Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Argumentation in Fashion Communication


Greco S.

Docente titolare del corso

Pierre E. J. D.



Course Description

This course includes three main content areas:

  • Introduction to main concepts from argumentation (issue, standpoint, argument) and from cultural semiotics in fashion.
  • Argumentation in digital fashion storytelling, with a focus on social media films and videos related to specific campaigns and brand storytelling. We discuss why storytelling is argumentative and we learn to identify and analyse critically recurrent types of arguments.
  • Argumentation in “fashion controversies”: how controversies surrounding fashion (e.g. sustainability) might emerge in a polylogical discourse in the society at large, in which different actors communicate to a multiple audience on different platforms. Responding to “stock issues”, it is possible to introduce new policies in polylogical fashion communication messages.


Course Objectives

Overall, the objective is to use argumentation models and concepts as a lens to analyze and produce digital fashion communication messages in a critical and responsible way. In particular:

  • Learn to identify recurrent types of argument in digital fashion storytelling and analyse them critically
  • Understand how “fashion controversies” emerge, how argumentation is used in these controversies by fashion brands and other actors

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

  • Città e comunità sostenibili
  • Consumo e produzione responsabili

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

Learning Methods

Learning is based on analysis of concrete examples of fashion communication, explanation of theoretical concepts and methods as well as on classroom discussion. Active participation by the students is encouraged.

Modalità d’esame

Evaluation procedures and Grading criteria


  • Group presentation of a scientific paper during the course: 20% of the evaluation. The objectives are to understand the main concepts expounded in the paper, transpose them to the field of digital fashion communication and stimulate classroom discussion.
  • Written exam (during exam sessions): 80% of the evaluation. The exam includes exercises and theoretical concepts, adopting the same style as the course. It is necessary to get at least 45/80 points in the written exam to add the evaluation of the presentation to the final grade.

Grading criteria for the presentation and the exam will be specified in the detailed syllabus circulated at the beginning of the course and explained in class.


Attendance is not compulsory but strongly suggested. All students are required to take part in group presentations, which happen during the course hours. 



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