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Jean-Patrick Villeneuve


Jean-Patrick Villeneuve is associate professor of Public Administration and Management at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) since January 2014. He is Director of the Institute of Communication and Public Policy, Head of the GRIP (Public Integrity Research Group) and Co-Director of the Master programme Public Management and Policy (offered in collaboration with the University of Lausanne and the University of Berne). He is Director of the Governance Stream of the Middle East Mediterranean Summer Summit (MEM). He is also Visiting Professor at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE - 对外经济贸易大学 Beijing, China) and member of the Independent Transparency Mediation Commission of Ticino (Bellinzona, Switzerland). He is member of the International Executive Committee of the Global Conference on Transparency Research (Newark, USA) and, until recently, Member of the Independent Expert Panel of the Open Government Partnership (Washington D.C., USA).

He holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration IDHEAP/HEC Lausanne (Switzerland), an M.Phil. from Cambridge University (United Kingdom), an M.A/M.P.A. from Concordia University (Canada) and a B.A. from McGill University (Canada).

His research focuses on issues of transparency, anti-corruption and accountability. He is particularly interested in the limitations, difficulties and impacts of implementing these governance initiatives. He also analyses the metrics of anti-corruption and transparency, with a special focus on developed ‘low-corruption’/‘high transparency’ countries. He focuses as well on the evolution of the relationship between citizens and the State. He also works on international regulatory issues in the gambling sector, with a special eye to deviances in sport betting.

His research has been funded by various public funding institutions, notably by the European Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He has published in a number of top level academic journals and with leading publishing houses. He is member of various journal board and academic associations.

Before joining USI, Prof. Villeneuve has worked at the United Nations (International Civil Aviation Organisation, International Labour Organisation) and in different Canadian public organisations (Federal Parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Ministry of Transport). He works regularly with public institution at the local, national and international level as well as with private international organisations.

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