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Irina Emelianova


Irina Emelianova graduated in Moscow in Art History, with an internship at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. During her studies, she attended University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ and University of Venice ‘Ca’ Foscari’, as part of a cultural exchange programme. She won a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship, thus being able to attend the Master of Arts in Italian Language, Literature and Civilization at the Institute of Italian Studies of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano. In 2015 she was co-curator of the exhibition Amos Nattini e la Divina Commedia figurata tra le due Guerre. Arte, architettura e lettere in dialogo (Museo Comunale d’Arte Moderna di Ascona).

From 2016 to 2021 she was an assistant and a PhD student at the Institute for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture of the USI Academy of Architecture. In 2022 she defended with summa cum laude her doctoral thesis entitled “Visioni dantesche. I monumenti architettonici non realizzati a Dante Alighieri e alla Divina Commedia tra le due guerre”.  From 2022 to 2024 she was a scholarship holder from the Canton Ticino with the project «[…] a Pietroburgo vari progetti eseguì e per il governo e per i privati»: l’attività dell’architetto ticinese Gaspare Fossati per l’Impero Russo. She is currently a scientific collaborator at the Institute for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture of the USI.


History of art and of architecture in Modern and Contemporary Age

Cultural Studies

Ideologies and Representation 

Swiss-Italian artists and architects in Russia in the 19th century 


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