Rolf Krause
In corso (5)
- Krause R. (2023) CardioTwin - Precision Cardiology based on Digital Twins
- González F. S., Krause R., Pizzagalli D. U. (2023) RE2Vital - REuse and REproducibility of intraVITAL microscopy via open data practices in image-driven immunological research
- Pezzuto S., Krause R. (2021) MICROCARD - Numerical modeling of cardiac electrophysiology at the cellular scale
- Krause R. (2021) ML2 - Multilevel and Domain Decomposition Methods for Machine Learning
- Krause R., Multerer M. (2021) SURE - SUstainable and Resilient Energy for Switzerland
Conclusi (48)
- Pezzuto S., Krause R. (2022) SenseAF - Precision Cardiology for Atrial Fibrillation based on Physiology-Informed Machine Learning
- Krause R., von Planta C. (2021) CATT-Tool - Crawl-Align-Train-Translate/ Toolchain für das semi-automatisierte und beschleunigte Training von proprietären, domänenpezifischen NMT-Enfunes
- Krause R. (2021) ExaTrain - towards Exascale training for Machine Learning.
- Krause R. (2021) FRANETG - Fracture Network Growth
- De Gottardi A., Krause R., Pizzagalli D. U. (2021) Predicting hospital admission in patients with advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD): a pilot study with a trajectomics approach
- Krause R. (2021) TIME-X - TIME parallelisation: for eXascale computing and beyond
- Krause R. (2020) Simulation and visualization of fluid structure interaction in diaphragm pumps including the polymer piping system.
- Krause R. (2020) Stress-Based Methods for Variational Inequalities in Solid Mechanics: Finite Element Discretization and Solution by Hierarchical Optimization
- Krause R. (2020) PersonalizeAF - Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach
- González F. S., Krause R. (2019) IMMUNEMAP - Enabling data-driven immunological research by making two-photon intravital microscopy data FAIR
- Krause R. (2019) MMM - Medical Mockup Modelling
- Krause R. (2019) TurboLab - Lattice Boltzmann for Hydraulic Turbomachines
- Bianda M., Krause R. (2019) SOLARNET - Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics
- Belluzzi L., Krause R. (2018) HPC-techniques for 3D modeling of resonance line polarization with PRD
- Krause R. (2017) FASTER - Forecasting and Assessing Seismicity and Thermal Evolution in geothermal Reservoirs
- Krause R. (2017) ExaSolvers - Extreme Scale Solvers for Coupled Systems
- Krause R. (2017) HEARTFUSION - Imaging-driven Patient-specific Cardiac Simulation
- Krause R. (2017) Stress-Based Methods for Variational Inequalities in Solid Mechanics: Finite Element Discretization and Solution by Hierar- chical Optimization
- Krause R., Garoni C. (2016) PDE Discretization Matrices: Spectral Analysis, Spectral Symbol, and Design of Fast Iterative Solvers
- Krause R. (2016) Multilevel Methods and Uncertainty Quantification in Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Auricchio A., Krause R. (2016) Novel electro-mechanical phenotyping of heart failure patients candidate for cardiac resynchronization therapy
- Krause R. (2016) SOE-EBRAHIM - Credito supplementare per finanziare un visiting researcher
- Krause R. (2015) Large-scale simulation of pneumatic and hydraulic fracture with a phase-field approach
- Lomi A., Krause R. (2015) SNOWBALL - Snowball sampling and conditional estimation for exponential random graph models for large networks in high performance computing
- Krause R. (2015) CATION - Cardiac activation time imaging for noninvasive characterization of ventricular conduction abnormalities
- Krause R. (2014) Phase Unwrapping Paraller Accellerator
- Krause R. (2014) Modelling permeability and stimulation for deep heat mining - within NFP 70
- Hormann K., Krause R. (2014) Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics
- Krause R., Auricchio A., Potse M. (2014) Integrative HPC Framework for Coupled Cardiac Simulations
- Krause R., Obrist D. (2014) AV-Flow - A Software Library for Fluid Structure Interaction Problems Based on Variational Transfer Immersed Boundary Method
- Krause R. (2014) Parallel multilevel solvers for coupled interface problems
- Krause R., Auricchio A., Potse M. (2014) A Flexible High Performance Approach to Cardiac Electromechanics
- Krause R. (2014) SCCER Supply of Electricity
- Krause R. (2014) FURIESKRA - Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure
- Krause R. (2013) 22nd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
- Krause R. (2013) ExaSolvers - Extreme Scale Solvers for Coupled Systems
- Krause R. (2013) Realistic Large-Scale Heart Model
- Hormann K., Krause R. (2012) Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics
- Krause R. (2012) Development of risk markers for atrial fibrilation based on numerical simulation
- Krause R. (2012) Development of mathematical Models and Efficient Algorithms to Simulate the Loading Conditions of the Periodontium in Dental Biomechanics: Clinical and Experimental Validation
- Krause R. (2012) Simulation of the loading conditions in the human spine
- Krause R. (2012) Collaborazione con Hospital of Cologne per un progetto finanziato dall DFG
- Krause R. (2010) ASIL - Advanced Solvers Integrated Library
- Krause R. (2010) A Decomposition Approach for the Numerical Solution of Fristional Contact Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity
- Krause R. (2010) Probabilistic Modeling of Crack Initiation
- Krause R. (2009) Development of Mathematical Models and Efficient Algorithms to Simulate the Loading Conditions of the Periodontium in Dental Biomechanic
- Krause R. (2009) High Performance and High Productivity Computing
- Krause R. (2009) Sviluppo di sensori di corrente bionici per sistemi di misurazione idrodinamica modellati sulla linea laterale dei pesci