Mose' Schwarz
Mosè is a PhD student and teaching assistant at USI's Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Institute of Marketing and Communication Management (IMCA).
He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Faculté des Lettres des Lausanne (UNIL). In 2023, he obtained his Master’s degree in Media Management at the Università della Svizzera Italiana. Since 2023, he has worked for IMCA, first as a student assistant and, after graduation, as a doctoral student.
While redacting his Master's dissertation, "Consuming the Ugly: Framing Ugliness in Consumer Research," Mosè developed a deep interest in the interplay of aesthetics and consumption. In particular, he focused on the aesthetic categories that are characterised negatively, such as ugliness and other minor categories like the kitsch, the tragic, the horrorful, etc. His research sheds light on the underlying complexities and uncertainties that arise when dealing with negative aesthetics and demonstrates the related sociocultural functions that emerge through consumption and possession practices.