Ricerca di contatti, progetti,
corsi e pubblicazioni

Information Security


Langheinrich M.

Docente titolare del corso


The class exposes students to the fundamental concepts of cryptography, network security, and computer security. The growing importance of networks and distributed systems, and their use to support safety-critical applications, has made information security a central issue for systems today. The class centers on two main parts: security foundations (which includes security terminology, core cryptographic principles, and secure protocols) and applied security (which discusses network security, computer security, software security, and web security). Students learn to critically assess the security properties of a system and make informed decisions about implementing secure processes. Many classes feature in-class labs where students are asked to implement a cryptographic primitive, a secure protocol, or attack a vulnerable system.


To teach core skills needed to implement and evaluate secure information systems.

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

Lectures, weekly exercises and online quizzes (ungraded), in-class labs

Modalità d’esame

The grade is composed of a midterm (30%) and final exam (70%)


Offerta formativa