eLab - eLearning Lab
eLab aims at improving the quality of teaching at USI through the integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). To achieve this goal, eLab provides USI faculties, departments, institutes, teachers, and collaborators with the required infrastructures and services.
eLab's basic services include:
- Management of iCorsi3 (http://www.icorsi.ch/) and assistance for its use. iCorsi3 is an online Learning Management System that allows teachers to share learning materials, engage in discussions with students, communicate information about the courses, manage students' evaluations, and so on. Moreover, eLab offers some workshops about the use of iCorsi2 and other ICTs in teaching and learning activities, dealing with both their technological and pedagogical aspects.
- Management of other eLearning tools and/or assistance on their use:
- Turnitin (http://www.turnitin.com/), an anti-plagiarism software;
- MindMeister (http://www.mindmeister.com/), a software that allows to create collaboratively online concept maps and to share them online;
- Adobe Connect (http://collab.switch.ch/), a software for desktop conferences managed by Switch;
- SEB – Safe Exam Browser (http://safeexambrowser.org), a software that allows to safely run online exams on iCorsi3.