Migration and Transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria: assessing social inequalities and regional disparities in the context of changing policies
Ruspini P.
Bulgaria, a member state of the European Union (EU) since 2007, has recently experienced various changes. Among others, it is now part of the EU regime of free movement of persons. Since 2009, Bulgaria is also part of the bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the EU. The project focuses on the resulting migration and analyses in detail, how social inequalities and regional disparities in Bulgaria as well as in Switzerland have an effect on migration flows.
Migration from Bulgaria to Switzerland has been increasing since Bulgaria joined the EU, even though the numbers remain low. Our research project explores, firstly, who migrates and why, thereby focusing in particular on social inequalities within and disparities between the different regions of origin in Bulgaria. We are interested in knowing whether economic differences or differences in the educational background as well as the effects of regional disparities influence the migration processes. In Switzerland, apart from differences between the linguistic regions and the federal system, there are also significant interregional disparities. Secondly, acknowledging for interregional disparities and social inequalities in country of origin as well as country of destination allows us to draw a precise picture of the migratory movements between Switzerland and Bulgaria. This leads us to the following questions: migration from where and settlement in which region in Switzerland, what kind of return migration to Bulgaria, e.g. circular forms or transnational practices? Finally, we aim at analysing these questions, in the context of changing policy conditions. The fact that Bulgaria joined the EU substantially modified the migration scenario between Bulgaria and Switzerland. As a result, it is necessary to acknowledge that migrants need to react to the stepwise easing conditions and continually develop new coping strategies.
Additional information
- Richter M., Ruspini P. (2017) An Introduction to Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria. in M. Richter, P. Ruspini, D. Mihailov, V. Mintchev, M. Nollert (eds) Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria. New York: Springer, 1-24
- Ruspini P., Mihailov D., Richter M. (2017) Analysis and Conclusions: Research and Policy Challenges Ahead. in M. Richter, P. Ruspini, D. Mihailov, V. Mintchev, M. Nollert (eds) Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria. New York: Springer, 181-195
- Mintchev V., Boshnakov V., Richter M., Ruspini P. (2017) Determinants of Migration and Types of Migration and Mobility. in M. Richter, P. Ruspini, D. Mihailov, V. Mintchev, M. Nollert (eds) Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria. New York: Springer, 25-60
- Richter M., Ruspini P., Mihailov D., Mintchev V., Nollert M. (2017) Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria (1st 2017 edition, hardcover: August 2, 2016). New York: Springer
- Mihailov D., Richter M., Ruspini P. (2017) Social Networks and Transnational Migration Practices. in M. Richter, P. Ruspini, D. Mihailov, V. Mintchev, M. Nollert (eds) Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria,. New York: Springer, 153-180
- Ruspini P., Richter M., Nollert M. (2016) Between Return and Circulation: Experiences of Bulgarian Migrants, Economic Studies, Special Issue, Sofia: Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, XXV (5):7-20. ISSN 0205-3292
- Ruspini P. (2016) Migration and Transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria. Paper for the 5th Young Scholars Forum on Central and South East Europe “Challenges and Opportunities of Migration in and from South East Europe” held by the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe. Fachhochschule bfi Wien,Vienna, Austria. 1° December 2016
- Ruspini P. (2015) Social Networks and Transnational Practices of Bulgarian Migrants. Paper for the Research Brown Bag Lunch of the Institute for Public Communication. Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Lugano (USI). 4 November 2015
- Ruspini P. (2014) Le migrazioni contemporanee: una prospettiva internazionale ed europea (Contemporary migration: an international and European perspective). Paper within the SNSF funded project “Migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria”. University of Lugano (USI). 9 September 2014
- Ruspini P. (2014) Migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria: A study on social inequalities, regional disparities and migration policies. Paper for the IMIS-Gastvorträge. Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS), Universität Osnabrück, Germany. 19 June 2014
- Ferrari E., Ruspini P. (2014) Umanità in cammino. Le migrazioni oltre gli stereotipi. A colloquio con Paolo Ruspini (Humanity on the move. Migration beyond the Stereotypes. Interview with Paolo Ruspini), (Intervista a cura di Erminio Ferrari), La Regione Ticino, Lunedì 22 Settembre 2014