Quality Assurance and Sustainability Service
The USI Quality assurance service has the aim of spreading the quality culture within the University and actively taking care of its guarantee in the various areas of application.
In a nutshell, the activities carried out in support of this task are as follows:
- promote the “quality culture” collaborating with the Academic Senate and its Quality culture commission (CCQ);
- support the institutional accreditation process in collaboration with the Swiss Accreditation Council and swissuniversities;
- develop and manage a new quality assurance system connected to the definition, mapping, and monitoring of USI macroprocesses and processes;
- develop surveys on the satisfaction of the various user categories at USI;
- deal with the teaching evaluation of all courses offered by the five USI faculties at each level;
- collect and process statistical data on students, assistants, graduate students, teachers, diplomas, services and infrastructures;
- support “Sosta… verso un Ateneo sostenibile” project with the aim to constantly increasing environmental, economic, and social responsibility at USI;
- provide support to administrative and academic staff for surveys, evaluations, and ad hoc statistical data processing.
For further information, please visit the website “Quality assurance”