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Data stewardship at USI



Sarman I.



With the publication, in 2021, of the Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy and in accordance with a growing attention dedicated to the theme of Research Data Management, USI is moving towards the formulation and consolidation of principles and practices aimed at a correct management of the databases that are generated and used by its researchers at all levels and in all areas of study. The overarching goal of this effort is becoming an active actor in the ORD movement in the Swiss academic landscape.

As detailed by the Swiss ORD Strategy and the corresponding action plan, an integral contribution for adopting FAIR practices and reaching ORD-related goals comes from the promotion of the figure of Data Stewards, the consolidation of their proficiencies and roles, and the establishment of competences centers to foster the dialogue and cooperation among Swiss HEIs.

This project encompasses the present situation of USI in terms of Research Data Management and Open Research Data, the gaps that are intended to be overcome and the prospective efforts put in place to close said gaps. The project presents the context in which the new Data Steward will operate, the synergies that will likely be shaped together with existing USI services and departments and the goals expected to be reached in the medium-long run.

Additional information

Start date
End date
30 Months
Funding sources
Swiss Confederation
swissuniversities / Open Research Data calls / Measure B5.2: Data Stewardship