Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MAI)
The first Artificial Intelligence Master in Switzerland, is offered in Lugano, profiting from the competences of the Faculty of Informatics and the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, a common institute with SUPSI and one of the world's leading research institutes in this field.
In this master program a wide variety of techniques will be taught, including intelligent robotics, artificial deep neural networks, machine learning, meta-heuristics optimization techniques, data mining, data analytics, simulation and distributed algorithms. The main courses are integrated with laboratory works where students have the possibility to use real robots and to practice with state of the art tools and methodologies. After the first few lectures of the basic Machine Learning course, AI master students will already know how to train self-learning artificial neural networks to recognize the images and handwritings to the right better than any other known method.