Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni



Gibbert M.

Docente titolare del corso


Course Objectives
Marketing has three objectives:

  • To give you access to a breadth of marketing tools and topics
  • To make enough room to develop adequate depth in key areas
  • To provide the space to exercise your tools in a practical way.

Course Description
The starting point for this course is that marketing is not just a noun, but also a verb and an adjective (market-ing). As such, it represents not only an organizational function among other functions (including finance, HR, procurement, etc.), but also a mindset that pervades the entire organization. Our approach is to look into individual elements of the marketing mix (price, place, product, promotion), and also in their interrelationships so that the final approach is coherent: all elements are carefully weighed and adapted for the specific marketing objective. The course is an introductory one, designed specifically for students in general management.

Learning Methods
The breadth objective will be achieved in the main sessions of the course, in which we look into a variety of topics relating to the marketing mix, how individual elements hang together and how coherence between these elements can be ensured given a specific marketing objective. The depth objective will be achieved through giving you the opportunity to choose which tools, in particular, to use in the case study examples we discuss in class. The practical objective will be achieved through your involvement in the generation of a marketing plan for a product or service. Having had access to a breadth of tools, and having honed your skills in using them in secondary-data cases, the final part of the course is dedicated to the application of these tools to a concrete marketing plan.

Examination Information
The individual performance will be evaluated through a final, written exam (70%). The performance as a team member (30%) will be assessed through your uploading the group work on the blog (this includes (a) your final marketing plan project, and (b) comments on other groups’ work on the blog).

N.B: you need a pass-mark in both types of performance evaluations (i.e. a mark of at least six out of ten in both individual and team member performance).

Suggested Readings
P. Kotler and G. Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 17th global edition, ISBN-13: 978-1292220178

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