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Doctoral programme in Finance


The Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) PhD Program in Finance is targeted towards the pursuit of academic excellence. It aims at providing an intellectual environment and a curriculum comparable with the top PhD programs in North America and Europe. The curriculum comprises two phases: one preparatory year of intensive coursework followed by three years of advanced studies and research. The Program covers a wide range of subjects including Finance Theory, Corporate Finance, Empirical Asset Pricing, and Econometrics. There is a clear focus on the economic foundations of Finance and all courses are taught by SFI faculty and visiting faculty from Europe, and North America. The Program offers the ideal framework for successful and inspiring PhD studies in Finance. The applicants should have a strong interest in research activities and the desire to pursue an academic career. The main goal of the PhD Program is to train young scholars for academic positions in finance in top universities.
Some graduates of the PhD program also work in research positions in the finance industry or the public sector.

The ideal applicant’s academic record will prove a solid background in Economics and Finance. However additional prerequisite courses at the beginning of the PhD program might compensate for weaknesses in any of these areas.