Jean-Patrick Villeneuve
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (23)
- Heide M., Villeneuve J. P. (2021) Framing National Security Secrecy: A Conceptual Review, International Journal:1-19
- Villeneuve J. P., Mugellini G., Heide M. (2021) Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals and the quest for high-quality corruption indicators, Sustainable Development:1-19
- Heide M., Villeneuve J. P. (2020) Changing Patterns of Information Governance, Government Information Quarterly, 37 (10):3-27
- Villeneuve J. P., Mugellini G., Heide M. (2019) International Anti-Corruption Initiatives: a Classification of Policy Interventions, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research:3-25
- Mugellini G., Villeneuve J. P. (2019) Monitoring the Risk of Corruption at International Level: The Case of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, European Journal of Risk Regulation:1-7
- Villeneuve J. P. (2018) Les limites de la transparence administrative : entre discours et pratiques, Action publique:10-18
- Villeneuve J. P., Göldi R. (2018) Voting behavior in canton Schaffousen: an experiment on swing voter motivations, Journal of Swiss Administrative Sciences:185-197
- Villeneuve J. P., Pedrini P. P. (2017) Propaganda and Fake news: an historical analysis, Acta Prosperitatis:84-97
- caron D. J., Villeneuve J. P., Heide M. (2016) Structuring the Transparency Deficits of ICT-enabled Production and Use of Governmental Information, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance:400-401
- Villeneuve J. P. (2015) Acknowledging and addressing the issue of match fixing: the case of sport organisations, European Journal of Risk Regulation:633-637
- Villeneuve J. P. (2015) Who’s fault is it? An analysis of the press coverage of football betting scandals in France and the United Kingdom, Sport in Society:1-14
- Villeneuve J. P. (2014) Transparency of Transparency: the pro-active disclosure of the rules governing Access to Information as a gauge of organisational cultural transformation, Government Information Quarterly
- Savard J. F., Villeneuve J. P., Caron I. (2013) Institutional Policy Coherence: The case of the Swiss Transparency Act, Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences:151-162
- Meyer L., Villeneuve J. P. (2013) What are the odds? National gambling regulation and the globalised betting industry, International Review on Sport & Violence:50-61
- Maiani F., Villeneuve J. P., Pasquier M. (2011) Less is more’? Les propositions de la Commission sur l’accès aux documents de l’Union européenne, Revue Française d’Administration Publique:155-170
- Villeneuve J. P. (2011) National and international challenges to the Swiss gambling regulatory regime, Gaming Law Review and Economics:343-353
- Villeneuve J. P. (2011) Swiss Post: Servicing citizens or consumers?, Yearbook 2011 of the Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences:181-192
- Villeneuve J. P. (2010) Citizens’ roles in their relationship with public administrations: The premises of a debate, Journal of Public Administration and Policy:55-70
- Villeneuve J. P. (2010) Gambling in Switzerland: actors and structures, Gaming Law Review and Economics:27-37
- Villeneuve J. P. (2010) Gambling regulation and risk, European Journal of Risk Regulation:415-418
- Villeneuve J. P., Meyer L. (2010) Gambling regulation in Switzerland: legislative and institutional dynamics, Gaming Law Review and Economics:765-777
- Villeneuve J. P., Diaconu M. (2010) Integrating gambling in the governance of sport: financial opportunities and ethical challenges, Sport & EU Review:3-27
- Villeneuve J. P. (2007) Organizational barriers to transparency: a typology and analysis or organizational behaviour tending to prevent or restrict access to information, International Review of Administrative Sciences:147-162
Libro (6)
- Villeneuve J. P., Pasquier M. (2018) International Sport Betting. Routledge
- Villeneuve J. P., Pasquier M. (2018) Marketing management and communication in the public sector. Routledge. 2nd edition
- Villeneuve J. P. (2016) State and Citizens. A new convergence?. SarreBrucke
- Villeneuve J. P., Savard J. F. (2014) Confronter les idées : le fonctionnement réel de l’administration publique au XXIe siècle. Presses de l'Univesité du Québec
- Pasquier M., Villeneuve J. P. (2012) Marketing management and communication in the public sector. Routledge
- Savard J. F., Villeneuve J. P. (2011) Les défis de la gouvernance multi-niveaux. Presses de l’Université du Québec
Contributo in libro (9)
- Villeneuve J. P., Heide M. (2021) Transparency. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, n.d.-n.d.
- Villeneuve J. P., Mugellini G., Heide M. (2020) A typology of anti-corruption interventions. Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration. Edward Elgar, 29-42
- Villeneuve J. P. (2017) Defining the citizen and the consumer. Global Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Public Administration. Faramzad A, Springer, 1-4
- Villeneuve J. P. (2013) Bürger und Public Manager: die Veränderung der Rollen. Handbuch der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Schweiz. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 385-398
- Villeneuve J. P. (2013) Citoyens et management public: transformation des rôles. Manuel d’administration publique suisse. EPFL Press, 387-400
- Villeneuve J. P., Meilland P., Pasquier M. (2013) La transparence de la transparence. Une étude exploratoire appliquée à l’administration fédérale. Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde. EPFL Press, 57-68
- Villeneuve J. P., Meilland P., Pasquier M. (2013) La transparence de la transparence. Une étude exploratoire appliquée à l’administration fédérale. Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde. EPFL Press, 57-68
- Villeneuve J. P., Pasquier M. (2011) Les défis de la transparence administrative, réactions et dynamiques organisationnelles. L’éthique et le management public: chantiers, défis et enjeux. Liber Editions
- Villeneuve J. P. (2011) Success, measuring marketing. Encyclopaedia of sport management and marketing. Routledge
Working paper (2)
- Villeneuve J. P., Pasquier M. (2011) Le Tactilo. Au cœur du débat sur la régulation des jeux de hasard et d'argent
- Maiani F., Villeneuve J. P., Pasquier M. (2010) ‘Less is more’? The Commission proposal on access to EU documents and the proper limits of transparency