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Sabrina Mazzali Lurati


Sabrina Mazzali-Lurati completed a PhD in Communication Sciences at Università della Svizzera italiana in 2003. In her PhD thesis she developed a semiotic-hermeutic approach to hypermedial transpositions of "classic" literary texts. In 2001/2002 she was granted fellowship for prospective researcher by the Swiss National Science Foundation to conduct research at the University of Toronto (School of Continuing Studies).

Since 2001 she was teaching assistant for the courses of Semiotics, since 2005 she was teaching assistant and lecturer for the course Tipologia dei testi e tecniche espressive and between 2009 and 2018 she taught the course Elementi di retorica per la comunicazione scritta.

She currently is lecturer for the Writing Lab 1 and 2 of the bachelor in Communication Sciences.

Her research interests are rhetoric and composition, written communication (particularly, organizational communication), semiotics and multimodality in an argumentative perspective (particularly, in advertising).