Andrea Foglia
Andrea Foglia graduated in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. In addition, he earned a Master of Advanced Studies in Intellectual Property from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) and a Master (LL.M) in Intellectual Property Law and Management from the CEIPI, University of Strasbourg.
Before joining USI as Technology Transfer Manager, he has worked for the Technology Transfer Office of the Paul Scherrer Institute (ETH-Domain) and of the University of Basel.
Having focused on intellectual property related issues for years, he has a strong background in intellectual property rights (IPRs) with special regard to technology transfer, patenting strategies and licensing. At USI, IRB and IOR he advises clients in the areas of IPRs, collaboration with the industry, commercialization, legal and licensing.
He is a Board Member of the Swiss Technology Transfer Association (swiTT) and member of the Licensing Executive Society (LESI).