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Project BSc2-I: Housing - Atelier Bearth


Bearth V.

Course director

Amarri R.


de Courten S.


Guerra M.



In the first semester, the atelier deals with the subject of the individual dwelling, offering the student the opportunity to confront with a personalised program, with the specificity of the context, as well as with the materialisation and construction detail. Didactically, the project thus becomes a personal path of research, in the sense that this term has in architecture, that is, to interrogate a place, to question the validity of commonly accepted principles of practice, to investigate one's own ideas and theoretical positions, and to find the necessary operational tools suited to the specific project situation.


The second-year atelier offers the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the first year, familiarise students with the fundamental issues of architecture and finally introduce them to the methods of professional practice.
The course is structured around a project theme, from which each student builds a personalised design path following his or her own interests and intuitions. Particular care is taken in the study of the relationship with the place, understood as a synthesis between the natural or urban landscape and the cultural context in which one works; the precision in the dimensioning and materialisation of the individual parts that make up the body of the architecture are constantly cultivated, within a design proposal that is taken care of from its insertion in the territory down to the scale of the construction detail.

Sustainable development goals

  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production

Teaching mode

In presence

Learning methods

To enter the exam, one must attend the atelier consistently, working weekly on the project development at the table and taking part in the three midterm critiques of the semester, where the project is presented to the teachers and the entire class. The student will have the opportunity to work with all three assistants, changing referent following each midterm critique. At the final discussion he or she will present a series of documents capable of succinctly summarizing the ideas and significant aspects of the project in a complete and coherent form.

Examination information

A presentation that includes large-scale and detailed architectural drawings, three-dimensional images and photographs, as well as models and other materials that help presenting both the design process and the final proposal, make up the body of documents needed for the final critique.




Study trips

  • Sardegna, 02.10.24 - 06.10.24 (Optional)