Social Media Management
Docente titolare del corso
- Students will be introduced to social media: the course will define the topic, look at its scale and its background and context.
- Students will learn a social media management framework: a structure that will tie together all the theories, best practice, cases the course will offer.
- Students will learn what a social media plan is and what are the relevant elements.
- Students will earn professional certifications useful for a social media management career.
- Students will put into practice what they learn by developing a social media plan, guided by the teacher and experts who will offer practical lectures during the course.
- Students will receive specific lessons on social media monitoring so that they will be able to present relevant data, trends, risks, and opportunities related to social media use.
- Students WON’T be provided with a LIST of the best social media tips for success.
Platforms may change, but the social media management principles still apply.
This course aims at providing students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts, strategies, and best practices that can help individuals and companies to maximize their (business) value on/through social media. Hence, students will have the chance to acquire knowledge on how to research, plan and evaluate the use as well as the management of social media.
After completing this course, the students will:
- Have a comprehensive knowledge of multiple social media platforms, what they do, how and why we use them, along with a focus on new platforms entering the market.
- Identify principles learned in the course to determine why particular social media campaigns failed and others succeeded.
- Be able to use professional tools aim at supporting the social media management practice.
Modalità di insegnamento
In presenza
Impostazione pedagogico-didattica
Theoretical lectures and application of theory to real cases: this is the mantra of the course.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of theoretical information – acquired thanks to theoretical lecture - through practical work on real case studies; in this way, they will taste a hands-on experience of social media management activities as if they were real professionals. Additionally, they will be given assignments that will enhance their technological skills in relation with current social media platforms.
To best round out knowledge on the subject, a number of industry experts will be invited to give seminars devoted to specific digital marketing topics.
Modalità d’esame
The final course evaluation will consist of:
- Written exam (70%)
- Group works (30%)
Students will also have the chance to acquire bonus scores if they will be able to complete some professional certifications, which are vital when applying for jobs in social media management or digital marketing in general.
Required Material
To best pass this course, students should refer to "lecture notes" prepared by the course director and posted on the iCorsi platform. Supplementary materials include book chapters in which key concepts are covered as well as reports and scientific article covering social media management specific topics. All material will still be made available on iCorsi.
Offerta formativa
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- Master of Science in Communication and Economics in Corporate Communication, Lezione, Thematica Area: Cinema and Audiovisual Futures, A scelta, 2° anno
- Master of Science in Communication and Economics in Marketing and Transformative Economy, Lezione, Thematic Area: Crossmedia, Transmedia and Multimodal Communication, A scelta, 2° anno
- Master of Science in Communication and Economics in Marketing and Transformative Economy, Lezione, Thematic Area: Stategy and Entrepreneurship, A scelta, 2° anno
- Master of Science in Communication and Economics in Marketing and Transformative Economy, Lezione, Thematica Area: Cinema and Audiovisual Futures, A scelta, 2° anno
- Master of Science in Communication in Media Management, Lezione, 1° anno
- Master of Science in Communication in Media Management, Lezione, Thematic Area: Crossmedia, Transmedia and Multimodal Communication, A scelta, 2° anno
- Master of Science in Communication in Media Management, Lezione, Thematic Area: Strategy and Entrepreneurship, A scelta, 2° anno