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Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (19)
- Beltràn E., Garzoni M., Feringàn B., Vancheri A., Serrano J. L., Pavan G. M., Giménez R., Sierra T. (2015) Self-organization of star-shaped columnar liquid crystals with a coaxial nanophase segregation revealed by a combined experimental and simulation approach, Chemical Communications:Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 1811-Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 1814
- Caminade A. M., Fruchon S., Turrin C. O., Poupot M., Ouali A., Garzoni M., Alexandrine M., Furer V., Kovalenko V., Majoral J. P., Pavan G. M., Poupot R. (2015) The key role of the scaffold on the efficiency of dendrimer nanodrugs, Nature communication:Nature Communications volume 6, Article number: 7722 (2015)-Nature Communications volume 6, Article number: 7722 (2015)
- Torres D. A., Garzoni M., Subrahmanyam A. V., Pavan G. M., Thayumanavan S. (2014) Protein-Triggered Supramolecular Disassembly: Insights Based on Variations in Ligand Location in Amphiphilic Dendrons, JACS:J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014136145385-J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014136145399
- Garzoni M., Okuro K., Ishii N., Aida T., Pavan G. M. (2013) Structure and Shape Effects of Molecular Glue on Supramolecular Tubulin Assemblies, ACS NANO:ACS Nano201481904-ACS Nano201481914
- Lim J., Turkbey B., Bernardo M., Bryant L. H., Garzoni M., Pavan G. M., Nakayama T., Choyke P. L., Simanek E. E., Kobayashi H. (2012) Gadolinium MRI Contrast Agents Based on Triazine Dendrimers: Relaxivity and In Vivo Pharmacokinetics, Bioconjugate Chemistry:Bioconjugate Chem.201223112291-Bioconjugate Chem.201223112299
- Garzoni M., Cheval N., Fahmi A., Danani A., Pavan G. M. (2012) Ion-selective controlled assembly of dendrimer-based functional nanofibers and their ionic-competitive disassembly., JACS:J. Am. Chem. Soc.201213473349-J. Am. Chem. Soc.201213473357
- Leydesdorff L., Probst Schilter C. (2009) The delineation of an interdisciplinary specialty in terms of a journal set: the case of Communication Studies, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (8): 1709-1718
- Probst Schilter C. (2008) Der Vielfalt und den verschiedenen Bedürfnissen angepasst - das kommunikationswissenschaftliche Doktorat in der Schweiz, Studies in Communication Sciences. 1/2008
- Probst Schilter C., Lepori B. (2007) Für eine Kartographie der Schweizer Kommunikationswissenschaften. Methodologische Ueberlegungen und ausgewählte Resultate, Studies In Communication Sciences 7/1, 253-270.
- Lepori B., Dinges M., Potì B., Reale E., Slipersaeter S., Theves J., van der Meulen B. (2007) Indicators for Comparative Analysis of Public Project Funding, Research Evaluation, 16 (4), 243-255.
- Bonaccorsi A., Daraio C., Lepori B., Slipersaeter S. (2007) Indicators for the analysis of Higher Education Systems: some methodological reflections, Research Evaluation, 16(2), 66-78
- Lepori B. (2006) Methodologies for the Analysis of Research Funding and Expenditures. From input to positioning indicators, Research Evaluation, 15 (2), 133-243
- Lepori B. (2006) Public Research Funding and Research Policy: a long-term analysis for the Swiss case, Science and Public Policy 33 (3)
- Lepori B., Bolchini D. (2005) Usability analysis for Research Information Systems: a usable approach and practical guidelines, Studies in Communication Sciences 5 (1)
- Lepori B., Perret J. F. (2004) Les dynamiques institutionnelles et les choix des responsables de projets du Campus Virtuel Suisse: une conciliation difficile, Revue Suisse de Sciences de l´Education, 2 2004
- Rezzonico S., Lepori B. (2003) Preparing Swiss Higher Education Institutions for eLearning Activities. Educational Management in the Swiss Virtual Campus, Studies in Communication Sciences, Special Issue on New Media in Education, March 2003
- Lepori B., Rezzonico . (2003) Preparing Swiss higher education institutions for eLearning activities. Educational Management in the Swiss Virtual Campus, published in Studies in Communication Sciences, Studies in Communication SciencesSpecial Issue
- Lepori B. (2003) Understanding the Dynamics of Research Policies: the case of Switzerland, Studies in Communication Sciences 3 (1)
- Lepori B., Cantoni L., Mazza R. (2002) Push Communication Services: A Short History, a Concrete Experience and Some Critical Reflections, Studies in Communication Sciences, 2/1, 149-164
Libro (1)
Contributo in libro (8)
- Lepori B., Benninghoff M., Jongbloed B., Salerno, C. Slipersaeter S. (2007) Changing Patterns of Higher Education Funding: Evidence from CHINC Countries. In Bonaccorsi A. and Daraio C.(eds), Universities And Strategic Knowledge Creation, Edward Elgar Edited.
- Filippini M., Lepori B. (2007) Cost Structure, Economies of capacity, Utilization and Scope in Swiss Higher Education Institutions. In Bonaccorsi A. and Daraio C.(eds), Universities And Strategic Knowledge Creation, Edward Elgar Edited.
- Lepori B. (2007) Diversity in Swiss Higher Education System. in Bonaccorsi A., Daraio C., Universities as Strategic Units, forthcoming
- Botturi L., Cantoni L., Lepori B., Tardini S. (2007) Fast Prototyping as a Communication Catalyst for E-Learning Design. in M. Bullen & D. Janes (eds.), Making the Transition to E-Learning: Strategies and Issues, Idea Group, Hershey (Pa), 266-283
- Bonaccorsi A., Daraio C., Lepori B. (2007) Indicators for the analysis of Higher Education Systems: some methodological reflections. in Bonaccorsi A., Daraio C., Universities as Strategic Units, forthcoming.
- Lepori B. (2004) eLearning and the future of the Swiss higher education system. Euler D., Seufert S. (hrgs.), Gestaltung des eLearning in der Hochschullehre Eine Betrachtung pädagogischer Innovationen aus multi-perspektivischer Sicht, Luchterhand
- Lepori B. (2004) Les télécommunications en mutation. Enjeux technologiques et enjeux commerciaux. Cottier B. (id.), Droit des télécommunications en mutation, Fribourg
- Lepori B., Cantoni L., Succi C. (2003) The introduction of e-learning in European universities: models and strategies. in Michael Kerres & Britta Voss (eds.), Digitaler Campus. Vom Medienprojekt zum nachhaltigen Medieneinsatz in der Hochschule, Waxmann, Münster / New York / München / Berlin, pp. 74-83
Working paper (12)
- Lepori B. (2007) Funding Models of Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences. International Experiences and Options for the Swiss case
- Filippini M., Lepori B. (2006) Cost structure, economies of capacity utilization and scope in Swiss higher education istitutions
- Lepori B. (2005) Public project funding of research. Country report on Switzerland
- Lepori B., Attar L. (2005) Research Strategies and Framework Conditions for Research in Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences
- Lepori B. (2005) S&T data and indicators production. National report on Switzerland
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2004) eLearning in Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2004) eLearning in the universities of applied sciences. Country report on Germany
- Lepori B. (2004) Industrie, institutions et societe. Le systeme de production européen l'aube du XXI siecle.
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2003) eLearning in Higher Education: Prospects for Swiss Universities
- Lepori B., Rezzonico S. (2003) La réalisation de cours eLearning du Campus Virtuel Suisse. Etat des lieux à mi-chemin
- Lepori B. (2003) Le financement public de la R&D en Suisse 1969-1998
- Lepori B., Cantoni L., JANNUZZI P., Mazza R., Tardini S. (2000) L´applicazione Swisscast nel campo della ricerca scientifica
Atti di conferenza (15)
- Lepori B., Dinges M. (2006) Public Project Funding of Research Activities. National Differences and Implications for the Establishment of a European Research Council. Paper presented at the Conference "New Frontiers in Evaluation", Vienna, 24-26 April
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2004) elearning and the Governance of Higher Education in Continental Europe. E-Learn 2004 -- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Washington. 1-5 November 2004
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2004) ELearning and the Governance of Higher Education in Continental Europe. in G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, AACE: Chesapeake, VA
- Lepori B., Rezzonico S., Succi C. (2004) eLearning in Swiss Universities. Recent Developments and Future Prospects. V. Mahnic, B. Vilfan, EUNIS 2004, Bled, Slovenia
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2004) Universities of applied sciences: a new frontier for eLearning?. in A. Szücs, I. Bo, EDEN 2004, Budapest, Hungary.
- Lepori B., Bolchini D. (2004) Usability analysis for CRIS: some examples and practical guidelines. Nase A., Van Grootel G., Putting the Sparkle in the Knowledge Society, 7th International Conference on Current Reseach Information Systems, Leuven University Press, Leuven
- Cantoni L., Lepori B., Succi C. (2003) European Universities Managing Quality in eLearning. in A. Szücs & E. Wagner (eds.), The Quality Dialogue. Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning (Proceedings of the 2003 EDEN Annual Conference, Rhodes, 15-18 June 2003), pp. 291-298
- Lepori B., Rezzonico S. (2003) Models of eLearning : the case of the Swiss Virtual Campus. Jutz C., Flückiger F., Wäfler K., 5th International Conference on New Educational Environments, Lucerne, May 2003
- Lepori B., Rezzonico S. (2003) Models of eLearning. The Case of the Swiss Virtual Campus. ICNEE
- Cantoni L., Inglese T. M., Lepori B., Succi C. (2003) Quality and Management of eLearning in European Universities. Malpica, F., Tremante, A., Sala, N. Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Application (Proceedings of Eista03 Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA), 277-282
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2003) The Introduction of eLearning in European Universities: Models and Strategies. Kerres M., Voss B. (Hrgs.), Digitaler Campus. Vom Medienprojekt zum Nachhaltigen Medieneinsatz in der Hochschule, Waxmann, Münster
- Lepori B., Cantoni L. (2002) Is there any user for this CRIS ?. in W. Adamczak & A. Nase (eds.), Gaining Insight from Research Information (Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems), Kassel University Press, Kassel, pp. 173-181
- Lepori B. (2002) The triple helix and the changing relationships between state, academy and economy: the case of Switzerland. Paper presented to the 4th Triple Helix Conference, Copenhagen 6-9 November 2002
- Lepori B. (2000) Push on the Internet: the SwissCast Project Experience. dans SPP ICS, Swiss Priority Programme for Information and Communication Structures, Proceedings of the Closing Conference 2000, Verlag der Fachvereine, Zürich
- DECINA M., Cantoni L., Lepori B., Mazza R., JANNUZZI P. (1999) The SwissCast information push service: A multidisciplinary research, a multifaceted experience. ACM SIGIR 99 Workshop on Customised Information Delivery. Berkeley, California
Relazione in convegno scientifico (8)
- Probst Schilter C., Lepori B. (2008) Mapping a cross-disciplinary field in a plurilingual context: the case of Communication in Switzerland. PRIME Indicators Conference 2008. Oslo. 28-30 May 2008
- Lepori B., Masso J., Jablecka J., Sima K., Ukrainski K. (2008) Research funding system in Central and Eastern European countries: a comparative analysis. ENID-PRIME Indicators Conference. Olso. May 2008
- Lepori B., Dinges M., Potì B., Reale E., Slipersaeter S. (2005) Project funding of research: a comparative analysis. International Workshop on Methodological Advances in S&T Indicators Production. Lisbon. Septembre 2005
- Imberti Dosi A., Lepori B. (2005) Swiss Communication Sciences between socio-political Needs and Cultural Diversity. First European Conference on Communication Sciences. Amsterdam
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2004) Universities of Applied Sciences: a new Frontier for elearning?. EDEN Annual Conference New Challenges and Partenrships in an Enlarged European Union. Budapest. 16-19 June 2004
- Cantoni L., Lepori B., Rezzonico S. (2003) The Swiss Virtual Campus: a Swiss way to approach virtual University?. International Conference on Networked e-learning for European Universities. Granada. 23-25 November 2003
- Lepori B. (2001) Recent trends in R&D public financing in Switzerland. Summer School Knowledge in Plural Context. Lausanne. September 11-14
- Lepori B. (2000) Customized Delivery in the R&D information. Conference on Current Research Information Services (CRIS 2000). Helsinki. 25-27 May 2000
Altra pubblicazione (14)
- Lepori B. (2006) Changes in University Incomes and Their Impact on University-based Research and Innovation
- CHINC p. (2006) Changing in University Incomes: their Impact on University-based Research and Innovation
- Slipersaeter S., Lepori B., Jongbloed B., Salerno M. (2005) Collecting Institutional Level Data for European Higher Education Institutions: Evidence from the CHINC Project
- Schuler M., Joye D., Lepori B. (2004) La mobilité: une synthhse pour notre avenir
- Lepori B. (2004) L'avenir des transports en Europe
- Lepori B. (2004) Le défi des télécommunications. Les enjeux politiques et la liberalisation
- Lepori B., Succi C. (2003) eLearning in Higher Education. Prospects for Swiss Universities
- Lepori B. (2003) Gaining Insight from Research Information. 6th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Conference Report)
- Lepori B. (2003) Public Research Funding and Governance in Switzerland
- Lepori B. (1998) Il clima, gli ambienti naturali e la società. Sintesi in lingua italiana del Programma Nazionale di Ricerca 31
- Lepori B. (1995) Energie et developpement local. Pathways en direction d’une societe durable
- Lepori B. (1995) FAST. Evaluation technologique et critique sociale
- Lepori B., Lucchini G. (1993) Ambiente e Terzo Mondo
- Crivelli R., Lepori B. (1992) Die regionale Dimension der Umweltvkonomie