Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni



Crestani F.

Docente titolare del corso

Chakraborty M.



The course covers all the classical topics related to databases and database management systems (DBMS), starting from the general concepts of information and data, to the specifics of a relational database management system, with SQL and QBE. It also deals with the most general notions of database design, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. No prerequisite knowledge of databases is required, but only a basic understanding of data structures and algorithms. In fact, the course takes a practical approach, aimed at teaching the fundamentals of DBMS and data base design using a large set of examples and applications. As part of this, a database design project will be assigned to students in order to expose them to realistic database applications.




  • Suggested: Fundamentals of Database Systems (6nd edition) by Emasri and Navathe, Addison-Welsey, 2010

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