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The Churches of Rome in the Middle Ages 1050-1300. Liturgical Furnishing and Architecture (Corpus Cosmatorum II)



Mondini D.


External participants

Jäggi Carola

(Third-party co-responsible)


The aim of this application is the completion of the corpus "The Churches of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages, 1050–1300" (Corpus Cosmatorum) by March 2028. The project, which deals with the architecture and liturgical furnishing of the medieval churches of Rome from the 11th to the end of the 13th century, was started in 2002 by Prof. Dr. Cornelius Claussen at the University of Zurich (cf. SNSF project 101212_124424). In 2010, it was suspended due to the retirement of the project leader. Since 2015, it has been continued as a cooperative project of the chairs for medieval Art History of the Istituto di storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura (ISA) at the Accademia di Architettura (AAM), Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Mendrisio (Prof. Dr. Daniela Mondini), and the Institute for Art History at the University of Zurich (KHIST UZH) (Prof. Dr. Carola Jäggi), financed again by the SNSF (project 101216_153229, January 2015 to March 2018). Since April 2018, the project has been running as a SNSF Research Infrastructure (10FI 13_170405). At present, four of the planned seven volumes are published. CorpCos II,4-treating the churches M–O-was published in January 2020, while the manuscript of CorpCos II,5 with the three "large" Marian churches of S. Maria in Aracoeli, S. Maria Maggiore and S. Maria in Trastevere, will be sent to the publisher by the end of 2020. CorpCos II,6 is currently under progress and is planned to be completed as a manuscript ready for printing in March 2023. It is exclusively dedicated to the two important commemorative churches of St. Paul’s and St. Peter’s (S. Paolo fuori le mura and S. Pietro in Vaticano). In the next funding phase-for which we are applying here and which we expect to last from April 2021 to March 2025-we plan to finish and publish CorpCos II,6 (S. Paolo fuori le mura and S. Pietro in Vaticano, see above) and to start with CorpCos II,7. This last volume is intended to conclude the Corpus Cosmatorum II. In it we discuss all the medieval Roman churches starting with the letter P (S. Pancrazio) through to the end of the alphabet (S. Zenone), with the exception of the two basilicas enshrining the tombs of Peter and Paul already treated in Vol. 6. Among the monuments to be dealt with in CorpCos II,7, we include such important churches such as S. Prassede, SS. Quattro Coronati, S. Saba, S. Sebastiano fuori le mura, S. Stefano rotondo, SS. Vincenzo e Anastasio and, of course, the papal palace chapel known as the Sancta Sanctorum-one of the most splendid examples of marble and mosaic art of the later 13th century in Rome. Moreover, we expect that our study of the lesser-known churches of this volume will lead to unexpected discoveries and bring to light previously unknown or unrecognized works, based on a solid study of written sources and intensive on-site inspections.

Additional information

Start date
End date
48 Months
Funding sources
External partners
Co-beneficiario esterno: Università di Zurigo
Swiss National Science Foundation / Research infrastructure in humanities and social sciences