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Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Architecture



Pedone F.



The goal of the project is to develop a set of tools to support learning of complex concepts or processes in the field of database systems. These tools are suitable both for face to face use by lecturers and online use by students. The project is targeting the key aspects of core database systems courses that are part of any computer science curricula. The product consists of a set of software simulation tools, animations, shared knowledge repository structured in modules and integrated with assignments, self evaluation tests and key concepts summaries. All integrated in an e-learning platform. Any academic institutions can integrate their own existing material in the course infrastructure. Two exemplary modules will be fully developed adding tutorials for blended learning usage. Being the database systems at the core of any computer science curricula, and being the developed tools unique, the developed material has a very broad market, in Switzerland and abroad. The consortium is made by SUPSI, FHZ and USI that have complementary backgrounds in the field of database and distributed systems. Five additional institutions have joined as user partners.

Additional information

Start date
End date
24 Months
Funding sources
swissuniversities / Swiss Virtual Campus