Kai Hormann
In corso (1)
Conclusi (9)
- Hormann K. (2023) Construction and implementation of efficient high-order numerical methods for Volterra integral equations
- Hormann K. (2022) CSF Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Computer Graphics and Computational Mechanics
- Hormann K., Bronstein M. (2019) GRAPES - learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES
- Hormann K., Krause R. (2014) Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics
- Hormann K. (2014) Generalized Barycentric Interpolation
- Hormann K. (2013) Dynamic Mesh Compression
- Hormann K., Krause R. (2012) Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics
- Hormann K. (2011) Interactive Modelling of Dynamics 3D Surfaces
- Hormann K. (2010) Interaktive Modellierung dynamischer 3D-Flächen