Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Knowledge Analysis & Management


Brambilla M.

Docente titolare del corso


Knowledge Analysis and Management is a broad field that covers the entire lifecycle of knowledge: from identifying, representing, capturing, structuring and sharing valuable intellectual assets. Students will learn to represent knowledge with natural and formal languages, access and integrate knowledge sources on the Web, classify and use knowledge for decision making, transfer and disseminate knowledge within and across organizations. The course will cover the following topics: - content processing: text analysis, NLP, lexical models, language models - topic modeling, summarization, semi-structured text models - opinion mining and sentiment analysis - knowledge extraction (NER, ...) - formal languages and reasoning - knowledge bases, ontologies and semantics: RDF, OWL, SPARQL - representation learning, graph analysis - interoperability and knowledge integration issues




  • Data Design & Modeling, Information Modeling & Analysis

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