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Philipp R.W. Urech


Philipp Urech is a Swiss architect. He studied architectural design at the Swiss-Italian Academy of Architecture (USI) and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich. He has worked on numerous architectural and landscape design projects, and in 2021 founded his company Topostudio. Between 2010 and 2022 he was a research associate at the chair of Landscape Architecture of Professor Christophe Girot at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, where he contributed to the theoretical discourse on Topology and wrote his doctoral thesis based on the invention of a landscape design process with novel digital modeling methods.

Philipp taught landscape design in various graduate and postgraduate programs. He coordinated design studios at the chair of Christophe Girot (including planning, budgeting and lecturing) and led a series of studios at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) during his research at the Singapore-ETH Centre in Singapore. Philipp currently leads the Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab (LVML) at ETH Zurich and is postdoctoral researcher in the interdisciplinary module Resilient Blue-Green Infrastructures at the Future Cities Laboratory Global. He teaches the course series “Digital Design Methods” in the Master of Landscape Architecture program, the course series “Topology” at the departments of Architecture and Civil Engineering at ETH Zurich, and the methods course on digital literacy at the doctoral school at USI Mendrisio.