Principles of Economics and Sustainable Development
Docente titolare del corso
The course will deal with various topics of microeconomics, macroeconomics and sustainable development through a predominantly descriptive and not very formalized approach and through examples and applications taken from the real word and everyday experience.
The topics covered are the following:
- Introduction to political economy and sustainable development
- Supply, demand and markets
- Consumer behavior and behavioral economics
- Market failures and behavioral bias
- Firms' behavior and market structures
- Introduction to macroeconomics: an overview
- Production, growth and sustainable development
- Sustainable development, energy systems and climate change
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental principles of political economy and to motivate them to reason and think like economists. In addition, the course will introduce and discuss the concept of sustainable development and will analyze the relationship between economic growth and sustainable development.
Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile
- Energia pulita e accessibile
- Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica
- Consumo e produzione responsabili
- Agire per il clima
Modalità di insegnamento
In presenza
Impostazione pedagogico-didattica
The weekly teaching program is structured as follows:
- Lectures with some exercises (3 hours)
- Tutorials (1 hour): solution and discussion of selected problems
Modalità d’esame
Final written exam
- Filippini, Massimo, Suchita, Srinivasan. Introduction to energy economics and policy. Cambridge University Press, 2024. (Chapter 1,2 and 7; OPEN ACCESS)
- Mankiw, Nicholas Gregory. Essentials of economics. Ninth edition. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage, 2021.
Offerta formativa
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Lezione, Corso CORE, 1° anno