Spazio cinematografico e architettura
Hars-Tschachotin B.
Docente titolare del corso
This seminar explores the process of production design – the transformation of ideas from paper to set to film. Each session is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. For this course we will choose several case studies of iconic production design sets of different films throughout film history – from silent films to digital film productions. The practical part will be carried out in groups and will follow the usual workflow of a production designer: reading a script and extensive research, first scribbles and sketches, presentation of drawings, rough model building, budgeting and the description of the materials used for the space. The final presentation of a convincing model will include all necessary details, along with an explanation of how light, color and the activities of the actors play into the film set. The last hour of each four hour session will be dedicated to discussing the practical part of the seminar. The course will include the screening of six films.
The interest of this seminar lies in the significance of set design drawings by the production designer for the film production, and in their transformation from paper to set and ultimately to film. The production designer is the „word transformer“ or the „world creator“. He or she translates the script into images and atmosphere, and develops a distinct and coherent style for the entire film. This process is important both in relation to a single character, when a specific personality trait is externalized, as well as in the creation of the psychological climate for the entire film. Design sketches are the visual foundation and cinematic basis of a film. Production designer’s drawings and sketches reflect the evolution in style and form throughout the process of conceiving a film. They conceptualize cinematic architecture and offer a unique preview into the final sets.
Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile
- Uguaglianza di genere
- Ridurre le disuguaglianze
- Agire per il clima
Modalità di insegnamento
In presenza
Impostazione pedagogico-didattica
40% Lectures
30% Seminars
30% Practice
Modalità d’esame
Theoretical and practical assignments during the course.
Presence and active participation during the entire semester.
Offerta formativa
- Master in Storia e teoria dell’arte e dell’architettura (120 ECTS), Lezione ex cathedra, Corso a scelta, A scelta, 1° anno (3.0 ECTS)
- Master of Science in Architettura, Storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura, Corsi facoltativi storico-umanistici, 1° anno
- Master of Science in Architettura, Storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura, Corsi facoltativi storico-umanistici, 2° anno