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SRDSN - Swiss Research Data Support Network



Sarman I.

(Project partner)


With the support of 27 institutions, the Swiss Research Data Support Network (SRDSN) project aims to establish a robust and inclusive research data support community in Switzerland. It will facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, and best practice development among research data professionals from various disciplines and institutions, including libraries, IT services, core facilities, and research management offices. SRDSN builds on and expands an existing research data support network and the SwissDS-ENV project. It will serve as an organizational framework, facilitating the formation of specialized nodes that address specific areas of research data management starting with a node for Data Stewardship coordinators that will be established during the project. Through regular meetings, both at the level of the overall network and the nodes, members will have a platform to discuss relevant topics and share expertise. In doing so it promotes professionalization and specialization of research data management support in Switzerland. To enhance visibility and external communication, SRDSN will establish a visual identity, a dedicated website, and a contact address. To organize efficient information exchange, knowledge sharing, and coordination among network members the technical tools will be provided. The sustainability and the character of an inclusive community will be ensured by establishing a good governance, entailing rules for membership, an ethics code, and a memorandum of understanding. In addition, a sounding board will be established consisting of researchers and other stakeholders relevant to research data management. The sounding board will help to secure a strategic positioning with the national and international research data landscape.

Additional information

Start date
End date
12 Months
Funding sources
External partners
Uni BE, Uni Basel, Uni ZH, SUPSI, ZHAW
swissuniversities / Open Research Data calls / Measure B5.3: Establishment of a network for data stewardship