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Data Design & Modeling


Brambilla M.

Docente titolare del corso

Pantiuchina J.



Data design and modeling provides the foundation for representing, storing and managing structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Data can be persistent or volatile, processed in batches or in continuous streams. Students will learn: - how to select appropriate data management solutions to deal with scalability, availability, consistency, performance and expressiveness requirements - the big data dimensions: volume, velocity, variety and veracity - the CRUD primitives (create, read, update, delete) implemented at scale - the ACID/BASE transactional properties of existing SQL/NOSQL data management technologies - how to choose suitable sharding and replication strategies - the data analysis pipeline: Acquisition, Integration, Exploration, Mining, Analytics, Interpretation and Visualization - data quality, provenance, wrangling and cleansing to ensure data is worthy of trust Students will experiment with big data technologies with hands-on use cases and practical use of cloud big data platforms.

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