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Reviewing as an Essential Component of a Researcher Life


Di Penta M.

Docente titolare del corso


Reviewing is an important task and responsibility for any researcher: without good reviewing, there won't exist good papers, nor successful grant proposals. Unfortunately, I have the feeling that, sometimes, such a task is not treated with the sufficient attention it deserves: chairs/editors struggle to find reviewers, and authors sometimes do not get quality and constructive feedback.

In this seminar, I will first motivate the importance of active and good reviewing as part of a researcher's career. Then, I will provide a series of hints on how to write a good review, and explaining how some reviewing criteria have been changing over time, e.g., because the research community has matured its knowledge over certain practices, and the available technology has evolved.

Two final notes: 1) It's always possible to find reasons to reject (virtually) any paper, while it is much more difficult to champion a paper; 2) I'm more proud of my reviewing awards than of my best paper awards.


The seminar will be complemented with practical sessions in which participants will be involved in a peer-reviewing exercise. These sessions are mandatory for students who want to receive the ECTS assigned with this course (1 ECTS).

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