Antonietta Mira
In progress (2)
Completed (12)
- Mira A. (2024) Satellite to ISBA world meeting
- Mira A. (2022) Comfortably Numb3d by Numb3rs
- Mira A., Wit E. J. (2020) PERISCOPE - Pan-European Response to the ImpactS of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics.
- Lomi A., Crestani F. (2017) The Global Structure of Knowledge Networks: Data, Models and Empirical Results
- Arbia G., Mira A. (2017) Statistical solutions for regression-type models with big spatial data
- Mira A. (2016) Controlling Cybersecurity Risk: Fast Fraud Detection using sequential and optimal stopping techniques
- Mira A. (2016) Statistical Inference on Large-Scale Mechanistic Network Models
- Lomi A., Mira A. (2015) Bayesian Modelling and Algorithms for Heterogenous Interorganisational Networks
- Barone Adesi G., Mira A. (2014) A Bayesian estimate of the pricing kernel
- Mira A. (2014) Numb3d by numb3rs?
- Mira A. (2012) Zero-Variance Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Mira A., Barone Adesi G. (2010) Adaptive Monte Carlo methods to estimate financial risk models