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Sponsoring and partnership management


Cotting P.

Course director


In detail, they shall

  • be aware of the limits 
  • have understood to what extent these strategies are different from other communication measures
  • be able to develop a rough partnership & sponsorship strategy and a rough implementation concept for both sponsors and sponsees
  • know what success factors are important to consider by developing these strategies
  • have an overview of the sponsorship market including its actors and driving forces
  • have a thorough understanding of the role of the media within the sponsorship world
  • be able to critically evaluate partnership & sponsorship strategies.


The course will adopt an international perspective whereas sports sponsorships will take a prominent role, therefore respecting their extremely high importance but also complex structure. Participants are expected to actively prepare upcoming sessions by reading all distributed material. 


This course presents different approaches to the planning, negotiation, implementation and control of partnership and sponsorship forms and strategies in the media, sports, arts, entertainment, causes and scientific field. 

Participants acquire an understanding of the key concepts, fundamental principles, best practice examples and theories in this area. 

The lecture provides insights into different strategic approaches such as ambush marketing, philanthropy, buy-in sponsorships and hospitality activities, celebrity endorsement, marketing and media partnerships, product and message placements, title partnerships and ownerships.

The participants shall – at the end of the course – be able to fully understand, evaluate and plan sponsoring & partnership strategies. 

Teaching mode

In presence

Learning methods


Examination information

The grade is based on an individual exam of one hour (60%) and a group assignment (40%). 
