Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Digital Signal Processing


Moonen M.

Docente titolare del corso

Monti F.



This course is aimed at illustrating the relevance and need for signal processing techniques in present-day multimedia and communications systems, and giving an overview of a few major DSP subdomains. First, a DSP basics refresh is given (linear systems and transforms, filter design and realisation). Then an introduction is given to multi-rate systems and filter banks, illustrated by applications such as subband coding and transmultiplexers, as well as optimal and adaptive filtering, illustrated by such applications as line echo cancellation and channel equalisation. Finally, two DSP case studies are given, one on highspeed telephone line modems (ADS/VDSL) and one on wireless communications, with emphasis on DSP aspects of so-called `smart antennas´.



  • Signals and systems, Haykin & Van Veen
  • Adaptive filter theory, Haykin

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