The starting point for this course is that marketing is not just a noun, but also a verb and an adjective (marketing). As such, it represents not only an organizational function among other functions (including finance, HR, procurement, etc.), but also a mindset that pervades the entire organization. Our approach is to look into individual elements of the marketing mix (price, place, product, promotion), and also in their interrelationships so that the final approach is coherent: all elements are carefully weighed and adapted for the specific marketing objective. The course is an introductory one, designed specifically for students in general management.
Marketing has three objectives: (1) to give you access to a breadth of marketing tools and topics, (2) to make enough room to develop adequate depth in key areas and (3) to provide the space to exercise your tools in a practical way.
- The breadth objective will be achieved in the main sessions of the course these are split into a topic introduction (recorded video) to the day’s topic, where you will learn the tools of that session, and a practice seminar (in class) where we will make sure that everyone understood these tools via your obligatory participation in Wooclap assessments. You need to watch the topic introduction and perform the tasks provided on a rolling basis on iCorsi before coming to the practice seminar.
- The depth objective will be achieved through giving you the opportunity, in the breakout-sessions to apply the tools to concrete marketing situations and contexts. Thus, first we ensure that you get a good overview (topic introduction) of the tools, and actually develop a working knowledge of these tools (practice seminar) and then we unleash you to tackle concrete examples using the fine tools.
- The practical objective will be achieved through your involvement in the generation of a concrete marketing plan for a product or service of your choice. You need to develop your marketing plan in a group and work on it throughout the course using the collaborative platform Miro.
Teaching mode
In presence
Learning methods
Since the course will revolve around discussion-based classes and guest lectures, students are expected to come prepared with the mandatory readings. Furthermore, to gain an understanding of theory is implemented in practice, students will be expected to apply learnings of the lectures and literature to their group projects in class.
Examination information
Your grade in Marketing depends on how you perform both as an (1) individual, and as a (2) team member.
- The individual performance will be evaluated through
- your obligatory participation on Wooclap during the practice seminars (10%)
- an obligatory final, written exam at the end of the semester (70%).
- The performance as a team member (20%) will be assessed through (a) your uploading the deliverables for your group projects on iCorsi, and includes (b) your group’s final marketing plan.
- NB: you need to have a grade ≥6 in the final exam to pass the course. A 5 o 5.5 grade obtained on your individual performance permits you to claim credits for the course (based on article 30 of the Study Regulations 2008/09), but this score will not be put on average with the group work score.
- NB: For students who do NOT participate in the group work, the overall grade consists only of the final written exam and the Wooclap participation (70% + 10% = 80%). As such, the maximum grade that can be obtained by students not participating in group work = 8.
Principles of Marketing 18th GLOBAL Edition (2021) Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong with Marc Oliver Opresnik ISBN-10 1-292-34113-0
- Bachelor in Communication, Lecture, 2nd year
- Bachelor in Communication, Lecture, 3rd year