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Corrado Bologna


Born in Turin in 1950, he has studied at the University of Rome and Geneva; he has lectured at the Universities of Geneva, Chieti and Rome 'La Sapienza'; he is currently Professor of Romance Philology at the University 'Roma Tre". His research has covered: early troubadour lyric (in particular William IX, duke of Aquitaine and Jaufre Rudel), its influence on early Italian poetry and on the language of oil, and its relationships with Latin and Middle Latin literature; the medieval tradition of the Romance of Alexander; Middle Latin encyclopedism; the role sustained by the culture of the Mendicant orders (particularly the Franciscans) in the formation of secular culture in the communal period; medieval preaching; Italian prose between 13th and 14th century; 15th and 16th century treatises; the tradition and reception of Italian classics (in a wide chronological range, from the origins to the contemporary era); various aspects of the work by Cavalcanti, Dante, Petrarch, Ariosto, Guicciardini, Manzoni and Gadda); the Theatro della Sapienza by Giulio Camillo; the philological activity of Angelo Colocci and Pietro Bembo (in particular in the field of early Lyrics, Occitan and Italian); about the European literature, particularly the French poetry of XVIth century, the reception of Don Quijote in modern literature and art (especially in France and Italy), Unamuno, Pessoa; the function of 'vocality' in medieval and modern culture.


Selected publications

Among published volumes: the annotated edition of Liber monstrorum de diversis generibus (Bompiani, Milano 1977); Flatus vocis. Metafisica e antropologia della voce, with preface by P. Zumthor (Il Mulino, Bologna 1992); Tradizione e fortuna dei classici italiani (2 vol., Einaudi, Torino 1993); Alessandro Magno nel Medio Evo occidentale, co-authored with

P. Boitani, A. Cipolla, M. A. Liborio (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Milano 1997); La macchina del «Furioso». Una lettura delle «Satire» e dell´«Orlando» (Einaudi, Torino 1998); Il ritorno di Beatrice. Simmetrie dantesche fra «Vita Nova», «petrose» e «Commedia» (Salerno, Roma 1998); Il trattato del Quattro e Cinquecento (Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 2000); La prosa del Due e del Trecento (Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 2005).

He has, among others, edited collected essays by K. Kerényi, Nel labirinto (Boringhieri, Torino 1983) and by G. R. Cardona, I linguaggi del sapere (Laterza, Roma-Bari 1990), and the Italian edition of J. Starobinski, Ritratto dell´artista da saltimbanco (Boringhieri, Torino 1984). He has collaborated to the Italian edtion of E. R. Curtius' Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter (La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1992). He has re-edited, with two introductory essays, the volumes Vita di Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panza by Miguel de Unamuno (Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005); L´armonia del mondo by Leo Spitzer (Il Mulino, Bologna 2006); Il demoniaco nell’arte by Enrico Castelli Gattinara (Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2007); Il libro dell’Inquietudine by Fernando Pessoa (Einaudi, Torino 2012).

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