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Digital Challenges in Marketing and Big Data (B)


Silchenko K.

Course director


Course Objectives

  • Introduce the digital shift in marketing, read through the perspective of the technological and societal transformation.

  • Equip students with up-to-date knowledge about current main digital marketing practices, tools and strategies.

  • Balance a technology-focused view on digital marketing with a critically-oriented discussion that weighs utilities of certain marketing practices shaped by the digital trends against their (potential) business and social consequences.

Course Description

Fast-paced advances in digital technologies – ranging from web 2.0, big data, social media, the Internet of Things to machine learning and artificial intelligence etc. – have brought about profound transformation in how we communicate with others, how we learn about or introduce new fashions, how we process and filter information, and how we work and do business. They have indeed transformed all areas of social life, drastically remodeling consumption and marketing practices.
This course brings together technology-focused, marketing-focused, consumer-focused as well as society-focused perspectives on digital challenges. On the one hand, it seeks to provide a practice-focused overview of the current main digital marketing tools and activities. On the other, considering the speed of change in the field, the course will focus on the essential principles of the consumer-centric digital marketing strategies and their underlying logics, which could be rewarding or, on the other hand, challenging or even highly problematic under certain circumstances. Such circumstances will be scrutinized throughout the course via presentation of real-life cases and in-class discussions, thus bringing students’ attention to the need to address digital challenges in marketing in an informed and responsible manner.

Evaluation procedures and Grading criteria

  • 30% group work during the fall semester (finalized as a written report and a group presentation scheduled towards the second half of the course)

  • 70% final written exam

Required materials

Selected texts and sources for (optional, yet recommended) further reading will be shared via iCorsi.
