecipazione e formazione alla cittadinanza. Giampiero Casagrande, 285-299
Cottier B. (2001)
Impact des nouveaux médias sur la science et la pratique du droit . Quelques facettes du droit d'Internet. Presses académiques de Neuchâtel, 1-19
La Porte J. M., De Ascaniis S. (2001)
La comunicazione istituzionale nel Forum delle associazioni famigliari (Italia) . N. González Gaitano, J. M. La Porte (a cura di) – Famiglia e media. Associazioni familiari e comunicazione. EDUSC, Roma, 9-53
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Mondada L. (2001)
Les pratiques d‘écriture dans la recherche scientifique: planifier et rédiger collaborativement des arguments . In M.-M. de Gaulmyn, R. Bouchard, A. Rabatel (éds.), Le processus rédactionnel. Ecrire à plusieurs voix (pp. 195-219). Paris, L'Harmattan, 195-219
Rigotti F. (2001)
Metaforologia della vita quotidiana . , in AA.VV (a cura di Graziella Arazzi), Donne e filosofe: orme di pensiero tra biografia e storia, Irre Liguria, DPS Editrice, Genova
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2001)
Parallelen in der Darstellung von Sprachkontakt und -erwerb: zwei biographische Interviews . In T. Keller, F. Raphaël (éds.), Biographies au Pluriel (pp. 215-226). Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 215-226
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2001)
Scientific vocabulary in use: negotiating words and constructing discourse objects . In E. Németh T. (ed.), Pragmatics in 2000. Selected Papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest, July 2000 (pp. 430-444). Antwerpen, International Pragmatics Association, 430-444
Ruspini P. (2000)
I paesi dell’Unione europea (The European Union Member States) . in Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, Quinto Rapporto sulle Migrazioni 1999 (Fifth Report on Migration 1999). Milan: Franco Angeli, 213-219
Ruspini P. (2000)
Living on the Edge: Irregular Immigrants in Italy . in D. Çinar, A. Gächter, H. Waldrauch (eds) Irregular Migration: Dynamics, Impact, Policy Options, Eurosocial Report Vol. 67. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, 81-93
Ruspini P. (2000)
Nuovi modi di pensare l’Europa (New Ways of Thinking of Europe), . in Marazzi, A. (ed), Una bussola per l’Europa (A Compass for Europe) Milan: Hoepli-Fondazione Cariplo ISMU. Milan: Hoepli-Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, 91-95
Cottier B. (2000)
Point de vues doctrinaux et solutions législatives et jurisprudentielles suisses concernant nouveaux procédés de télécommunications (Internet) . Droit européen comparé d'Internet. Bruylant, 127-154
Maeusli T. (2000)
Radiohören . Radio und Fernsehen in der Schweiz. Geschichte der Schweizerischen Rundspruchgesellscahft SRG bis 1958. hier und jetzt, 195-224
Maeusli T. (2000)
"Schweizerische Musik - ein Sektor in der Front der geistigen Landesverteidigung" . "Entre Denges et Denezy..." Dokumente zur Schweizer Musikgeschichte 1900-2000. Schott (Mainz), 417-429
Maeusli T. (1999)
Basel swingt . Das Basler Musikleben im 20. Jahrhundert. Basler Zeitung, 111-123
Cottier B. (1999)
Les instruments juridiques destinés à combattre le racisme: les différentes approches des pays européens . Das Verbot ethnisch-kultureller Diskriminierung. Helbing Lichtenhahn, 47-65
Ruspini P. (1999)
Programmazione dei flussi in Europa: il caso dell’Austria (Planning of Migratory Flows in Europe: the Case of Austria) . in L. Zanfrini (ed), Immigrati, mercati del lavoro e programmazione dei flussi di ingresso, (Immigrants, Job Markets and Planning of the Entry Flows), Quaderni I.S.MU., n. 1/1999. Milan: Fondazione Cariplo ISMU, 149-153
Arbia G. , Haining R., Griffith D. (1999)
Uncertainty and error propagation in map analyses involving arithmetic and overlay operations: inventory and porspect . in Spatial accuracy assessment, Kim Lowell and Annick Jaton (a cura di), Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, Michigan, 11-25.
Maeusli T. (1998)
Das auserkorene Instrument zur Erhaltung des Schweizergeistes . Erfundene Schweiz. Schweiz. Landesmuseum, 332-337
Hungerbühler Savary R. (1998)
Kulturen und Subkulturen. Eine Dealerin vor dem Prozess., und Allein auf der Alp. Ein Ziegenhirt im Tessin. In: Honegger, Claudia/Rychner Marianne, Das Ende der Gemütlichkeit. Strukturelles Unglück und mentales Leid in der Schweiz . Zürich, Limmat Verlag.
Cottier B. (1997)
La construction européenne aux yeux de l’observateur suisse . l’Etat multinational et l’Europe. Presse universitaire de Nancy, 211-213
Maeusli T. (1997)
Swingboys und Swinggirls in der Schweiz . a walk on the wild side. Jugendkulturen in der schweiz von den 30er jahren bis heute. Stapferhaus Lenzburg, 20-27
Roselli L. (1996)
Aurelio Nicolodi, Dino Perrone Compagni e Roberto Ridolfi . in Guida agli Archivi della Cultura del '900 in Toscana, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 1996, pp.424-425, 464-475, 527-528
Rigotti F. (1996)
Giacomo Matteotti. Rede vor dem Parlament am 24.6.1924 . Mit einem Essay von Francesca Rigotti, Europäische Verlaganstalt, Hamburg 1996
Cottier B. (1996)
La représentation des intérêts en procédure administrative américaine . La pesée globale des intérêts. Helbing Lichtenhahn, 151-172
Roselli L. (1995)
Origini e vicende dell'archivio di Santa Maria di Vallombrosa . in Miscellanea di Studi in onore di Arnaldo d'Addario, vol.I, Lecce , Ed. Conte, 1995, pp.219-235
Maeusli T. (1994)
Jazz und Geistige Landesverteidigung: Zur Rezeption des Jazz in der Schweiz der Jahre 1933 – 1944, in: , Darmstadt 1994. . Darmstätter Jazzforum. nn, x-x
Cottier B. (1994)
L'isolement des personnes atteintes du virus VIH: une mesure d'un autre âge? . Festschrift für Jan Stepan. Schulthess. in: Cross-Border Gambling on the Internet (Challenging National and International Law), Schulthess Zurich, 123-140
Cottier B. , Sychold M. (1994)
Qu'en est-il de l'abus de droit dans les pays qui ignorent cette institution? . Abus de droit et bonne foi. Editions Universitaires Fribourg, 325-430
Cottier B. (1993)
Les "Sunset Laws", des lois expérimentales à la mode américaine . Evaluation législative et lois expérimentales. Presse universitaire d'Aix Marseille, 161-175
Arbia G. (1992)
Aggregation over time space and individuals in economic modelling: a generating mechanism approach . Chapter 6 of the volume Continuous time econometrics, G. Gandolfo ed., Chapman and Hall eds., London
Cottier B. (1992)
Le sort du contrat en cas d'admission du recours contre la décision d'ajudication. Etude de droit comparé . Aspects du droit des marchés publics. Editions Universitaires Fribourg, 193-208
Cottier B. , Aronovitz A. (1991)
Conséquences institutionnelles de l'appartenance de l'Italie à la CEE . Conséquences institutionnelles de l'appartenance aux Communautés européennes. Schulthess, 287-323
Cottier B. (1991)
Conséquences institutionnelles de l'appartenance du Danemark à la CEE . Conséquences institutionnelles de l'appartenance aux Communautés européennes. Schulthess, 57-76
Cottier B. , Rieben A. S., Gerber A. (1991)
Stand der Forschungsfreiheit unter Berücksichtigung differenter politischer Systeme . Forschungsfreiheit - Ein ethisches und politisches Problem der modernen Wissenschaften. Verlag der Fachvereine. in : La mise en œuvre du principe de transparence dans l’administration, Genève 2006, p. 73ss., 107-115
Cottier B. (1990)
Le droit suisse de l'audiovisuel au crible de la Convention européenne sur télévision transfrontière du 5 ami 1989 . Conflits et harmonisation Mélanges en l'honneur de A.-E. von Overbeck. Editions Universitaires Fribourg, 131-154
Cottier B. (1990)
Union libre et sécurité sociale: les solutions des pays scandinaves . Droit privé et assurances sociales. Editions Universitaires Fribourg. in: Droit européen comparé d'Internet (Internet European Compared Law), Bruylant, Brussels 2000 p. 127ss, 285-299
Cottier B. (1989)
Le nouvel arrêté sur la radiodiffusion par satellite: une loi pour rien? . Le droit des médias audiovisuels. Helbing Lichtenhahn, 91-110
Arbia G. (1989)
Statistical effects of spatial data transformations: a proposed general framework . in Accuracy of spatial databases, M. Goodchild And S. Gopal Eds., Taylor & Francis, 249-259, London
Arbia G. (1986)
Problems in the estimation of the spatial autocorrelation function arising from the form of the weights matrix . in Transformations through space and time, D.Griffith and R.P. Haining Eds., Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 294-308, Dordrecht.
Working paper (76)
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Geddo C. (2021)
Addressee-centered evidential markers in talk-in-interaction. The case of Italian 'vedere'+'che' constructions
Permatasari P. A. (2021)
iWareBatik: Promoting the Wise Use of Digital Technology to Preserve Batik Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tourism Context. UNESCO MOOC VOL. 3
iWareBatik: Promoting the Wise Use of Digital Technology to Preserve Batik Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tourism Context. UNESCO MOOC VOL. 3
Di Salvo P. (2019)
Freedom on the Net (2019) - Contry report: Italy
Weiss M., Balachandran Nair L., Hoegl M., Hoorani B. H., Doms H. (2019)
Towards Inclusions in Strategy Research: Transparent Reporting of Field Studies as Catalyst Between Qualitative and Quantitative scholars
Märcz L. (2018)
Feral children: Questioning the human-animal boundary from an anthropological perspective.
Financialization of everyday life: Measurement and critique (under review)
Di Salvo P. (2018)
Freedom on the Net (2018) - Contry report: Italy
Di Salvo P. (2017)
Fare giornalismo sugli attacchi drone (Droni militari: proliferazione o controllo?)
Di Salvo P. (2017)
Freedom on the Net (2017) - Contry report: Italy
Success Factors of Audience Engagement: A Behavioral Economic Investigation of Participatory Journalism
The Role of Media Journalism in Times of Fake News - A Cross-National Investigation
Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2016)
Hot on the audit trail: How to assess methodological transparency of grounded theory in management?
Averbeck-Lietz S., Hepp A., Venema R. (2015)
Communicative Figurations of Financial Blogging: Deliberative and Moralizing Modes of Crisis Communication during the Eurocrisis
Pellandini-Simányi L. , Zsuzsanna V. (2015)
Markets as performative effects: Performation struggles in the making of the Hungarian forex mortgage market (Working paper presented at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Economic Sociology Section, Chicago, USA)
Di Salvo P., Valerio B. (2015)
Next Journalism. Il giornalismo di domani, raccontato da chi lo sta cambiando
Ruspini P. (2015)
Social Capital and Networking for Sub-Saharan Migrant Women: towards the creation of Self-Help Structures
Seele P. (2015)
The Sustainability Panopticon in the Digital Age (15/1)
Panagiotidou E., Bagiante L., Borrè A., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Destination Image Report: Perceptions of Lugano and Ticino, Switzerland
Casnati F., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Il Ruolo della Destinazione nella Comunicazione Online degli Hotel. Il caso degli hotel del Ticino (Svizzera)
Palmieri R. , Dillena G. (2014)
Il sospetto: anticamera della verità o catastrofe della fiducia. LACoPS Working Papers, 1/2014. Lugano: USI
Borre' A., De Ascaniis S. , Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Le Recensioni Online degli Hotel: Pratiche di Ascolto e di Dialogo. Il caso degli hotel di Lugano.
Dauner S., De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Smartphone applications for public transport in Swiss cities
Boegli F., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Swiss Agritourism Online. A study on the online presence of members of “Agritourism Switzerland” association.
The (Behavioral) Economics of Whistleblowing, Journalism, and PR.
De Ascaniis S. , Faré M., Tardini S. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Un simulatore per allenare l’abilità di elicitazione dei requisiti utente nella progettazione di applicazioni multimediali
Pucciarelli M. (2013)
Case Study Report. Bessengué.
Pucciarelli M. (2013)
Case Study Report. New Bell.
Richeri G. (2013)
Il riconoscimento normativo delle Film Commission
Babbar Rivas A., Gazizova E., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2013)
Latin America and the Caribbean. The Online Presence of the World Heritage Sites
Pucciarelli M. (2013)
Panoramic report. Culture and Safety in Douala
Rega I., Vannini S., Raimilla M., Fauró L. (2013)
Telecentres and Mobile: an initial overview
Stoklosa L. ., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. , Piotrowski M. (2012)
Online narratives about a Central European tourism destination. The case of Podkarpackie Province (Subcarpathian Voivodeship)
Rapanta C. (2011)
Communication processes in eLearning design and development: an Interaction Analysis approach
Villeneuve J. P. , Pasquier M. (2011)
Le Tactilo. Au cœur du débat sur la régulation des jeux de hasard et d'argent
Schopper D. (2010)
Healthy Body Weight among Children and Adolescents: What are the lessons learnt since 2005?
Maiani F., Villeneuve J. P. , Pasquier M. (2010)
‘Less is more’? The Commission proposal on access to EU documents and the proper limits of transparency
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2009)
Recita il testo...': il rinvio a fonti scritte nella stampa economico-finanziaria
Zamparini A. , Lurati F. , Illia L. (2008)
Auditing regional wine brands: the case of Merlot Ticino
Hungerbühler Savary R. (2008)
Sprache, Medien und Unterchiede politischer Identitäten - Langues, médias et difförences d'identité politique. Schlussbericht Nationales Forschungsprogramm NFP 56 Sprachenvielfalt und Sprachkompetenz in der Schweiz. USI, Lugano
Rigotti F. (2007)
How to teach and learn political-philosophical concepts through a multidisciplinary approach
Rigotti F. (2007)
La famiglia, gli affetti familiari e il «ragionevole pluralismo» delle democrazie liberali
Hungerbühler Savary R., Lasagni M. C. (2007)
L'osservazione dei programmi radiotelevisivi nella Svizzera italiana
Rigotti F. (2007)
Metaphors of Space
Ruspini P. (2007)
The post-enlargement migration space and its open questions
Birth G., Illia L., Lurati F. , Zamparini A. (2006)
Communicating CSR: The practice in the top 300 companies in Switzerland
Illia L., Lurati F. , Previatello S. (2006)
Consumer Boycotts in Switzerland 1994-2004: Typologies and Strategies
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Calvo S. (2006)
Scienza e tecnica nei programmi radiotelevisivi della SSR SRG idée suisse. Offerta e uso in un contesto multimediale
Ruspini P. (2006)
The EU Eastward Enlargement and the Migration Space. Social and Political Consequences, Working Paper Crocevia, Turin: International and European Forum on Migration Research (FIERI), 27 April 2006, 15 p.
Rigotti F. (2005)
Presentazione a Hans Blumenberg, L'ansia si specchia sul fondo
Ruspini P. (2005)
The New EU Migration Space, Discussion Paper, 2004-5/MWG/3, Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2 March 2005, 17 p.
Rigotti F. (2004)
Commento alla Lettera del cardinale Ratzinger del 1 agosto 2004
Cola M., Richeri G. (2003)
Digital divide e giornalismo: analisi e proposte
Rigotti F. (2003)
Etica domestica e speculazione filosofica
Rigotti F. (2003)
Le parole della democrazia
Rigotti F. (2003)
The Philosopher at The Loom or Translation as Freedom Experience
Poncini G. (2002)
common ground in multilingual brochures for mountain areas in
Rigotti F. (2002)
El hilo de tejer y el hilo del piensamento
Rigotti F. (2002)
Fare la spola tra le sponde dell'essere. Filosofia e condizione femminile in Edith Stein, Maria Zambrano, Hannah Arendt, Carla Lonzi
Rigotti F. (2001)
Fili da ricamo e fili del pensiero
Rigotti F. (2001)
I vincoli come opportunità ovvero riflessioni su libertà e necessità
Hungerbühler Savary R., Maeusli T. (2001)
Service public und Kultur im Wandel. Hermeneutische und empirische Analyse am Beispiel der Radios der SRG.
Rigotti F. (2000)
Che cosa significa far cultura?
Rigotti F. (2000)
Chi ha paura della globalizzazione? Le trasformazioni politico-economiche e il linguaggio dell'Apocalissi
Hungerbühler Savary R., Maeusli T. , Saxer U. (2000)
Das öffentlich-rechtliche Radio in der Schweiz - zwischen Integrationsrundfunk und Marktorientierung. Eine Untersuchung der Veränderung der Radiokommunikation im Bereich der Information in der deutschen, französischen und italienischen Schweiz seit 1960.
Rigotti F. (2000)
Il mito del merito nella società post-industriale
Rigotti F. (2000)
La symbolique et la métaphorique de la souveraineté dans la tradition républicaine: souveraineté du prince et souveraineté des lois,
Rigotti F. (2000)
Onore e democrazia
Rigotti F. (2000)
The New Leviathan: Globalization and the Language of the Apocalypsis
Rigotti F. (2000)
Una discussione sulla discriminazione, le quote e la giustizia
Rigotti F. (2000)
Velo: silenzio e decoro
Cantoni L. , JANNUZZI P., Lepori B. , Mazza R. (1999)
Delivering Relevant Information to Interested Users, philosopy, system architecture & technical realisation of the SwissCast push service
Charles M., Poncini G. (1999)
Teaching Intercultural Negotiation and Communication Skills: An International Experiment
Mandelli A. (1996)
Il Marketing e L'Editoria Elettronica su Internet (26)
Mandelli A. (1996)
Internet per la Comunicazione Globale. L'Analisi di un Caso Italiano
Rigotti F.,
Virtù, libertà, partecipazione: la strategia retorica del repubblicanesimo
Conference proceedings (198)
Hoorani B. H., Gibbert M. (forthcoming)
Selection Strategies for Single Case Study Research (2020) . AOM. Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
Hoorani B. H., Gibbert M. , Phillips N. (forthcoming)
The Evolution of Mindfulness: the Case of the Large Hadron Collider Breakdown at CERN (nominated for the PhD prize award) (2020) . SMS. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, London, UK
Sabatini N. , Sadaba T. , Tosi A., Neri V., Cantoni L. (2023)
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age . Springer. FACTUM 23 Conference
Hasenzahl L. , Ghezili S., Cantoni L. (2022)
eLearning for Tourism During COVID-19 - Learning from Students’ Perspectives. A Pilot Study . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022
Ornati M. (2022)
Fashion touch. Surface haptics in fashion e-commerce . Seifi, H., Kappers, A. M. L., Schneider, O., Drewing, K., Pacchierotti, C., Abbasimoshaei, A., Huisman, G., & Kern, T. A. (Eds.). (2022). Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, Hamburg, Germany, May 22–25, 2022, Proceedings (Vol. 13235). Springer International Publishing.. EuroHaptics2022. Hamburg, Germany. May 22-25, 2022. ISBN 9783031062483
Maggi M. (2022)
Walter Benjamin e la cultura italiana . Leo S. Olschki. Istituto di studi italiani; Biblioteca. Walter Benjamin e la cultura italiana. Lugano. 21 marzo 2019. ISBN 9788822268082
Noris A. , Cantoni L. (2021)
COVID-19 Outbreak and Fashion Communication Strategies on Instagram: A Content Analysis . Springer ham. HCII 2021
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Digital Fashion Communication: An Explorative Study of Fashion Newsletters. . Springer. HCI International 2021
Maślikowska M., Gibbert M. (2021)
Dynamic boundaries in virtual teams: Is participant alignment the new team cohesion? . European Group for Organizational Studies. EGOS. Amsterdam (virtual)
Maggi M. , Tescari V. , Garau S. (2021)
Fototestualità . Versants, LXVIII, 2. Fototestualità
Noris A. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Intercultural Crisis Communication on Social Media: A Case from Fashion . Springer, Cham. Fashion Communication
Hasenzahl L. , Cantoni L. (2021)
“Old” and “New” Media Discourses on Chinese Outbound Tourism to Switzerland Before and During the Covid-19 Outbreak. An Exploratory Study. In: Wörndl W., Koo C., Stienmetz J.L. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021. . Springer. ENTER2021
Portela Cabán C., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Omni-channel Retailing in the Fashion Industry: Its Definition and Implementation. . Springer, Cham. FACTUM 21 Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2021
Picco Schwendener A. , Nobile T. H. , Gaduel Thaloka T. (2021)
Online Communication Design Within Fashion Curricula. . Springer. HCI International 2021
Permatasari P. A. (2021)
Participatory Design to Create Digital Technologies for Batik Intangible Cultural Heritage. . Springer. Human Computer Interaction International 2021, Washington DC
Nobile T. H. , Sabatini N. (2020)
An Exploration of Personalization in Digital Communication. Insights in Fashion . Springer. HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. HCI International 2020. ISBN 9783030503413
Maślikowska M. (2020)
How do dynamic boundaries affect team cohesion in the virtual student teams? (BEST EMERGING RESEARCHER PAPER AWARD) . European Academy of Management. EURAM. Dublin (virtual)
Garau S. (2020)
Migrazioni letterarie nel Settecento italiano: dal movimento alla stabilità . Peter Lang. Transcultural Studies - Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies. XXXV. Romanistentag (DRV), Zürich, 9.-10.10.2017. Zürich. 9.-10.10.2017. ISBN 9783631808801
Schultz M. D., Seele P. (2020)
Networked Surveillance for Good? A Perception Study on Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Transparency . Academy of Management Proceedings. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada
Maggi M. (2020)
Selbstdenken . Nino Aragno Editore. Giornata di studi in ricordo di Lea Ritter Santini. Morgex (Valle d'Aosta). 14 settembre 2019
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2019)
A New Standard of Proof? Discourses on Visual Data After the 2017 G20-Protests . AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research. 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers "Trust in the System"
Picco Schwendener A. , Reinhold H. J., Cantoni L. (2019)
Being Smart with Data: Automatic Classification of Users of a Free Municipal Wi-Fi Network (MWN) Using a Two-Tiered Classification Tree . ACM. dg.o 2019 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. Dubai, United. 18.06 - 20.06 2019
Sabatini N. , Sadaba T., Cominelli F., Cantoni L. (2019)
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age. . Springer. FACTUM 2019 - Fashion Communication Conference
Aya Pastrana N., Somerville C., Suggs L. S. (2019)
Rapid assessment of the gender responsiveness of social marketing interventions about neglected tropical diseases. . World Social Marketing Conference. World Social Marketing Conference 2019. 4-5 June 2019
Välikangas L., Maślikowska M. (2019)
Tackling World Challenges: Toward a Wicked Pedagogy . European Association for International Education. EAIE. Helsinki
Weiss M., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. , Hoegl M., Doms H., Hoorani B. H. (2019)
Towards inclusion in strategy research: Transparent reporting of field studies as a catalyst between qualitative and quantitative scholars . EURAM. European Academy of Management, Lisbon, Portugal
Maślikowska M., Gibbert M. (2019)
Two Levels of ‘Fit’ between Working Spaces and Organizational Culture: A Comparative Case Study . European Academy of Management. EURAM. Lisbon
Hoorani B. H., Plakoyiannaki E., Gibbert M. (2019)
Unboxing the Black Box: Towards a Typology of Theorizing from Qualitative Single Case Studies . BAM. British Academy of Management, Birmingham, UK.
Hoorani B. H., Plakoyiannaki E. (2019)
Unboxing the Black Box: Towards a Typology of Theorizing from Qualitative Single Case Studies . AOM. Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA.
Hoorani B. H., Gibbert M. (2018)
Diamonds in the Dust: A Tale of Two Level Case Selection . AOM. Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, USA
Hoorani B. H., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2018)
Hitting the bullseye! Impact of methodological rigor and research design on article citations for qualitative case studies (Best Full Paper Award) . BAM. British Academy of Management, Bristol, UK.
Schultz M. D., Seele P. (2018)
How the Sharing Economy Contributes to the Erosion of Implicit CSR: Future Pathways of the Welfare State . Academy of Management Global Proceedings. Academy of Management Specialized Conference - Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, Surrey, UK
Rosani I., De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2018)
ICTs to train on World Heritage and Tourism: the case of “Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites” MOOC . Gangemi. Architettura, Urbanistica, Ambiente. World Heritage and Knowledge.. Capri. 15-15 June 2018. ISBN 9788849236293
Garau S. , Jori G. , Montorfani P. (2018)
Lugano al crocevia. Esuli, esperienze, idee . Lugano, Edizioni Città di Lugano - Archivio storico. «Pagine storiche luganesi», n. 30. Lugano al crocevia. Esuli, esperienze, idee. Lugano. 20.04. 2018
Hernandez G. L. (2018)
Speaking of language and culture: A report on the conference “Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity” . Studies in Communication Sciences. Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity
Rangelov N. (2018)
The EUPHA Report on Healthy and Sustainable Diets: what EU policies are now needed? How the report was developed, and its recommendations . European Journal of Public Health. 11th Annual EUPHA Conference "Winds of change: towards new ways of improving public health in Europe". Ljubljana, Slovenia. November 28 - December 1, 2018
Della Monica C., De Ascaniis S. , Tardini S. , Garbelli M., Cantoni L. (2017)
A Facebook Campaign about Heritage and Tourism: Its Results and how to Measure them . Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit. HTHIC2017 - Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality. Pori (Finland). 27-29 September 2017
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. , Sutinen E., Talling R. (2017)
A LifeLike Experience to Train User Requirements Elicitation Skills . Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Understanding Users and Contexts. Vancouver (Canada). 12-14.07.2017
De Ascaniis S. , Della Monica C., Cantoni L. (2017)
A social media campaign to raise awareness about violent heritage destruction. The case of #faces4heritage . Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit. HTHIC2017 - Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality. Pori (Finland). 27-29 September 2017
Lin J., Cantoni L. (2017)
Assessing the Performance of a Tourism MOOC Using the Kirkpatrick Model: A Supplier’s Point of View . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017. Springer, Cham. ENTER 2017. 24-26 January, 2017
Sabatini N. , Ge J., Sigala M., Murphy J. (2017)
ENTER2017 eTourism Conference PhD Workshop Research Proposals. . Università della Svizzera italiana: Lugano (Switzerland): ISBN 978-88-6101-016-1. ENTER2017 eTourism Conference
Mendini M. , Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2017)
Fit in Cause-Related Marketing: The Roles of Similarity, Trust, and Regulatory Focus in Assessing Skepticism . Marketing & Public Policy Academic Conference Proceedings. Marketing & Public Policy Conference
Aya Pastrana N., Somerville C., Suggs L. S. (2017)
Gender responsiveness of social marketing interventions . World Social Marketing Conference. World Social Marketing Conference 2017. Washington D.C.. 16-17 May 2017
Rangelov N. (2017)
Healthy and Sustainable Diets for European Countries - Background, Methodology and Findings . European Journal of Public Health. 10th Annual EUPHA Conference "Sustaining resilient and healthy communities". Stockholm, Sweden. November 1-4, 2017
Seele P. , Schultz M. D. (2017)
How the Asian Longhorn Beetle updates our understanding of political CSR theory in the digital age . Academy of Management Proceedings. 77th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
Greco A., Annoni A. M. , Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., D'Addario M., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., Giannattasio C., Steca P. (2017)
La personalità di Tipo A come principale determinante psicologica dell’indice di massa ventricolare sinistra nei pazienti ipertesi . Firenze University Press. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa). Firenze. ISBN 9788864536002
Greco A., Annoni A. M. , Maloberti A., Varrenti M., Lucente D., Pessina L., Peretti A., Franzosi C., Mondellini G., Palazzini G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., Giannattasio C. (2017)
La relazione tra la velocità dell’onda di polso e la depressione nei pazienti ipertesi . Firenze University Press. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa). Firenze. 3-5 novembre 2017. ISBN 9788864536002
Annoni A. M. , Greco A., Pancani L., D'Addario M., Steca P. (2017)
L’influenza dell’ansia di tratto e delle aspettative di risultato sul consumo di tabacco . Firenze: Firenze University Press.. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa). Firenze. 3-5 novembre 2017. ISBN 9788864536002
Mele E. , Cantoni L. (2017)
Localization of National Tourism Organizations Websites: The Case of ETC Members . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017
Marchiori E. , Niforatos E., Preto L. (2017)
Measuring the Media Effects of a Tourism-Related Virtual Reality Experience Using Biophysical Data . In: Schegg R., Stangl B. (eds). Springer, Cham, 203-215. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017
Pizzetti M. (2017)
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is real of them all? The role of augmented self, expertise and personalization in the experience with augmented reality mirror . ACR. ACR
Greco A., Maloberti A., Varrenti M., Piccinelli E., Bassi I., Panzera F., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M. , Steca P., Giannattasio C. (2017)
Psychological determinants of target organ damage in hypertensive patients: Focus on type A personality and Left Ventricular Mass Index. . Artery Research. 20. Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology - Artery 2017
Aya Pastrana N., Miranda J. J., Beran D., Suggs L. S. (2017)
Social marketing interventions for neglected tropical diseases: A systematic review. . World Social Marketing Conference. World Social Marketing Conference 2017. 16-17 May 2017
Cantoni E., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2017)
Teenagers' Destination Website Navigation. A Comparison Among Eye-Tracking, Web Analytics, and Self-declared Investigation . Springer, Cham. 10290. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Understanding Users and Contexts. DUXU 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Greco A., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M. , Moreo A., Giannattasio C. (2017)
Type A personality as the principal psychological determinants of left ventricular mass index in hypertensive patients . Springer International Publishing. XXXIV National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension – SIIA
Greco A., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M. , Steca P., Giannattasio C. (2017)
Type A personality as the principal psychological determinants of left ventricular mass index in hypertensive patients . Artery Research. 20. Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology - Artery 2017
Picco Schwendener A. , Reinhold H. J., Cantoni L. (2017)
Usage Practices and User Types of a Municipal Wi-Fi Network: The Case of “WiFi Lugano” . ACM Press. Best Research Paper Award at ICEGOV2017
Mendini M. , Gibbert M. (2017)
“What if a celebrity and a brand co-create a new collection?”: the new frontier of cobranded endorsement . Global Fashion Management Conference Proceeding. Global Fashion Management Conference
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Applying the Counseling-Learning Approach to a Tourism-related Massive Open Online Course . Thompson Rivers University.. Tourism Education Futures Initiative Conference (TEFI9), Kamloops, Canada, June 26–29, 2016
Mele E. , De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Localization of Three European National Tourism Offices’ Websites. An Exploratory Analysis . Springer. ENTER2016 eTourism Conference
Palmieri R. , Mazzali Lurati S. (2016)
Practical argumentation and multiple audience in policy proposals . In: D. Mohammed & M. Lewinski (Eds.), Argumentation and Reasoned Action: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon, 9-12 June 2015 (Volume I). College: London. European Conference on Argumentation (ECA)
Vannini S., Gomez R., Guajardo V. (2016)
Security and Activism: Using participatory photography to elicit perceptions of Information and Authority among Hispanic migrants in the U.S. . iSchools. iConference 2016. Philadelphia, PA, USA. 20-23 March 2016
Marchiori E. , Di Nardo C., Mariani M., Cantoni L. (2016)
The co-creation process of the online image of an Italian World Heritage Site: the Sassi of Matera . Springer. ENTER2016 eTourism Conference
Marchiori E. , Casnati F., Cantoni L. (2016)
The Role of Destination in Hotels’ Online Communications: A Bottom-Up Approach . Springer. ENTER2016 eTourism Conference
Bova A. (2015)
A study of undergraduate and graduate students' argumentation in learning contexts of higher education . Sic Sat. Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Eighth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation
Serna A., Marchiori E. , Gerrikagoitia J. K., Alzua-Sorzabal A., Cantoni L. (2015)
An Auto-Coding Process for Testing the Cognitive-Affective and Conative Model of Destination Image . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015
Zapf L., Seele P. (2015)
„Diese wie von unsichtbarer Hand gesteuerte Entropie“ – Der Markt als (wahrgenommene) metaphysische Entität zwischen rhetorischer Überhöhung und deifizierter Autorität . Fondazione Idente di Studi e di Ricerca. Fifth World Conference on Metaphysics Rome, November 8-10, 2012
Cumbula S. D., Cantoni L. (2015)
Exploring and Experimenting Cooperative Design . Springer. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse
Lock I., Seele P. , Heath R. L. (2015)
Grass with no roots: How Astroturf lobbying undermines OPR’s intention to promote good in society . Peter Lang. EUPRERA
De Ascaniis S. , Borre' A., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Listen to your customers. How Hotels Manage Online Travel Reviews: The Case of Hotels in Lugano . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015
Mele E. , De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Localization of National Tourism Organizations’ websites: How are World Heritage Sites portrayed online by European destinations for different markets? . CLUE+ Research Institute/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference 2015. Amsterdam. 25-27 November 2015
Christopher S., Zurbriggen S. (2015)
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Bundesverwaltung Analyse der Umsetzung des gesetzlichen Auftrags . Vals-Asla. colloquio VALS-ASLA 2014 Norme in contesto (Lugano, 12-14 febbraio 2014)
Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. , Casoni M., Christopher S., Kamber A., Pandolfi E. M., Rocci A. (2015)
Norme linguistiche in contesto / Sprachnormen im Kontext / Normes langagières en contexte / Language Norms in Context. Actes du colloque VALS-ASLA 2014 (Lugano, 12-14 février 2014). . Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique appliquée, special issue, 3 volumes. Norme linguistiche in contesto / Sprachnormen im Kontext / Normes langagières en contexte / Language norms in context
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2015)
On the Psychological Infrastructure of Normativity . Nea Science 2 (9). XII Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences. Genoa. 10-12 December 2015
Marchiori E. , Önder I. (2015)
Reframing the Image of a Destination. A Pre-Post Study On Social Media Exposure. . Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015. roceedings of the International Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, February 4-6, 2015
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Studying Online Contents Navigation: a Comparison between Eye-Tracking Technique and Self-Reported Investigation . Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015. Proceedings of the International Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, February 4-6, 2015
Negro G. (2014)
DAL WEB 2.0 AL SOLOMO (DA SINA WEIBO A WEIXIN) . Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale". XIV Convegno Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi. Procida. 19 - 21 Settembre
Sabiescu A., Cumbula S. D., Van Zyl I., Cantoni L. (2014)
Emerging Spaces in community-based participatory design: reflections from two case studies. . ACM. 13th Participatory Design Conference: Research Papers Volume 1 (pp. 1-10)
Halabi A., Sabiescu A., Cumbula S. D., Nemer D. (2014)
From learning to designing action: Uncovering obscure processes in participatory community-based research . Monash University. CIRN 2014 Community Informatics Conference: Challenges and Solutions,. Prato, Italy. 13-15 Ocrober
Halabi A., Sabiescu A., Cumbula S. D., Vannini S., Nemer D. (2014)
From learning to designing action: Uncovering obscure processes in participatory community-based research . Monash University. CIRN 2014 Community Informatics Conference: Challenges and Solutions.. Prato, Italy. 13-15 Ocrober
Adukaite A., Reimann A., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Hotel Mobile Apps.The case of 4 and 5 star hotels in European German-speaking countries . Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference in Dublin, Ireland, January 21-24, 2014
Haring S. (2014)
Innovating access to care: creating the nation's largest database of affordable healthcare . -. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research
Pucciarelli M. (2014)
Mapping the digital Douala: lights and shadows of an African City . Monash Centre, Prato, Italy. CIRN 2014 Community Informatics Conference: Challenges and solutions
Pucciarelli M., Vannini S., Cantoni L. (2014)
Mapping the digital Douala: lights and shadows of an African city . CIRN. CIRN 2014 Community Informatics Conference: "Challenges and Solutions". Monash Centre, Prato (Italy), 13-14 October 2014
Schieder T. K., Adukaite A., Cantoni L. (2014)
Mobile Apps devoted to UNESCO World Heritage Sites. A Map . Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference in Dublin, Ireland, January 21-24, 2014
Di Salvo P. (2014)
Networked and Technological Paradigms of Digital Whistleblowing . An Open Access Digital Publication by STS Italia Publishing. STS Italia Conference: A Matter of Design: Ma king Society trough Science and Technology. ISBN 9789078146056
Doglio D. (2014)
Not a "natural right", copyright is still essential to fund film production . Forum, Udine. Whose Right ? Media,Intellectual Property and Authorship in the Digital Era - Film Forum 2013
Hvidsten A., La Rocca A. , Hoholm H. (2014)
The role of artefacts in the coordination of home care practices . Coletta, Colombo, Magaudda, Mattozzi, Parolin & Rampino (eds). An Open Access Digital Publication by STS Italia Publishing. Released: December 2014. The Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies STS ITALIA. A matter of design.. Milan, Italy. 12-14 June, 2014.
Seele P. (2014)
Unified Reporting: Integrating XBRL data repositories into sustainability reporting . University of Rotterdam. 17th Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN): From Sustainability Reporting to Sustainability Management Control
Adukaite A., Gazizova E., Cantoni L. (2014)
When eGov Deals With Tourists. The Case of Visa Information. . ICEGOV2014. 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Guimarães, Portugal, 27-30 October (pp. 334-337)
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2013)
An Augmented Reality Project as an Opportunity to Foster Community Engagement and Practical Learning in Tourism Programs . Proceedings of the International Conference in Oxford Brookes University. Tourism Education Futures Initiative - TEFI7. 13-16 April 2013
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2013)
Artistic and religious experiences in online travel reviews about Saint Paul Outside the walls (Rome) . Konstantinos Andriotis. ICOT 2013, International Conference on Tourism. Limassol, Cyprus. 5-8 June 2013. ISBN 9789963979929
Marchiori E. , Fabi C., Cantoni L. (2013)
Barriers and facilitators in implementing knowledge and skills acquired during a training on online communication. The view of hotel managers . EuroChrie. EuroCHRIE Freiburg 2013, Cooperative Education & Research for Hospitality & Tourism Educators
Sabiescu A., Van Zyl I., Pucciarelli M., Cantoni L. , Bytheway A., Chigona W., Tardini S. (2013)
Changing mindsets: The attitude of pre-service teachers on technology for teaching. . International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. ICTD2013. Cape Town, South Africa. 7-10 Dec. 2013
Cumbula S. D., Sabiescu A., Cantoni L. (2013)
Co-design with communities. A reflection on the literature . J., Van der Vyver, A.G.. Public and private access to ICTs in developing regions. 7th International Development Informatics Conference IDIA 2013
Seele P. , Lock I. (2013)
Conceptualizing CSR communication within political CSR . Anne-Ellerup Nielsen, Christa Thomsen, Urša Golob, Wim Elving, Friederike Schultz, Klement Podnar. The second international CSR communication conference. Proceedings. CSR Communication Conference 2013. Aarhus University. 18th-20th September 2013
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2013)
Cues Affecting the Recognition of the Dominant Topic and Sentiment Expressed on Social Media Pages (BEST PAPER AWARD) . TTRA. (Proceedings of the International Conference in Dublin, Ireland). TTRA 2013 Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference in Dublin, Ireland. 17-19 April 2013
La Rocca A. , Perna A., Snehota I. (2013)
Developing new business relationships: an outside-in perspective . Academy of Marketing Science. AMS World Marketing Congress. Melbourne. 17-20 July, 2013
Marchiori E. , Milwood P., Zach F. (2013)
Drivers and Benefits of Analysing DMOs’ eWOM Activities . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. ENTER
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Exploration and Analysis of Massive Mobile Phone Data: A Layered Visual Analytics approach . Orange Data for Development Challenge. NetMob 2013. 1-3 May 2013, Cambridge (MA), United States.
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Integrating Knowledge and Drawing Boundaries in the Face of Novelty . Management Learning Conference. Lancaster (UK). March
Rapetti E., Cantoni L. (2013)
Learning in the Digital Era between data evidence and intuitions . Brussels: ATEE aisbl. Learning and Teaching with Media & Technology, ATEE-SIREM Winter Conference Proceedings. Genoa (Italy), 7-9 March 2003
Fiordelli M. , Diviani N., Schulz P. J. (2013)
M-Health: a systematic review of the first ten years of research . International Communication Association annual conference. London
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Mitigation of Rain-Induced Ka-Band Attenuation and Enhancement of Communications Resiliency in Sub-Saharan Africa. . Association For Information Systems Special Interest Group on ICT and Global Development.. 6th pre-ICIS Workshop of the AIS SIG on ICT & Global Development (GlobDev). Milan, Italy. 14 December 2013
Vannini S., Rega I., Sala S., Cantoni L. (2013)
Motivations of non-use of telecentres: a qualitative study from Mozambique . Association For Information Systems Special Interest Group on ICT and Global Development. 6th pre-ICIS Workshop of the AIS SIG on ICT & Global Development (GlobDev). Milan, Italy. 14 December 2013
Chan S., Sala S. (2013)
Sensemaking and Robust Decision Engineering: Synchrophasors and their Application for a Secure Smart Grid . IEEE. 7th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies. 24-26 July 2013, Palo Alto (CA), United States.
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Task: A Temporal Achievement. A Study of Emergency Teams' Temporal Enactment of an Ever-moving Object of Concern . APROS 15. Tokyo, Japan. 15-17 February 2013
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T(r)opical patterns in advertising . In D. Mohammed and M. Lewiński (Eds.), Virtues of Argumentation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA). Windsor: OSSA.
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Building initial relationships: the emerging tasks of sales in new business development . Academy of Marketing Science. 2012 AMS World Marketing Congress - Cultural Perspectives in Marketing. Atlanta. August 29 - September 1, 2012
Bova A. (2012)
Communicative functions of Why-questions in parent-child interaction at home . Medimond. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology. 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology. ISBN 9788875876364
Allam A., Nakamoto K. , Schulz P. J. (2012)
Custom Search: Between Bad Literacy and Guided Navigation . Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine and Biomedical Research at Boston, MA.
Sorokolit O., Cantoni L. (2012)
Development and evaluation of an eLearning course presenting a regional destination. The case of Ticino Switzerland Travel Specialist . EuroChrie. EuroChrie - Hospitality for a better world Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland
Cantoni L. (2012)
eLearning courses on travel destinations. An exploratory study on Indian Travel Agents perspective . In J. Fountain & K. Moore (eds.). CAUTHE 2013: Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big. Christchurch, N.Z.: Lincoln University. ISBN 9780864762832
Marchiori E. , Pavese G., Cantoni L. (2012)
eTcoMM – eTourism Communication Maturity Model. A Framework to evaluate the Maturity of a DMO when it comes to the Online Communication Management. The Case of Canton Ticino and Lombardy . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. January 24-27, 2012
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Rechnet sich Religion? -Lässt sich Religion rechnen? . Pfleiderer, Georg; Heit, Alexander (Hg.): Sphärendynamik II. Religion in postsäkularen Gesellschaften. Zürich: Pano, S. 333-341
Bestagini P., Allam A., Milani S., Tagliasacchi M., Tubaro S. (2012)
Video Codec Identification . IEEE. ICASSP 2012. 25-30 March. ISBN 9781467300452
Zach F., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2012)
Web Marketing and Social Media: The case of Adoption and Outsourcing by Swiss DMOs . 43rd Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA). ISBN 978-0-615-64086-0
Lock I., Seele P. (2011)
Analyzing industry-specific CSR reporting to investors . Communicating Social Responsibility. Proceedings, CSR Communication Conference, Amsterdam, October 26-28, 2011. ed. / Wim Elving ; Ursa Golob ; Friederike Schultz ; Anne Ellerup Nielsen ; Christa Thomsen ; Klement Podnar. Amsterdam : University of Amsterdam, 2011
Marchiori E. , Inversini A., Cantoni L. , Da Col S. (2011)
Classifying online conversations about Tourism Destinations. A tourist perspective . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference "Thought Leaders in Brand Management". Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland. March 11-22
Marchiori E. , Inversini A., Cantoni L. (2011)
Credibility in the Online Tourism: An analysis of the Aspects of Reception and Consumption of Imaginaries produced in Web 2.0 Tourism Services . Proceedings of the International Conference "Tourism Imaginaries". Berkeley - California. February 18-20 2011
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Implicitness functions in family argumentation . Rozenberg / Sic Sat. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. ISBN 9789036102438
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Moments of collaboration in a context of eLearning design . Proceedings of the Rethinking Education Conference. Ascona, Switzerland. 7-10 March
Camponovo G. , Picco Schwendener A. (2011)
Motivations of hybrid wireless community participants: A qualitative analysis of Swiss FON members . IEEE. 10th International Conference on Mobile Business. Como, Italy. 20-21 June 2011
Schulz P. J. (2011)
Physicians’ communication strategies with Internet-informed patients. A qualitative study . International Conference of Communication in Healthcare (AACH). Chicago (USA). October 16-19
Fanni F., Van Zyl I., Rega I., Cantoni L. (2011)
The value of measurement in research practice: Evaluating ICT training in education. . Community Informatics Research Network. CIRN 2011 Community Informatics Conference: Community Archives meets Community Informatics. Prato, Italy, 9-11 November.
Lizzi G., Borrione F., Cantoni L. (2011)
When a travel tv channel goes online: a map . Proceedings of the International Conference “Mapping the Magazine 3”. Cardiff University
Camponovo G. , Picco Schwendener A. (2010)
A model for investigating motivations of hybrid wireless community participants . IEEE. 2010 Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business and 2010 Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB-GMR). Athens, Greece. 13-15 June 2010
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Bytheway A., Chigona A., Chigona W., Dumas C., Fanni F., Mooketsi B., Rega I., Sadek O. (2010)
Integrating ICTs into the classroom: Assisting teachers in disadvantaged primary schools . eSkill Conference (2010)
Fanni F., Rega I., Van Zyl I. J., Cantoni L. , Tardini S. (2010)
Investigating Perception Changes in Teachers Attending ICT Curricula through Self-Efficacy . International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Development (ICTD 2010)
Suggs L. S. , Blake H., Lloyd S., Bardus M. (2010)
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Fanni F., Rega I., Tardini S. , Cantoni L. (2010)
Using Self-Efficacy to Measure a Technology Enhanced Teacher Training Curriculum for Primary . International Conference on Elearning for all (LEAFA 2010)
Cantoni L. , Marchiori E. , Faré M., Botturi L., Bolchini D. (2009)
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Il valore delle relazioni nei business makets: il caso dell'ICT Security . International Congress Marketing Trends
Cantoni L. , Rega I., Fanni F. (2009)
Looking for telecentres sustainability: the case of the Sustainable Multimedia Telecentre's project in São Paulo . World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMEDIA 2009)
Cantoni L. , Botturi L., Faré M., Bolchini D. (2009)
Playful Holistic Support to HCI Requirements using LEGO Bricks . In M. Kurosu (ed.), Human Centered Design, HCII 2009, LNCS 5619, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
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Consumers’ impact on corporate branding: a case for the consumer identity construct . Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management. Birmingham
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Evaluating Usability Assessment Methods for Web Based Cultural Heritage Applications . Open Digital Cultural Heritage Systems. EPOCH Final Event, Rome, February 2008
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