Anna Picco Schwendener
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (4)
- Ornati M., Marazza S., Picco Schwendener A. (2022) Sizing up the body: Virtual fit platforms in fashion e-commerce, International Journal of Fashion Studies, 9 (1):199-218
- Camponovo G., Picco Schwendener A., Cantoni L. (2014) Motivations and Barriers for Participation in a Hybrid Wireless Community: The Case of FON, International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD), 5 (3):22-38
- Rapetti E. G., Picco Schwendener A., Vannini S. (2011) Is mobile learning a resource in higher education? Data evidence from an empirical research in Ticino (Switzerland), Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society - EN, Vol. 7, n. 2, May 2011 (pp. 47 - 57)
- Rapetti E. G., Picco Schwendener A., Vannini S. (2011) Mobile Learning: una risorsa nell’educazione universitaria? Risultati da una ricerca in Ticino (Svizzera), Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, Vol. 7, n. 2, May 2011.
Contributo in libro (3)
- Picco Schwendener A., Sabatini N., Hasenzahl L., Cantoni L. (2022) e-Government and Tourism. Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, n.d-n.d
- Picco Schwendener A., Kaufmann D. (2018) CCdigitallaw: das nationale Kompetenzzentrum für Digitales Recht. Bibliotheken der Schweiz: Innovation durch Kooperation: Festschrift für Susanna Bliggenstorfer. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 173-187
- Camponovo G., Picco Schwendener A., Cantoni L. (2013) Motivations and Barriers of Participation in Community Wireless Networks: The Case of Fon.. Social and Economic Effects of Community Wireless Networks and Infrastructures. Abdelnasser Abdelaal, 112-134
Atti di conferenza (7)
- Picco Schwendener A., Nobile T. H., Gaduel Thaloka T. (2021) Online Communication Design Within Fashion Curricula.. Springer. HCI International 2021
- Picco Schwendener A., Reinhold H. J., Cantoni L. (2019) Being Smart with Data: Automatic Classification of Users of a Free Municipal Wi-Fi Network (MWN) Using a Two-Tiered Classification Tree. ACM. dg.o 2019 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. Dubai, United. 18.06 - 20.06 2019
- Picco Schwendener A., Reinhold H. J., Cantoni L. (2017) Usage Practices and User Types of a Municipal Wi-Fi Network: The Case of “WiFi Lugano”. ACM Press. Best Research Paper Award at ICEGOV2017
- Porumb I., Tardini S., Bergamin P., Picco Schwendener A. (2013) Bringing the technical and didactical perspective together in the design and development of a Moodle App within the FRAME (Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education) model. Moodle. 2nd Moodle Research Conference
- Camponovo G., Picco Schwendener A., Cantoni L. (2013) Multidimensional Participation in Hybrid Wireless Communities. 2013 International Conference on Mobile Business
- Camponovo G., Picco Schwendener A. (2011) Motivations of hybrid wireless community participants: A qualitative analysis of Swiss FON members. IEEE. 10th International Conference on Mobile Business. Como, Italy. 20-21 June 2011
- Camponovo G., Picco Schwendener A. (2010) A model for investigating motivations of hybrid wireless community participants. IEEE. 2010 Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business and 2010 Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB-GMR). Athens, Greece. 13-15 June 2010
Contributo in atti di conferenza (1)
- Picco Schwendener A., Cantoni L. (2015) Tourists and Municipal Wi-Fi Networks (MWN): The Case of Lugano (Switzerland). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015. Springer. ENTER. Lugano (Switzerland). 3-6 February 2015
Relazione in convegno scientifico (1)
- Picco Schwendener A., Reinhold H. J., Cantoni L. (2017) Personalizing Messages for the users of a Free Municipal Wi-Fi Network (MWN): A proof of concept. 1st UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations. Murcia (Spain). 15 – 17 February 2017