Experimental Design and Analysis of Psychological Data
Course director
The first part of the corso will be dedicated to data analysis of psychological data. An initial part of data managment will be curried by deeping knowledge in Excel.In particular students will learn how to deal with sampling, randomization, univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis of psychological data by means of statistical informatic tools such as Phstat.
The Second part of the course introduces the basic concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics as applied to public health problems, clinical issues and areas of health services such as genetic counseling. Emphasis is placed on the principles and methods of epidemiological investigation, appropriate summaries and displays of data, and the use of classical statistical approaches to describe the health of populations.
Course topics will span from epidemiology, to the health policy and programs, through study designs and critical appraisal of the scientific literature. Through the duration of the course, we will use frontal lectures and practical activities.
Students will acquire the fundamentals of critical appraisal in adressing psychological studies and data analysis.
In particular students will acquire informatic tools to be able to manage psychological complex data and apply different statistical strategies to integrate quantitative methods with qualitative ones.
A review of basic and more advanced data analysis methods will be curried with Phstat tools.
Students will learn also the concepts and methods of quantitative and qualitative research in the field of epidemiology and public health, with reference to its applications in the field of psychology.
Teaching mode
In presence
Learning methods
Examination information
Written exam
Mandatory for at least 80% of the course
- Master of Science in Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication (biomed), Lecture, 1st year