Slobodan Lukovic
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (2)
- Kaitovic I., Obradovic F., Lukovic S., Malek M. (2016) A Framework for Disturbance Analysis in Smart Grids by Fault Injection, Springer Journal on "Computer Science - Research and Development"
- Fiorin L., Palermo G., Lukovic S., Catalano V., Silvano C. (2008) Secure Memory Accesses on Networks-on-Chip, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 57 (9):1216-1229
Contributo in libro (1)
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I. (2013) Systems Engineering for Assessment of Virtual Power System Implementations. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference, AIAI 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 30 -- October 2, 2013, Proceedings, 667-676. ISBN 978-3-642-41141-0. ISSN 1868-4238
Contributo in atti di conferenza (28)
- Lukovic S., Gasparin A., Witzig J., Herbst I. (2018) Arbon Demonstrator Eye-on-the-Grid, from Concept to Results. SCCER-FURIES Annual Conference
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I., Lecuona G., Malek M. (2016) A Methodology for Proactive Maintenance of Uninterruptible Power Supplies. Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC2016) - Workshop on Dependability in Evolving Systems (WDES). Cali, Colombia. 10/2016
- Kaitovic I., Lukovic S., Malek M. (2015) Proactive Failure Management in Smart Grids for Improved Resilience (A Methodology for Failure Prediction and Mitigation). IEEE GLOBECOM SmartGrid Resilience (SGR) Workshop. San Diego, CA, USA
- Kaitovic I., Lukovic S., Malek M. (2015) Unifying Dependability of Critical Infrastructures: Electric Power System and ICT (Concepts, Figures of Merit and Taxonomy). IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). Zhangjiajie, China
- Lukovic S., Miladinovic B. (2014) A Conceptual Solution for Integration of EV Charging with Smart Grids. International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies - ICSGCE 2014. Dubai
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I. (2014) Smart Charging Cell for Smart Cities. The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES)
- Lukovic S. (2013) Adapting Multi-Agent Systems Approach for Integration of Prosumers in Smart Grids. Proceedings of the IEEE Eurocon 2013
- Lukovic S., Čongradac V., Kulić F. (2013) Smart Building Integration in Smart Grids. The 44th Heating Ventilation Air Condition and Refrigeration Congress and Exhibition - KGH 2013
- Lukovic S., Srivastava A. (2012) System Level Approach to Denial-of-Service Detection in MPSoCs. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS''2012), A Workshop of the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK''12)
- Lukovic S., Vukmirović S., Kaitovic I., Erdeljan A. (2012) Virtual Metering for Virtual PHEV Aggregation. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON2012). Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
- Kaitovic I., Lukovic S. (2011) Adoption of Model-Driven methodology to aggregations design in Power Grid. INDIN ''11: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics. Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal
- Vukmirović S., Lukovic S., Erdeljan A., Kulić F. (2010) A Smart Metering Architecture as a Step Towards Smart Grid realization. Proceedings of the IEEE EnergyCon 2010. Bahrain
- Vukmirović S., Lukovic S., Erdeljan A., Kulić F. (2010) A solution for CIM based integraton of Meter Data Management in Control Center of a power system. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS''10). Taranto, Italy
- Lukovic S., Čongradac V., Kulić F. (2010) A system level model of possible integration of Building Management System in SmartGrid. Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG 2010). Rome, Italy
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I., Bondi U. (2010) Adopting system engineering methodology to Virtual Power Systems design flow. CPSWEEK/GREEMBED 2010: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Green and Smart Embedded System Technology: Infrastructures, Methods and Tools. Stockholm, Sweden
- Vukmirović S., Lukovic S., Erdeljan A., Kulić F. (2010) An enhanced workflow management for Utility Management System. Proceedings of the International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2010). Moscow, Russia
- Lukovic S., Christianos N. (2010) Enhancing Network-on-Chip Components to Support Security of Processing Elements. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS''2010) A Workshop of the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK ''10). Scottsdale, AZ, USA
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I., Mura M., Bondi U., Kulić F., Popović D. (2010) Functional model of Virtual Power Plant (VPP). Proceedings of the 2010 CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) Session. Paris, France
- Lukovic S., Christianos N. (2010) Hierarchical Multi-Agent Protection System for NoC based MPSoCs. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems (SD4RCES 2010). Vienna, Austria
- Vukmirović S., Erdeljan A., Kulić F., Lukovic S. (2010) Software architecture for Smart Metering systems with Virtual Power Plant. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON2010). La Valleta, Malta
- Lukovic S., Pezzino P., Fiorin L. (2010) Stack Protection Unit as a step towards securing MPSoCs. Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Atlanta, USA
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I., Mura M., Bondi U. (2010) Virtual Power Plant as a bridge between Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grid. Proceedings of 43th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS''43). Hawaii, USA
- Lukovic S., Kaitovic I., Mura M., Bondi U. (2009) Functional requirements of embedded systems for monitoring and control structure of Virtual Power Plants. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems. Crema, Italy
- Čongradac V., Kulić F., Lukovic S. (2009) Prediction of the type of heating with EnergyPlus program and fuzzy logic. 40th International Congress on Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning (KGH Congress). Belgrade, Serbia
- Lukovic S., Fiorin L. (2008) An Automated Design Flow for NoC-based MPSoCs on FPGA. RSP 2008, The 19th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping. Monterey, USA/CA
- Lukovic S., Puzović N., Stanisavljevic M. (2008) An Enhanced Service Provider Communication Interface with Client Priorization. proceedings of IEEE/WFMC International Conference on e-Business
- Fiorin L., Lukovic S., Palermo G. (2008) Implementation of a Reconfigurable Data Protection Module for NoC-based MPSoCs. Proceedings of the 21st IPDPS 2007 Reconfigurable Architecture Workshop (RAW), 21th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. Miami, USA/FL
- Fiorin L., Palermo G., Lukovic S., Silvano C. (2007) A Data protection Unit for NoC-based Architecture. CODES+ISSS 2007, in proceedings of the Fifth IEEE/ACM/FIP International Conference of Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2007). Salzburg, Austria