Organizational Behavior (L.)
Course director
Organizational behavior is a course in applied behavioral and social science that examines the factors influencing individual behavior in organizations. Topics covered include individual preferences, motivation, incentives, and collaboration and conflict within and between teams.
The general objectives of the course is to provide the conceptual tools to:
(i) improve understanding,
(ii) support thinking, and
(iii) develop predictions
about individual and collective behavior within organizations.
Sustainable development goals
- Quality education
- Gender equality
- Reduced inequalities
Teaching mode
In presence
Learning methods
In “Organizational Behavior” learning comes from regular class attendance and participation.Class meetings are based on a mix of traditional lectures, decentralized student-to student interaction, teamwork, role-playing games, and case-based discussion. Reading activities complement, but cannot substitute personal involvement and direct experience with hands-on class activities.
Examination information
Evaluation of coursework is based on the combined result of class participation, two mid-term tests and a final exam.
- Bauer, Talya, Erdogan, Berrin. Organizational Behavior: Bridging Science and Practice. Version 4.0. Flat World Knowledge, 2021. (Exams will be based on material contained on the most recent version of the textbook (Version 4.0, January 2021))
- Master of Science in Economics in Management, Lecture, Core course for "First degree in any other subject", 1st year
- Master of Science in Economics in Management, Lecture, Core course for "First degree in economics or management", 1st year