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Stephan Leuenberger



After studies at the Universities of Bern (Lic. Phil), Oxford (BPhil), and Princeton (PhD), he held postdoctoral positions at the Australian National University and the University of Leeds, before joining Glasgow. His research is at the intersection of metaphysics and philosophical logic. Specifically, he has been interested in clarifying the commitments of physicalism using "that's it" or "totality" operators, as well relations such as grounding and supervenience. Representative publications are "The Fundamental: Ungrounded or All-Grounding?" (Philosphical Studies, forthcoming), "Global Supervenience without Reductionism" (Journal of Philosophy, 2018), "The Contingency of Contingency" (Journal of Philosophy, 2015), and "Total Logic" (Review of Symbolic Logic, 2014). He has led  the project "The Whole Truth" (AHRC, 2016-17), is a Co-Investigator on "Being without Foundations" (SNF, 2019-23), and has been awarded the Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Younger Scholar Prize as well as the Lauener Prize for Up-and Coming Philosophers.