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S&DE Atelier: Design 101


Minelli R.

Course director

Raglianti M.



In this atelier, students will have the chance to put the principles into practice in different contexts, such as slide and presentation design. Ultimately, the students will apply the principles in a seminar work on a topic of their choice.


D101 teaches students a series of universal design principles that can be used for a number of tasks, such as enhancing the way a design is perceived, help people learning from a design, increase the usability and appeal of a design, and ultimately make better design decisions to create new and ameliorate existing designs.

Teaching mode

In presence

Learning methods

Self study, presentation, seminar work, hands-on

Examination information

Examination information: This course will have a grade composed of different parts. Students will be evaluated on attendance, presentations in class, and a seminar work.
